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Is BJJ gay?

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  • Is BJJ gay?

  • #2
    Tread carefully. OmaPlata might have a shit fit.


    • #3
      very unfortunate

      This is very unfortunate. More people will probably see this and believe it, as apposed to asking people who actually do Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. In fact I had a conversation with a friend who must have seen this clip... and said she heard Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is for gay guys.

      Fact is, the founder of BJJ is pretty much a homophobic. He thinks being gay is not right or natural at all.

      Secondly, I think BJJ is the most ungay sport. Seeing as how us guys can get that close with eachother, and not be thinking anything sexual about it at all. In fact, not think anything of it at all... we're just doing BJJ.

      So perhaps the conclusion one would come to without thinking at all is that BJJ is a gay sport.


      • #4
        Off of the mats and into the streets!
        Off of the mats and into the streets!

        I have to admit, I laughed pretty hard. Every first timer I've ever rolled with has invariably commented something like "uh, wow, I didn't realize this would be so...intimate." Truth be known, it is a little odd for most people to engage in an activity where they're getting into north/south position with someone who didn't buy them dinner, and that's pretty much the first thing you have to get over. If somebody unfamiliar with BJJ wants to rib me and say it looks like I'm enjoying it a little too much, I can laugh along with them; I couldn't care less how it looks.

        Besides, that was a completely unrealistic depiction. I mean, who wears a white gi after labor day? How gauche!


        • #5
          Yes it is rather unfortunate. I often feel embarrassed when martial arts are shown or referred to by those who don't really don't know what they are talking about, but they believe that it is all "up on one leg, with your arms in the air making high pitched shreeks like we're in a Bruce Lee movie". What we need is for there to be a movie where the main character practices BJJ and kicks the asses of hundreds of "tough guys". Thats the only way to truly influence the ignorant.


          • #6
            That guy actually pissed me off. What's that actors name?


            • #7
              See I've always figured its only gay if you think about it how it seems gay while your rolling..

              that didnt really make sense...

              If your thinking about the positions.. and how it may seem a little gay, its only because you are probably gay yourself...

              Its only gay if you think its gay?.. maybe...


              • #8
                Originally posted by Freedom
                Tread carefully. OmaPlata might have a shit fit.

                Not really, it certainly looks gay, guys rolling around all sweaty with each other


                • #9
                  Awesome. The more people think that, the less likely they are to take BJJ seriously...which just makes it easier to kick their f*ing asses.


                  • #10
                    To the tune of "If you're happy and you know it" ....

                    "If you think SamuraiGuy is gay clap your hands....**clap, clap**
                    If you think SamuraiGuy is gay clap your hands...**clap, clap**
                    If you think SamuraiGuy is gay and you really want to show it, if you think SamuraiGuy is gay clap your hands..."**clap, clap**

                    Am i creative or what. Just to reiterate....I THINK SAMURAIGUY IS GAY

                    Thank you and Goodnight


                    • #11
                      Tim Mousel is gay!


                      • #12
                        T-3! You're back in action! I figured that last beating I gave you would have sent you into retirement!

                        On your return to Houston, bring it on!


                        Originally posted by T-3
                        Tim Mousel is gay!


                        • #13
                          Hey Tim Mousel,

                          You know how I know you're gay? By posting gay stuff on your own forum. You wish I was retired, freak-boy! And don't you worry, I'll "bring it" and you sure will take it!


                          • #14
                            That clip is hilarious!!!!


                            • #15
                              Hey, look, Tim's nemesis is back. I wish I had a nemesis.

