Ive been involved in thaiboxing for about 15 years or more & 7 months ago i broke my right fibia & tibia 20 sec's into a fight by throwing a downward turning kick at my apponent but i caught his hip bone as he turned & my leg carried on & snapped off half way down my shin, i then stepped onto it not knowing and u can guess the rest...
anybody had this happen & how long did it take them to recover.
Thanx for replies
i just had lower screws removed to relieve pressure on ankle but titanium rod & top screws staying, hoping to start back with stretching & a little fitness this weekend.
Ive been involved in thaiboxing for about 15 years or more & 7 months ago i broke my right fibia & tibia 20 sec's into a fight by throwing a downward turning kick at my apponent but i caught his hip bone as he turned & my leg carried on & snapped off half way down my shin, i then stepped onto it not knowing and u can guess the rest...
anybody had this happen & how long did it take them to recover.
Thanx for replies
i just had lower screws removed to relieve pressure on ankle but titanium rod & top screws staying, hoping to start back with stretching & a little fitness this weekend.