what the....................!!!!!!!
I am guessing that none of you have trained with any wing chun teachers that know their stuff!!!
And i assume that you would go up against bruce lee when he was still grounded in wing chun. He said many times that Wing chun was the basis for JKD! but yet you think that it is so bad.
I have personally been up against TKD, MT, karate etc and do not hold any of them to the same esteem of Wing Chun or tai Chi!
I think the main problem with people that like to mix the martial arts is that they do not understand the arts that they train in because they do not train in them extensively - if you only train in an art for a couple of years then how can you comment on its effectivness! especially when many take 10 years + to even begin to master!!!!!!!!!!!
In full contact eastern contests at the turn of the century arts like tai chi chuan, Hsing i and wing chun dominated, no other arts came close!! These people where masters and so were their opponents, so the Level was HIGH!!! (more so than the UFC, there were NO rules at all) these people did not need to mix their style with others because they understood their style not just the face value!!
In arts like MT, TKD etc you can get fairly imediate results but not a particularly high level of fighting ability, in WC, tai chi, and the more complex arts, it takes longer but your reach a far higher level!
The standing fist of wing chun is proven to be faster and more powerful that the classic boxing type punch, i will try to find the link, but it was a scientific experiment regarding force vectors. (bruce lees one inch punch used a standing fist and is from Wing Chun directly!)
Wing chun has a full aray of joint locking techniques, do not be fooled by the surface demonstrations that you often see where they just punch!
anyways, what i am trying to say is maybe you should look a bit deeper before your judge !!
I am guessing that none of you have trained with any wing chun teachers that know their stuff!!!
And i assume that you would go up against bruce lee when he was still grounded in wing chun. He said many times that Wing chun was the basis for JKD! but yet you think that it is so bad.
I have personally been up against TKD, MT, karate etc and do not hold any of them to the same esteem of Wing Chun or tai Chi!
I think the main problem with people that like to mix the martial arts is that they do not understand the arts that they train in because they do not train in them extensively - if you only train in an art for a couple of years then how can you comment on its effectivness! especially when many take 10 years + to even begin to master!!!!!!!!!!!
In full contact eastern contests at the turn of the century arts like tai chi chuan, Hsing i and wing chun dominated, no other arts came close!! These people where masters and so were their opponents, so the Level was HIGH!!! (more so than the UFC, there were NO rules at all) these people did not need to mix their style with others because they understood their style not just the face value!!
In arts like MT, TKD etc you can get fairly imediate results but not a particularly high level of fighting ability, in WC, tai chi, and the more complex arts, it takes longer but your reach a far higher level!
The standing fist of wing chun is proven to be faster and more powerful that the classic boxing type punch, i will try to find the link, but it was a scientific experiment regarding force vectors. (bruce lees one inch punch used a standing fist and is from Wing Chun directly!)
Wing chun has a full aray of joint locking techniques, do not be fooled by the surface demonstrations that you often see where they just punch!
anyways, what i am trying to say is maybe you should look a bit deeper before your judge !!
