I am a karate student by interest and a webmaster by profession.
In the past, I have been approached by several martial arts schools to develop a website.
I thought I may be able to contribute a short article to explain how you can get a website if you are new to the idea.
I will keep it short here, and if you have questions you can ask.
How to get a website for your business.
1. Domain Name:
You need to get a domain name for you website.
A domain name is like defend.net
You can purchase it online with credit card.
Price: $10/year.
2. Hosting:
You are probably paying rent for the space where you have your school (or business). In the same way, you need to pay rent to house your website on the internet. The company that provides you that space is called a Hosting Company or simply Host.
Price: approximately $120/year.
3. Web Designer:
This is an individual or a firm that creates websites.
You can find plenty on the net.
Here are a couple of suggestions on finding the right web designer.
1. Shop around. Don't go with the first one you speak with.
2. Ask for examples of their work.
3. Visualize what you want on your site (in as much detail as you can << very important).
4. Tell several web designers what you want on your site and ask them for 2 things in particular - price and timeframe.
5. Wait for replies from all the web designers you contacted.
Based on the replies you receive you will get an idea on what's out there.
NOTE: The lowest price ones might not always be the best solution.
4. Marketing:
This is the most important part of your website success but probably the most ignored.
80 % of your online success depends on marketing.
It is probably the most expensive if done right.
Marketing techniques:
a. PPC (Paying search engines to rank high)
b. SEO (Fixing your site to rank high, without paying search engines)
d. Business Cards
e. Writing articles about martial arts in your local newspapers.
f. Putting free ads up where ever you legally can.
g. and many more..
Now all this is very basic info.
I am open to answering any questions you may have.
I am a karate student by interest and a webmaster by profession.
In the past, I have been approached by several martial arts schools to develop a website.
I thought I may be able to contribute a short article to explain how you can get a website if you are new to the idea.
I will keep it short here, and if you have questions you can ask.
How to get a website for your business.
1. Domain Name:
You need to get a domain name for you website.
A domain name is like defend.net
You can purchase it online with credit card.
Price: $10/year.
2. Hosting:
You are probably paying rent for the space where you have your school (or business). In the same way, you need to pay rent to house your website on the internet. The company that provides you that space is called a Hosting Company or simply Host.
Price: approximately $120/year.
3. Web Designer:
This is an individual or a firm that creates websites.
You can find plenty on the net.
Here are a couple of suggestions on finding the right web designer.
1. Shop around. Don't go with the first one you speak with.
2. Ask for examples of their work.
3. Visualize what you want on your site (in as much detail as you can << very important).
4. Tell several web designers what you want on your site and ask them for 2 things in particular - price and timeframe.
5. Wait for replies from all the web designers you contacted.
Based on the replies you receive you will get an idea on what's out there.
NOTE: The lowest price ones might not always be the best solution.
4. Marketing:
This is the most important part of your website success but probably the most ignored.
80 % of your online success depends on marketing.
It is probably the most expensive if done right.
Marketing techniques:
a. PPC (Paying search engines to rank high)
b. SEO (Fixing your site to rank high, without paying search engines)
d. Business Cards
e. Writing articles about martial arts in your local newspapers.
f. Putting free ads up where ever you legally can.
g. and many more..
Now all this is very basic info.
I am open to answering any questions you may have.