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do you have a ProShop?

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  • do you have a ProShop?

    I am trying to find out how many of you out there own or work at a martial arts school. And if you do does your school have a ProShop where students can purchase products?


  • #2
    mine does
    its hard competing with the internet so you need to organise branded products that fit in with school rules. Shirts, shorts etc in class should be uniform if you want to make it work.

    Pat Davies
    Aberdeen UK


    • #3
      Originally posted by iPat View Post
      mine does
      its hard competing with the internet so you need to organise branded products that fit in with school rules. Shirts, shorts etc in class should be uniform if you want to make it work.

      Pat Davies
      Aberdeen UK
      what is your website?


      • #4
        Pro Shop

        Pro shop or equipment sales are, or should be, an integral part of the revenue streams you run in your school. Let's face it, when you began training in the martial arts you would have bought anything to do with it, I know I did.
        The key here is to offer your students what they 'want' not just what they 'need'. And this is not a sell out! If they 'want' it they'll get it somewhere so why not from you?
        Consider affilliate programs from suppliers, only place your orders once the payments are in, don't hold huge stock, promote on a regular basis and tie products to courses and workshops you run in your school. Consider the 'culture' you operate in your school and don't accept students using products you haven't approved for use in your school (try turning up to a fancy restaurant and asking if it's OK to sit at a table and eat the hot dog you bought down the road!) You'll see profits soar and have really happy students because they can get their gear from their teacher: you!
        There's a lot more to this but that's a brief synopsis. By the way, in terms of revenue streams you operate in your school, you have 7 or 8 that can be ethically maximised to give you a reasonable living and deliver a solid, valuable service to your students.

        Best regards
        Bytomic Coaching


        • #5
          establish your business and you can get whole sale accounts with different retalers like century martial arts, karate depot and combat sports. retaliing products can double you earnings. So people go as far as starting up a protein and vitamin store. But adding product to your program can be a good source of income. I do that through my school, but I also try and look for sales so I can give my fighters good deals.


          • #6
            Do you mean ProShop as in the online shopping cart?
            If it's for you own school students then you don't really need an online shopping cart.
            If you are planning to sell beyond locally, then you are going to face a pretty steep competition on the net.


            • #7
              Outside of the US, it's sometimes not viable to get the 'brands' shipped in, so we've had to get our t-shirts/gi's/patches made & printed locally. It also makes it more affordable for our students once you've gone through the painful cycle of getting the product right.


              • #8
                sorry i have not.


                • #9
                  Consider the 'culture' you function in your school and don't accept scholars utilising goods you haven't accepted for use in your school (try rotating up to a adorned bistro and inquiring if it's OK to sit at a table and consume the warm dog you acquired down the road!) You'll glimpse earnings soar and have actually joyous scholars because they can get their equipment from their teach

