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Web Site Recognition

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  • Web Site Recognition

    Is anyone interested in trading links? I link your site to mine, you link my site to yours. Not being in close proximity to eachother is fine, it may not generate customers, but it will help to boost our ratings on Google search. P.M. me and we can trade links.

    Kempo Defense Systems

    Some of my links are zebramats, Century Martial Arts,, Martial Talk, Skinny water, Combat Directory, Complete Martial Arts. I've tracked these hot links and I get about 150 hits a day from them. About 75% of my traffic.

  • #2
    Nice Offer

    I would but it's too much of a headache tracking down my lan administrator and then paying him. I'll keep it in mind next time I have some work done to my site.


    • #3
      Link trading is really going to the way-side. I suggest moving towards social media marketing. I have a free e-book on it. You can get it at how to get top search engine position free report

      Hope this helps...


      • #4
        I've used a service called webceo for a whole range of businesses and they do a fantastic job of helping with your rankings.

        I just checked, and their url is:

        It's pretty darn user friendly, and the results have been good. You only need minimal html skills. Good luck!

        Their free service is all I've ever used, by the way. I have a friend who did their $200 version, and it was mostly aimed at people who do SEO work for other people's sites, and you won't need it if that's not your business.

        Oh, the only downside: PC only right now. I had to do it at home, since my office runs on a Mac!


        • #5
          Originally posted by budogeek View Post
          I've used a service called webceo for a whole range of businesses and they do a fantastic job of helping with your rankings.

          I just checked, and their url is:

          It's pretty darn user friendly, and the results have been good. You only need minimal html skills. Good luck!

          Their free service is all I've ever used, by the way. I have a friend who did their $200 version, and it was mostly aimed at people who do SEO work for other people's sites, and you won't need it if that's not your business.

          Oh, the only downside: PC only right now. I had to do it at home, since my office runs on a Mac!
          I used them, I not sure the results were all that great. how many good links did you receive.. and did it help you PR or traffic?


          • #6
            in know this site you can post and promote your gym and site you can also do that on my forum site at wrkf • View topic - Other Forums that current list of forums is in my 1st book, but a updated list will go into my third book. And I only promote sites that allow me to promote on there site. And thats fair. If a webmaster allows me to do my little promotion, you return the favor.

