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Which MA's best compliment Western Boxing?

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  • #31
    I have spent over 18 years now in the boxing field and if I had to do it all over again I wish it had been in a Grappling style of some kind. It seems the only way to beat a good grappler is to be a better grappler.

    Grappling is KING!

    I have seen a number of kickboxers come into boxing gyms that I have either coached in or trained and to this day have never seen one come in that could hold their own boxing with a true boxer. But then again things might be different if that boxer had to throw kicks.


    • #32
      If it's for the street, wrestling is the best compliment.

      A guy who can slug and has great footwork, who can avoid tackles/takedowns and can also slam you on your head is one scary mofo.

      Plus wrestlers and boxers are the toughest athletes no question. I cry when I do those classes.


      • #33
        Originally posted by TerryV
        I have spent over 18 years now in the boxing field and if I had to do it all over again I wish it had been in a Grappling style of some kind. It seems the only way to beat a good grappler is to be a better grappler.

        Grappling is KING!

        I have seen a number of kickboxers come into boxing gyms that I have either coached in or trained and to this day have never seen one come in that could hold their own boxing with a true boxer. But then again things might be different if that boxer had to throw kicks.
        i agree with you that grappling is awesome but in a streetfight i would want to stay off the ground at all costs especially when one or more of his buddies come over and boot f@#k your head into the concrete. most fights occur outside bars or in them (booze always seems to be involved) and usually theres a crowd around to watch . grappling is king in the ring but definitely not on the street.


        • #34
          Use your strength's...

          try and pick an attacking form of Kung Fu that will show you some tactic's to wipe them out quickly whilst picking an exit.

          You've got power...use what you already have to overwhelm them, by using it from a different perpective.

          (by the way...what did you pick to complement your boxing?!)


          • #35
            boxing has been added to most stand up arts and is pretty awsome by itself. i would say judo, with judo and boxing you have to pretty tough arts.


            • #36
              All of the arts mentioned will compliment boxing.....and none of them will too.


              • #37
                Wing Chun?


                • #38
                  I suppose an old poll better than starting a new thread? I voted for Judo. "OTHER" seems to fit...


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Ikken Hisatsu View Post
                    "If a person decides to train in thai boxing, he doesn't have to punch the way thai boxers punch. He can incorporate what he's/she's learned from boxing, and focus on the various kicking techniques/tactics."

                    you missed the point. the way you move in thai boxing dictates the way you punch. it is PHYSICALLY IMPOSSIBLE to punch in the same way as a boxer when you throw leg kicks into the mix. sure he doesn't have to punch the same way but all the training he does IS going to conflict. he won't be able to spar using boxing punches against other thai fighters unless he wants a permanent limp. now, for self defense, this is much less of an issue. how often do you see someone try and kick another persons legs out in a streetfight?

                    as for the boxing+wing chun, sure it might help a SMALL amount (if you find a good teacher). but boxing with a grappling art will make you a much more rounded fighter.
                    being a boxer and having been dabbling in the muay thai for a bit (im not going to say im anything above beginner in muay thai im perfecting my basics still) but I am a boxer, and thai boxers punches (for the most part) dont seem to use correct punching mechanics for the most part. I dont see why you cant punch american style and use thai leg kicks and knees and elbows in the clinch? american punches can be thrown in the clinch as well. I think maybe people are getting the idea that all american boxers such as mayweather and Roy jones jr, put all their weight on their front foot which honestly isnt the best technique in the world unless you are fast enough to pull it off (which those guys are) other wise most people that use american boxing keep their weight evenly distributed, or put more weight on their rear foot either sixy fourty split or seventy thirty split for weight percentage. and as I understand it muay thai stance most weight is on your back foot anyways right? so I dont see why you couldnt just use american boxing if you are still using the correct muay thai stance and I think it would help alot of thai fighters out if they learned american punching anyways Ive noticed alot of slap punches and arm punches from the people ive worked muay thai with.

                    as far as my opinion as to which styles would work the best with boxing and being a boxer.... I think brazilian ju jitsu and muay thai... but I also think american wrestling would be awesome just look at rampage jackson basically a wrestler that has learned some american boxing to help out his stand up game. I am hoping to do some mma fights when I get home from Iraq and I am going to be working alot on my muay thai to add to my boxing and jitsu when I get back home (I also wrestled in highschool) Also I really dont advocate for anyone using kung fu, aikido, or twin butterfly knives in a street fight. throwing someone whether judo, aikido, or wrestling in a street situation could possibly kill someone (if on a concrete situation) and no matter how much you want to win a fight you dont want to go to prison for manslaughter or murder keep that in mind folks. (I had a scare before I left for Iraq at a party where I threw someone that tried to punch me at a party and he was unconscious for a bit scared the shit out of me! never again)


                    • #40
                      What are "American punches"???

                      Most western MT clubs teach boxing as part of the syllabus anyway.

                      A good MT stance would be 50/50 weight distribution between both feet. IMO 30/70 (front/back or either) is no good as there is too much risk of unbalancing.

                      What is "American wrestling"???


                      • #41
                        alright first, I meant regular boxing when I said american style boxing (as opposed to muay thai or thai boxing) american wrestling I meant collegiant or freestyle wrestling. As to the being off balance how would you be off balance? im not talking about moving your weight side to side I was talking front and back which really has nothing to do with "balance" it has to do with body positioning where your head is, how your using your reach how you are shifting your weight when you are throwing your punches.... because a muay thai school offers "boxing" doesnt mean they are boxers granted there are probably alot of people that might do boxing and muay thai but from the people ive worked muay thai with the punches that I saw were alot of slap and arm. I would say a good example are the chute boxe fighters, great muay thai, are they great boxers? not really most of them keep their heads up in the air and wandy is the best example of having bad punching technique.... granted he has great ko power but he isnt technically sound with his hands


                        • #42
                          I think judo. Because you have the boxing skills you need to have groundwork in case you get taken down or dropped.

                          mma fanatic
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