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Looking into a new MA (Tukong)

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  • Looking into a new MA (Tukong)

    I come from a backround of JKD and Budo Taijutsu. Living in Austin I have a chance to train in Tukong Moosul under one of the Grand Masters of the art, Master Wonik Yi. I believe the art was created by a few MA's. From what I hear the art is now used to train the Tukong Southern Korean Special Forces who are apparently a very effective division. My goal is self-defense, and just the betterment of myself. I also fully understand that somewhere along the line I need to find true understanding and control of the adrenaline dump set onto me under high levels of violence in a real situation. I lift weights, train hard with a bag, and stay in shape all for the same goal.

    I know that many have lost their faith in traditional MA's around here as I looked the forum up and down before posting. If I join this art I will put in everything I've got into it. I know many traditional martial arts won't make you into a good fighter quickly but with time and effort, one can reach their goals.

    I just want to know if anyone has any experience with this art and whether or not they see it logically being realistically applicable or not? Or just opinions on the art. Thanks.

  • #2
    From what I've heard (NOT from actual experience), the Tukong Moosul instructors are pretty knowledgeable and practical, and the classes are of a higher standard than your average karate or TKD school. Since Tukong Moosul is rather obscure, though, it may be difficult to find actual practitioners who can give you better information. Have you actually gone and checked out the school?


    • #3
      Must say that I have never heard of it let alone tried it!

      One thing though!

      i am always suspicious about these mysterious martial arts,
      with claims like "as used by the korean army, or as used by the s.a.s or used by the vikings when they invaded the uk or as used by the mutant ninja turtles " etc!

      If a sport can hold it's own, then why do theyneed to make these statements?

      You dont see outside a boxing gym,
      come and learn the noble art of "boxing as used by tyson and rocky marsiano"

      i always think playing it simple is best!
      Try and muay thai class you cant go wrong....
      proven track record, may sound a boring answer but boring is best!

      i have tried so many mysterious types and i have always gone back to mt for a striking art!......
      No fancy grandmasters, no fancy claims, no mysterious chi, no kata's, no belts and military dicipline, no incompetant instructors,a nd down to earth people!

      A 3 minute test you can do is very simple.
      spar with the instructor!
      the only one i have regtretted was my muay thai instructor!
      (kicked my through the ropes!"
      good luck


      • #4
        I would say try it. I have met 2 Tukong Moosul (but it was spelled Tukong Musool) and they were really good martial artists. They were both Korean masters and I really can't say what their students were like but I was impressed by them. Go to the school, talk to the master, get some info and bring it back to us. I am curious to what your opinion of the school will be.


        • #5
          We have a Tukong Moosul instructor here in Northern Virginia (Alexandria) but I never visited the school. According to their website, lots of law enforcement officers train there and there was even a special news piece written on the school. I need to check the school out sometime.


          • #6
            Originally posted by KONY
            We have a Tukong Moosul instructor here in Northern Virginia (Alexandria) but I never visited the school. According to their website, lots of law enforcement officers train there and there was even a special news piece written on the school. I need to check the school out sometime.

            I think I have been to that guy. My car broke down next to his studio once. I went into his studio when I was waiting for the tow truck. He is a few miles away from Potomac Mills, right? Ther is a Popeyes and KFC on the same block.


            • #7

              Not too familiar with the area but I know its on US-1 in Alexandria.


              • #8
                Its a good style. I studied under one of Master Yi's 2nd dan black belts for a year. It is a comprehensive style, geared towards self-defense and its taught in a traditional fashion, with traditional East Asian values.

                The style is a compilation of principles that borrow from Chinese and Korean arts, strictly for self-defense using striking, grappling and kicking. I don't remember any forms practice, most of it was drilling, sparring and grappling but they also do Ip sun which is a Korean version of Taiji, for internal training and usually done on off days.

                Visit the school and see if you like it.


                • #9
                  When I was looking for a school I came across the one in Alexandria. I did a bunch of research on the Art and it does seem pretty cool, I think there are a few of these comprehensive arts, there is a Chinese one that is very similar, but none in the DC area.

                  I did have a problem with the one in Alexandria because they said they would take a picture of you to use as a before and after shot, and a couple of other odd type things.

                  good luck



                  • #10
                    Originally posted by dalessit
                    When I was looking for a school I came across the one in Alexandria. I did a bunch of research on the Art and it does seem pretty cool, I think there are a few of these comprehensive arts, there is a Chinese one that is very similar, but none in the DC area.

                    I did have a problem with the one in Alexandria because they said they would take a picture of you to use as a before and after shot, and a couple of other odd type things.

                    good luck

                    The Alexandria master is really cool and friendly. I do not know why the before and after shot though. I guess he wants to show your body type after a little while of training.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by dalessit
                      When I was looking for a school I came across the one in Alexandria. I did a bunch of research on the Art and it does seem pretty cool, I think there are a few of these comprehensive arts, there is a Chinese one that is very similar, but none in the DC area.

                      I did have a problem with the one in Alexandria because they said they would take a picture of you to use as a before and after shot, and a couple of other odd type things.

                      good luck

                      Wow, I guess he really wants to do some advertising. I've heard nothing but good things about this school and the art. If you are in the area, I think it would be worthwhile to visit.


                      • #12
                        Just wanted to clarify that I wasn't bashing the place, just the picture thing seemed kind of odd.



                        • #13
                          Originally posted by dalessit
                          Just wanted to clarify that I wasn't bashing the place, just the picture thing seemed kind of odd.


                          Don't sweat it. But as a longtime lurker on these forums, I do know why you felt the need to clarify.


                          • #14

                            Are you studying Judo and/or Combat Jiujitsu at One Spirit? If so, how long and how do you like it? My two friends are taking both of those classes there. Also, I just finished taking a Thai Boxing class at GMU co-taught by Jeff Rockwell, a BJJ instructor there.


                            • #15

                              Actually I am taking BJJ and CJJ/CKD

                              I have been taking classes at One Spirit since August 2003 and really like both classes. Judo is hard for me to get to since I live in Arlington and it starts kind of early.


