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Basic workouts

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  • Basic workouts

    Ok, in adition to weight lifting, how many situps, crunches, pushups, etc, things I can do at home, should I be doing?

    When during the day (ie. after I wake up, before I go to sleep)


  • #2
    If i was in thailand maybe........
    but when i get up in the morning at 6am all i have time to think about is work...LOL

    But on a more serious note:
    dont do to much straight away when you get up as you'll need to limber up first & maybe if you got time go for a light jog, once warmed up i suppose you could do anything if you got the time, but i prefer just to do light stretching early or late in the day.
    I only heavy exercise after a good limbering up or warm up as this is when your most likely to get an injury.
    Last edited by retired; 04-12-2003, 06:46 PM.


    • #3
      One little circuit i used to do in the house was this:
      10-20 wide pressups (straight back, right down, right up)
      20-30 crunche's (lie flat then sit up bringing knees to chest then lie back down but dont let feet touch ground).
      20-50 slow free standing squats with hands behind head & good straight back posture.
      10-20 narrow pressups (elbows tucked in against body)
      20-30 crunche's as above
      20-50 squats as above with alternating front kick after each one (you start the kick on the upward movement not after you stand back up)

      continue until knackered....LOL
      Last edited by retired; 04-12-2003, 07:09 PM.


      • #4
        You could do the "lifer's workout":

        20 burpees - rest 30 seconds - 19 burpees - rest 30 seconds - 18 burpees - rest 30 get the idea...your last set is basically just one (1) burpee.


        • #5
          Try these burpee as follows:
          From standing position squat into full squat position from here, put hands on floor (knees should be touching your elbows) then keeping bum as low to floor as possible squat thrust out your legs (if your in the right position your knees will sort of stick out to the sides & your bum wont lift as you thrust your legs back - head higher than bum), from here drop down & do 1 full extension pressup (right down then back up & lock arms) then finish off the squat thrust so your knees are either side of your elbows then stand up (or finish with star-jump or tuck-jump).
          Last edited by retired; 04-14-2003, 03:43 PM.


          • #6
            Mind if I ask some questions?
            doing "elevated pushups" more effective than on the floor because I`ve been doing them my feet 1 foot off the floor and currently doing 5 sets of 15 with 20 seconds rest after each set)

            Sets are on Knuckles, diamond, Wide, inwards, Knuckles again.

            My next goal is 5x20. With the same type of pushups, just adding 5 more on the reps when I feel like I got more fit/or stronger :P

            Any suggestions ?


            • #7
              Anthing that has gravity against you is good to work your muscles.

              Try these pressup's:
              1. Go into wide pressup position then lift right leg about "1 open hand" away from floor then drop into nice deep pressup, hold this position for 10 sec's then lift back up into start position.

              2. Then swap to other leg and do same as above.

              3. Then without lifting any leg drop into another deep pressup and hold for another 10 sec's.

              This is 1 set
              Make sure when in deep position your back isn't curved or you go past the 90' position where your upper arm is parallel to floor.
              This is good for lower back & stomach.
              Last edited by retired; 04-16-2003, 03:23 PM.


              • #8
                This is my maintenance work out ( solo workout) I do this 4-days a week. See what you like and incorporate with yours. Now this workout isn’t to get into competition shape this is just maintenance for me. I also change things around a little bit every now and then so I don’t get bored.

                1) 2-3 mile jog or 20-30-min jump rope.
                2) Thai walking (with punches, knees, elbows, and kicks).


                Strength and conditioning
                I do five rounds- no rest between exercises, and no rest between rounds.
                Round 1
                1) 40 jumping jacks.
                2) 40 narrow grip push-ups.
                3) 80 crunches.
                4) 40 squat heel raises (no weights).
                5) Airplane 30 second hold (lay on stomach, chest & legs held of floor).

                Round 2
                1) 40 jumping jacks.
                2) 40 wide grip push-ups.
                3) 25 reverse sit-ups (lay on back, knees bent feet in air/parallel to floor, hands to side’s palms on floor, raise waist off of floor-knees to towards head).
                4) 40 squat heel raises (no weights).
                5) Cobra 30-sec hold (lay on stomach chest off floor, legs on floor).

