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Beat me up!

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  • Beat me up!

    I just had a fun idea, and was hoping to get some insight from you good people.

    Well, I’m leaving the Marine Corps after 7 years next month- getting out and going to college. I’ve studied a few arts along the way- namely, western boxing, Marine Corps Martial Arts (mostly Judo), BJJ, and now JKD. I’m no professional- but please take my word for it, I can hold my own.

    I also love to teach, and I’m good at it. Being a 26 y/o college sophomore, I’m looking for new ways to supplement my income, and I’ve thought about teaching women’s self defense or kiddie classes.. you know the kind. Small classes, nothing fancy.

    That is, until I remembered having previously trained with the Red Man Instructor's Suit during my military training. Suddenly my mind is racing with hundreds of new training techniques- all oriented around real world application, and this little idea turned into a real option.

    For those that don’t know- a Red Man suit is a padded armor suit, in which the trainee gets to beat up the dummy. (See the link above)

    For my hypothetical class, however, I’d be the dummy. Basically, I’d get beat up for a living. But, beat up in such a way that it’s extremely beneficial to the student depending on my level of resistance. I think it would also provide a very good stress therapy for people looking to unwind (safely, of course), and an excellent tool for those to confront natural fears of a real-life assailant.

    My questions are as follows:
    1. Does anyone think this kind of gimmick would work from a business stand point? (I should have mentioned- I’m a business administration/mechanical engineering student). Obviously the cost of the suit would need to factor into the equation. I’ve done the math- but looking for 2nd opinions on practicality.

    2. What requirements can I look into as far as legalities? Do I need to actually start a business, or are there other options for a 1-man-show? What instructor certificates would I need (for legality, not marketing). What kind of safety certificates?

    3. What kind of insurance options am I looking at? I’d need to cover myself, of course- and probably my students. Are there any other insurance/tax benefits that would be advantageous to incorporate (as in question 1) for a 1-employee company?

    Sometimes my head gets in the clouds and I become somewhat of an impractical idealist.
    Thanks in advance for any/all comments or criticism- positive or negative.


  • #2

    Forgot to mention- this will be in Orange County, CA.

    Also forgot to mention- the suit is the 3rd down on the link. The first two are for balistic munitions training.



    • #3
      Interesting idea. I've had a fair amount of training myself, but have never had a chance to to the Redman Thing.

      I think the million dollar question is about the liability. Good luck!!


      • #4
        There are a number of "padded assailant" courses offered through several different places. Try a google search for "bullet man", FAST DEFENSE or RMCAT


        • #5
          Everyone I know who is a bullet man has a side gig for their bread and butter. I don't know how well it pays. The people I know who have done it have taken actual training through an established SD class, and it does get expensive. I think insurance is even more expensive, though.


          • #6
            I have trained with Bill Kipp and Peyton Quinn in the Bullet man suit. I have used it as the human punching/hitting/biting/ you name it dummy for the Sheriff's department, in my private and professional group, and at a few SD seminars. Not something I have made a lot of money doing.


            • #7
              Originally posted by darrianation
              I have trained with Bill Kipp and Peyton Quinn in the Bullet man suit. I have used it as the human punching/hitting/biting/ you name it dummy for the Sheriff's department, in my private and professional group, and at a few SD seminars. Not something I have made a lot of money doing.
              Name dropper! LOL

              I only alluded to those two particular individuals

              They are pioneers in so called adrenal stress training...


              • #8
                The best piece of advice I can give is learn how to market and learn how to sell. I've known genius trainers and teachers that scrape by from month to month and at the same time I've known people who have a $50 dollar Personal Training Cert or who have about 6 months of experience in martial arts that make over $100,000 a year... not because they're good at what they do, but because they are excellent salesmen.

                I recommend a book called "The art of selling" by Anthony Robbins.


                • #9

                  this type of training seems better suited to the corporate security companies. they contract individuals to train thier "response units".

                  there are some big fish in this pond.

                  tonyblauer (blauersystems)
                  davidwebb (kibuninc)
                  alonstivi (direct measures international)

                  to name a few.

                  that said, there are a couple of issues to address. one: what will you actually teach? are you actually qualified? holding ones own is not necessarily a qualification in this regard. two: do you know how to run a business? have you ever run a business? even a freelance one?

                  these are things you really need to know. liability? anyone can learn that part. paperwork? get quicken. the point is, if you have no idea how a program like this will be recieved, you don't know enough about the business to go foreward.

                  do not misunderstand, this is not an effort to dissuade you. in fact it is an intriguing idea. learn the business first. any program you undertake will be better recieved. also, train more. if you want to teach... KNOW what you are doing, in every sense.

                  good luck to you.


