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Starting off

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  • Starting off

    Hi i am 16 years old, from Ontario Ca.

    I plan to start boxing as a hobby, i just plan to do it from my home, i plan on purchasing a inexpensive freestanding boxing bag, is this is bad or good idea. I only weigh 110 pounds and i am skinney, i just plan to box for fun as a hobby, nothing serious. I want to learn the proper way to punch th punching bag, i was wondering if someone could explain it to me or give me a link, also it would be great if anyone had any tips for me before i start or before i buy my freestanding boxing bag.

    Thank you veyr much.

  • #2
    I wouldn't buy a freestanding one. They are ok but in my opinion the hanging bags are alot better. I just sold my freestanding bag because I didn't use it. Its just not the same feel as a hanging bag.


    • #3
      Well i'm BRAND NEW TO THIS SPORT and i think im going to go with teh freestanding bag, because my ceiling won't support a hanging bag.

      I still need tips, i don't even know how to throw a punch correctly, and the right way to punch the punching bag, tihnk you could help me out?


      • #4
        There are alot of different types of punches I am not familiar with them all ask one you are specifically interested in and I will see if I can help you.


        • #5

          The basic punches are as follows: Jab, Right Cross, Left Hook, Right & Left Uppercut.

          Stance: Assuming that you are right handed, you should have your left foot forward. You don't wanna be totally sideways, but want to be about 65% sideways (if you look forward you should not see your opponent) and 35% "horse" stance (if you look forward you are looking directly at your opponent). Those percentages are fairly individual, but it should be between 50-90 sideways. Be on the balls of your feet, and get comfortable.

          Rhythm: Long rhythm = tall, long limbed fighters. It's a gentle back and forth rocking, weight shifts between front and back foot. Short rhythm = faster paced side to side head movement of shorter fighters.

          And finally the punches like you asked (you gotta be in the right stance first though, and between throwing punches you wanna keep moving, a la, rhythm)

          Jab: The most important punch in boxing. Essentially you just fire your left hand from your shoulder to the other guys face. You can turn your hips clockwise a bit to add some oomph to the punch.

          Right Cross: This punch has some power. You'll get the feel for it after a bit. I hope you know what your muscles specific job is cause I'm gonna sorta explain it in those terms. First you simultaneous wanna "use" your quad and calf while "putting out a cigarette". This is all right leg. Then you snap at the torso, counter-clickwise, then blast the fist from the shoulder.

          Left hook: This time you put out a cigarette with your left foot, and snap clockwise at the torso. Make your left arm like a 90 degree angle or so.

          Uppercuts: Dip down and drive up with your legs.

          There are some other punches, sorta. If you got any questions post em. If anyone has any comments or corrections post em'. I've been wrong before


          • #6
            Wow, amazing thank you very much. That will help me a lot. What do you think of a freestanding punching bag, remember i am just doing this as a hobby, i will never be actually fighting an opponent in a ring.

            Also Do i need boxing gloves to punch the punching bag? or cna i just use my fists.

            Also if you have any tips before i start or buy anything please tell me.

            Thank you


            • #7
              use gloves and wrap your hands. Your new so your hands are soft so if you try without gloves and wraps your gonna tear up your hand really bad and probably even mess up your wrist as you don't know yet how to throw the punches. Buy the cheap mexican style wraps as they are tough and easy because they wrap up real easy and some have either velcro or some kind of device to stay on. Don't buy the cheap toy gloves you see at swapmeets ot what not. Get a good pair like everlast. The size and weight of the glove can be whatever suits you. I would also check out some books at the library on boxing. That way you have at least some visuals on how to throw them. The trick is not to hurt yourself so early so you don't end up quitting. Second the problem with some stand up bag is that they base sometimes is too wide to allow you to get comfortable close to the bag to hit it and will leave you reaching. Try to find one that goes around this problem.


              • #8
                Wow, thank you again, everyone is being very helpful, i'm going right now to check out google, to make sure i learn how to throw a punch before i start, as well, i'm not comfertable with gloves, but wraps sounds like a good idea.

                Thank you

                If anyone has any tips just say them, anything at this stage is helpful to me, everyone who has helped me so far thank you.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Jordan
                  Wow, thank you again, everyone is being very helpful, i'm going right now to check out google, to make sure i learn how to throw a punch before i start, as well, i'm not comfertable with gloves, but wraps sounds like a good idea.

                  Thank you

                  If anyone has any tips just say them, anything at this stage is helpful to me, everyone who has helped me so far thank you.

                  the best tip I can give you is to go to a legit boxing school.There are so many details and things that you need to know that training on your own wont help you with.In fact I think you would more than likely be doing things wrong without instruction and end up with bad habits that could cost you in a fight.


                  • #10
                    I don't plan on fighting.
                    I just want to do it as a hobby in my house and stregthen my arms as well as get fit.


                    • #11
                      boxing is more than a home exercise. If you just want to work out I suggest tae bo. lol Boxing is self defense as well and a good coach will get you on the right track. even if it is just for a week I would suggest it as well. someday you may need it. Not to fight in the ring but to save your ass and punching a bag all day will not get that for you.


                      • #12
                        i took boxing for a while
                        it is probably best to get some instruction so you can get proper form so as to avoid injury
                        it is a good supplement to any style. It will teach you how to better let your strikes flow nicely and with power. teaches you how to keep your hands up too


                        • #13
                          One week with a good instructor will be enough to make you realize just how much there is to it and what it involves.


                          • #14
                            Ok, some good ideas. I am actually practicing boxing as a hobby, as well as a way to defend myself. So you say i should get an instructor just for one week so i can learn the right form etc... to avoid injury and i can take it from there. I never plan to go in the ring... like i said just a hobby and i guess self defense, but learning properly does make sense... any suggestions where to go and find someone who will teach me the basics for one week only?


                            • #15
                              im not sure but i'm guessing that your from ontario, california and not canada. here is a site with a few gyms you should check out in ontario.
                              gym locations
                              by the way ontario mills rocks.