                Round 3
                1) 40 jumping jacks.
                2) 40 regular push-ups.
                3) 20 hip twists (lay on back feet up towards ceiling rotate feet/legs side to side touching floor).
                4) 40 squat heel raises (no weights).
                5) 30 Push backs (lay on stomach same as cobra but touch hands together out in front then swing them to the sides then back again, sort of like breast stroke).

                Round 4
                1) 40 jumping jacks.
                2) 40 decline push-ups
                3) 30 V sit-ups.
                4) 40 squat heel raises (no weights).
                5) Inverted flutter kicks 30-sec (lay on stomach legs off floor and flutter kick).

                Round 5
                1) 40 jumping jacks.
                2) 40 incline push-ups.
                3) Flutter kicks 30-sec (lay on back hands under butt to support lower back and flutter kick).
                4) 40 squat heel raises (no weights).
                5) Airplane 30 second hold (lay on stomach chest & legs held of floor).

                This is what I do but any of these exercises can be substituted by an other.

                Then I do 20-30 minutes of shadow boxing. I work on all my techniques and combos against an imaginary opponent.

                Heavy bag for 30-min.
                I always start with shin conditioning.
                1) Right leg- 50 shin kicks as hard and as fast as I can.
                2) 30-sec slip bag (rest period).
                3) Right leg- 50 shin kicks as hard and as fast as I can.
                4) 30-sec slip bag (rest period).

                1) Left leg- 50 shin kicks as hard and as fast as I can.
                2) 30-sec slip bag (rest period).
                3) Left leg- 50 shin kicks as hard and as fast as I can.
                4) 30-sec slip bag (rest period).

                Then I do combos.
                Next 3x3 min rounds, with 2min rest in-between (hard and fast, but good technique).
                I always end with a 1-min round hitting the bag as hard and as fast as I can.

                Then I always do a post workout stretch (deep stretches).
                Last edited by darrianation; 04-17-2003, 02:06 AM.


                • #9

                  That sounds like it would take a few hours to do


                  • #10
                    It takes about 2.5 hours. You can modify so it doesn’t take so long.

                    Also if I jog I don’t do jump rope. You can shorten the calisthenics (fast circuits) or not do them especially if you lift weights. I don’t lift weights much. I would like too, but I don’t have the time.

                    I think a pretty good routine would be:
                    A good warm up- jog or jump rope.


                    Shadow box.

                    Heavy bag.

                    Stretch (always end with a stretch).

                    You can change how long you shadow box and do bag. So your workout can be as long or short as you want.

                    Also spar as much as you can, and do partner drills. I have a sparring partner but because of our work schedules we only get together every other Saturday.

                    The best time to workout for me is the mornings I have my energy then. Also a good run before eating breakfast will burn fat faster.

                    Anyway this is just a couple of examples (basic out lines) there are thousands of things you can do. Be creative use some of mine add some of someone else’s and some of your own to make your customized work out. Take care.


                    • #11
                      Another good exercise and i'll try to explain it in text as i haven't got a picture:
                      1. Lay flat on your back then bend your knees so your feet come towards your bum (but not touching) then push your feet into ground to lift hips off ground (like half bridge) & from your knees to your head should now be one straight line (you may need to push hands into floor to assist).
                      hold this position to first test your limits.
                      2. Then lower.
                      3. Then only bend 1 leg and lift up again (your straight leg should still be in line with other leg (top half) so that your body & 1 leg is nice & straight & lifted up by the 1 bent leg.
                      4. Then lower.
                      5. then as above but with other leg.

                      If the exercise is to easy then your feet are to close to your bum.

                      I hope this makes sense????

                      Boxers do a similar exercise but they use their head in stead of shoulders/hands & arch back.
                      Last edited by retired; 04-18-2003, 08:48 AM.


                      • #12
                        Here's another conditioning exercise i just remembered:
                        Both stand facing each other in fighting stance & one throws a right turning kick at your left arm (half way between elbow & shoulder), you take a slight side step to right & take some of the impact on your arm, then as his leg is going back you quickly attack him with a left switch kick & make contact with his right arm.
                        You then do the same on the other side & keep up a fast continuos pace tring to kick your opponent in the arm while he will try to lessen the impact with the side step & counter.

