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Free trial visits

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  • Free trial visits

    I've been having good success offering free trial visits. I usually teach one or two classes for free then I convert a prospect into a student or they get lost. Last friday I gave a trial visit to a kempo man who wanted cross training in grappling. I gave a free 90 minute overview of the JJJ system. I thought I was giving up too much info, too soon, but low and behold he called me back and now is a paying student.

    Moral of the story--trial visits are a gamble but not too risky.

  • #2
    To be honest I almost expect a free "trial" visit...

    It's a great way to get a taste of what to expect. It gives prospective students a chance to meet other students and the instructor(s). It's a good way for the instructors to get a feel for the needs or expectations of the prospective student too. Also lets you weed out the egos or head hunters...

    It's a legitimate sales technique too.

    Hey sailor, free sample? You just know they'll want more once they get their feet wet...


    • #3
      Yeah I honestly pretty much expect one most of the time, especially if its a big establishment. I need to feel things out before I dive in, like most people. Everything Tant said is right on the money in my view, its good all-around.


      • #4
        what I do is 4 day training gift certificate.
        I also get my students involved every now and then to give out certificates and when they bring in a certain amount of students, then they get prizes, usually sparring gear. Alot of my guys don't have sparring gear, so that helps them out quite a bit.


        • #5


          • #6
            Nice website. The link should def be part of your sig. As for free samples; at my school, it's not unusual to allow newcomers to go through a regular class as a guest. Our rows are set up by rank so if you're a beginner you take a position somewhere in the back rows and if you're advanced (from another school) you go to the front rows. We just make room for you. The instructor's time investment is usually limited to answering a few questions before class, introducing the guest to the rest of the class by name and a brief chat after class. "Nice & Friendly" usually converts the prospect into a paying student.


            • #7
              Originally posted by osopardo View Post
              Nice website. The link should def be part of your sig.
              I thought about that but then I found out that it sends all my threads and thread replies to google. LOL. Some of these writings I don't really want to be available through google. LOL. Did you know that?


              • #8
                i never did like the free class, because i really am only interested in the students who are already interested in training. i did not like to feel like i have to "entertain" the student to make him interested. i do it, because its like the puppy dog sale in a pet store, you know they always say, wanna hold him? thats how you buy.

                but for my teaching philosophy i have mixed feelings. our training is different almost every class, but most of the time, in the first few months of training we do more exercise than technique, and then after about 4 months it goes the other way around. they cannot learn what we are about in one day. its best the students tries it for one month, then decides after 8-10 classes, what is going to be like.

                but, this is business, so i usually end up doing "the free class".

