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  • Waivers? today's world of law suits and liability, you gotta do it. I am starting up a training group which will meet at my house and possibly at a rented studio location in the near future. I don't want myself, my landlord, or anyone else in danger of being sued if someone gets hurt. Does anyone have any suggestions on what exactly must be stated. Free advice from lawyers would be nice. Any insights would be appreciated. Maybe we could work together to develop a generic model that teachers could download and have their students sign.

    Last edited by yosefalan; 04-03-2007, 02:32 AM. Reason: to express myself more thoroughly

  • #2
    See my reply in the other Business forum!


    • #3
      for a example waiver


      • #4
        I just signed one that is the longest one I've ever gotten and here's what it said:

        "I wish to participate in training. I certify that I am eighteen years old or older, or that my legal guardian has signed below to allow me to attend. I understand that this training is inherently dangerous and I knowingly and willingly assume all risk of injury or other damage associated with such training. I release all instructors, students, and other parties from any claim of any and all liability that may result from any injury received, and I hereby waive all claims that I or anyone else on my behalf, may make with respect to such injury or damages. I agree for myself and my successors that the above representations are contractually binding, and not mere recitals, and that should I or my successors assert any claim in contravention to this agreement, I or my successors shall be liable for the expenses including, but not limited to, legal fees, incurred by the other party or parties in defending unless the other party or parties are adjudged finally liable on such claim for willful and wanton negligence. This agreement shall not be construed as a modification of any other provision, or as a consent to any subsequent waiver or modification."


        • #5
          My opinion

          Yeah it's scary, I've started using waivers myself. Mine is about 1 1/2 page long and is very detailed. But keep in mind waivers themselves may NOT keep you from getting sued. It's only the first step of defense.

          I'm trying to get my instructors onboard when it comes to safety procedures. Many of them are still MMA fanatics but forget about safety procedures and safety rules (such as wearing protective gear) when sparring. This is easier said then done.


          • #6
            just gotta keep pushing the saftey issue with the coaches. For my MMA guys I just teach the stand up, mitts and bag work. So there maybe times were it's more of a traditional martial arts work out, but most of the time it's one on one mitt work and we usually use iether 12 oz or 16 oz gloves, unless were doing intervals, then we drop down to 8 oz gloves. Then for sparring we go back and forth between boxing rounds and kickboxing round and when we do that type of sparring we use 16 oz gloves for my heavy weights and any sparring , we use boxing head gear. For kickboxing sparring we also use boxing head gear and shin and instep pads. Everyone at the gym is there to help each other out and better there style, so one thing we don't want is someone getting injured.

