i'm workong on adding some testimonial on what boxing and kick-boxing has done for you, or what you have seen done for otheres. I was going to added that in my business section in my first book. If you would like to do a testimonia, go ahead and send me one and then let me know what you want down as a name and info.
but, with that at the end of the testimonial you can add you name, or just a nick and i'll post your club info, wether you a coach, boxer, student, or what ever.
I’ve studied kickboxing sense 1985 and boxing sense 2001. Both sports are a great way to get physically fit as well as being a good way to develop self confidence and leadership. I have developed a very well intense training program for both boxing and kickboxing with different testing levels. But, I teach in a way to help develop the professionalism for students to be able to effectively teach a class some day.
What KickBoxing has given me. It has given me the knowledge to know how to keep in shape. Has given me the confidence of running my own businesses as well as being on different boards, such as the Cities Planning Commission, running for City Council and the Legislature, as well as serving on a board for the Boys and Girls Club of Box Butte County. I also developed a descant business with the expansion of a KickBoxing Federation in which our primary competition is continuous point sparring, but we also have other parts of the business. We have a publishing company to help other coaches get there work published and we also have a product section. And I also wrote several martial arts books.
I’ve had many business successes with martial arts as a business and sports. With myself and students winning Kick-boxing championships, karate and tae kwon do championships and boxing championships. But I have had other , very important successes. I look at part of a successful program when my students volunteer to be a teachers aid or gets on the honor role or when other kids are doing wrong and breaking they law and my students set the good example and are able to persuade there peers to do what’s right.
Scott Bolinger
Author or WarriorRage KickBoxing
but, with that at the end of the testimonial you can add you name, or just a nick and i'll post your club info, wether you a coach, boxer, student, or what ever.
I’ve studied kickboxing sense 1985 and boxing sense 2001. Both sports are a great way to get physically fit as well as being a good way to develop self confidence and leadership. I have developed a very well intense training program for both boxing and kickboxing with different testing levels. But, I teach in a way to help develop the professionalism for students to be able to effectively teach a class some day.
What KickBoxing has given me. It has given me the knowledge to know how to keep in shape. Has given me the confidence of running my own businesses as well as being on different boards, such as the Cities Planning Commission, running for City Council and the Legislature, as well as serving on a board for the Boys and Girls Club of Box Butte County. I also developed a descant business with the expansion of a KickBoxing Federation in which our primary competition is continuous point sparring, but we also have other parts of the business. We have a publishing company to help other coaches get there work published and we also have a product section. And I also wrote several martial arts books.
I’ve had many business successes with martial arts as a business and sports. With myself and students winning Kick-boxing championships, karate and tae kwon do championships and boxing championships. But I have had other , very important successes. I look at part of a successful program when my students volunteer to be a teachers aid or gets on the honor role or when other kids are doing wrong and breaking they law and my students set the good example and are able to persuade there peers to do what’s right.
Scott Bolinger
Author or WarriorRage KickBoxing