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Shuaijiao/Shuai-chiao ancient chinese/mongolian based grappling

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  • Shuaijiao/Shuai-chiao ancient chinese/mongolian based grappling

    does anyone here know much about this style of combat?
    and some people think that "kung fu" and chinese traditional arts are all based purely on striking etc, but this style is near enough all hold takedowns and grappling based with some strikes and is a traditional art. any knowledge about this style?

  • #2

    well, I know nothing about shuaijiao other than what I've read because its not a common style here in the states. Is it in the UK?

    From what I understand, its combat wrestling mixed with some kung-fu style strikes. Maybe it looks like pankration.

    Sorry, I'm of little help.

    Good luck!


    • #3
      thanks nah dont be sorry, its not a style thats practised anywhere here from what ive seen in my travels over england. even int he shaolin temple here the best source of shaolin in europe, they know next to nothing of its mastery and form, shifu yanzi knows basics and methods from many many martial arts and cultures, but he dosent know much of this i have asked him about mongolian wrestling he is vaige on its teachings.

      thanks anyway though


      • #4
        he tells me shaolin and all chinese martiala rts has simular roots and is incorperated ins haolin but i would actually like to find a place that teaches this style properly.


        • #5
          About Chinese Wrestling

          Originally posted by gong fu
          does anyone here know much about this style of combat?
          and some people think that "kung fu" and chinese traditional arts are all based purely on striking etc, but this style is near enough all hold takedowns and grappling based with some strikes and is a traditional art. any knowledge about this style?
          I got this info from Shaolin Wolf:

          Style: Shuai Jiao
          Description: This ancient style of wrestling originating from a fighting form known as Jiao Di, is said to have been developed by the Yellow Emperor Huangdi himself.

          The present name, Shuai Jiao, was established by the Goushu Institute of Nanjing in 1928 when it completed the task of standardizing the competition rules.

          These days, Shaui Jiao, or Throw Horn, is most particularly popular with Mongolians who regularly hold competitions during major cultural events.

          Despite its rustic roots, several name changes, and the development of numerous variations, Shuai Jiao is to this day considered a popular sport and a viable means of self-defense while still adhering to its roots, making it one of the oldest presently practiced forms of kung fu.
          Last edited by ddrive; 10-18-2005, 07:33 AM. Reason: typo


          • #6
            thanks ddrive


            • #7
              Martial Arts and Video Game companies.

              Originally posted by gong fu
              thanks ddrive
              You might think this is silly, but if you'd like to learn the movements of "Shuaijiao/Shuai-chiao", then I'd suggest you get in contact the development team of "Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance". In order to bring a realistic perpective for a fighting game, most companies tend to bring in a lot of "certified" martial artist from different styles to get data for movement [motion capture]. One character in that game has that style, so they probably have info that will lead you the actual ma'ist.
              Last edited by ddrive; 10-19-2005, 07:44 AM. Reason: typo


              • #8
                strange but good idea, im going to look into it around london, or just wait until i go to the east for training and learn there.

