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how to shadow boxing?

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  • how to shadow boxing?

    any details about shadow boxing?

    or is it just you in front of a mirror throwing punches...?

    something to keep in mind? besides not hitting the mirror...

  • #2
    Very simple. Buy Bas Rutten's MMA Workout. Watch video. Work out with tapes. Lather, rinse, repeat.


    • #3
      Re: how to shadow boxing?

      Originally posted by Panagiotis97
      any details about shadow boxing?

      or is it just you in front of a mirror throwing punches...?

      something to keep in mind? besides not hitting the mirror...
      If you're just working on technique, then you can stand stationary in front of the mirror.

      Otherwise, you move as if you were fighting. You slip counterpunch. throw combinations, time it as if someone is hitting you while you are hitting them (which tends to happen in real sparring). throw combos and move, slip, counterpunch and throw again.

      Get into a boxing gym.


      • #4
        Don't stand

        Don't stand so

        Don't stand so close to the mirror.......


        • #5
          shadow boxing.

          First thing: in the beginning make sure that your getting your body coordination (form/structure) to maximize your power, when throwing a cross,using the rear hand make sure your pushing off the rear foot and its in contact with the ground, when throwing hooks, be stepping in to the hook and have the hand on the side your moving to UP. you should be trying to hit your reflection, while at the same time, making sure, using movement that your not able to hit the target, OK that workout wore me out.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Ha_ari
            Very simple. Buy Bas Rutten's MMA Workout. Watch video. Work out with tapes. Lather, rinse, repeat.
            must watch Bas Ruttens UFC highlights, that guys a fukin pitbull


            • #7
              buy yeah, the other day i had a small private lesson thing, and my coach taught me a really good method. get into your stance, then point to your ouwn chin in the mirror, and palce a sticky note where your chins reflection is. use this as your center point to duck under and move over w/ your punches. i found it to be the cheapest and most effective way to better your stance and movement. and when you get better at that, have your coach throw shadow punches to your head, and practise moving around them.


              • #8
                This is what I did for years growing up. I would shadow box while watching a boxing bout on TV.


                • #9
                  Select the boxer facing you (on TV) and box. It will help with spontanious moments.


                  • #10
                    Shadow Boxing

                    Shadow boxing can be an excellent training tool if done well. Start slow and work on having good technique or form and then slowly increase the speed of your punches. You shouldn't really be throwing with full power, but full speed. Work on putting your combinations together and your footwork. Never throw less than a 3 punch combination. You should really concentrate and try to visualize yourself in a bout. This can be an intense and beneficial training opportunity. Try about 3-4 rounds before hitting the mitts, heavy bag, or sparring. Also you may want to consider a maize ball to work on slipping, ducking, bobbing and weaving...Mike Tyson trained like this early in his career, when he was considered to have almost super-human defensive head movement.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by SOUTHPAW
                      Also you may want to consider a maize ball to work on slipping, ducking, bobbing and weaving...Mike Tyson trained like this early in his career, when he was considered to have almost super-human defensive head movement.
                      what is a maize ball, and where can you get them?


                      • #12
                        corn ball?


                        • #13
                          tyson used a tennis ball I believe.
                          as for shadow boxing, I prefer to use a mirror.


                          • #14
                            Maize Ball

                            Originally posted by fool with fist
                            what is a maize ball, and where can you get them?
                            A maize ball, or slip ball, is a small bag filled sand that is used to practice slipping punches. It is about the size of a softball, and you hang it from a thin rope or string at head level. Swing it back and forth, and stand in front of it while it swings at your head. Then practice slipping, as if it were an incoming punch. You could also throw counter punches after slipping, not at the ball, just the air..shadow boxing style. It is called a maize ball, I believe, because some Mexican fighters used to fill them with dried corn. You can make one out of an old gym sock and some sand. Give it a try...I think you will see some improvements.


                            • #15
                              How to shadow box

                              Great question.Before I actually learned how to shadow box myself, I wondered this for years, and was too embarassed to ask anyone!

                              There have already been several excellent answers given already. Watching an actual fight on TV and video is a great method. For the 1st Round, try to imitate one of the fighters taking on the role of the attacker. Every time He throws a jab, you throw a jab, when he ducks, you duck...etc. The next round, Concentrate on how you would Defend yourself against his attack.

                              The problem with beginning shadowboxers is anxiety over performing movement that is "authentic" you feel as though you're somehow doing it "wrong" and that you're open no matter what you do. The reason why watching the videos are so important is that you get a chance to imitate a MODEL once you KNOW how you are "supposed " to look, then you'll have a lot easier time.

                              Another thing I recommend is focus mitt training and bag training. You need to get some type of "kenetic feel" of what it's like to hit something. You need to get a sense of rhythm and timing. The experience will stay with you once you're throwing punches at the air, or mirror.

                              Have a "goal" for your shadow boxing sessions, One round you'll work on the jab cross, the next you'll add a hook, the next you'll add bobbing and weaving etc. Dont try to combine everything all at once or you'll feel overwhelmed. Break things up into little "bite size" segments, Your own body will "tell you" when it's time to move one.

                              Last but not least, Go to a Boxing and /or Kickboxing gym and WATCH how fighters work out. You'll notice that even though people have their individual styles, there will be some things as far as combinations and movement that they have in common. Once you have all your info go out and imitate it!
                              That's my two cents.

