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double ended bag

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  • double ended bag

    Just installed my new double ended bag and would like some training ideas? So far I have been jabbing then weaving as quickly as possible on the rebound. Thanks in advance.

  • #2
    Double End Bag tips

    Here is a good Double End Bag link

    * Video instruction *

    Here are some Double End Bag video links.

    At Ringside, we are serious about fight sports, especially boxing and MMA. We offer the best prices on boxing equipment in addition to videos, tutorials, and guides. Low-cost shipping guaranteed!

    below is a pretty good video also that covers Heavy Bag, double end bag and some speed bag. ( scroll down this link)

    "Punching Bags "A Way Of Fitness"

    and don't forget Tim Mousel's new video.


    • #3
      Thanks for the links.


      • #4
        The first link offered by speedbag is a pretty good workout. I will usually Right jab, weave 3X's, left jab weave 3X's. Making sure that the bag never comes directly towards me or hits me. This keeps you moving improving footwork. This is standing about 18 inches from the bag.

        I hit the double-end bag at the begginning of every workout 1000 times. This only takes about 12 minutes but really works on you. Also hitting the bag throughout your workout and at the end will keep your arms loose. Raising and lowering the bag will offer different workouts.

        Another is to Right-cross, duck/weave on the return, Left-cross, duck/weave on the return, etc. In this excersice, the bag is moving in a circular motion. You should always keep you eyes focused on the bag at all times, and keep your guard up. If at first you have problems keeping your guard up grap your head, that will help when your exhausted.

        If you cant tie the bag directly to the floor, tie it around a weight of about 25-35 lbs. Practice hitting the bag hard enough to move the weight and incorporate that into combinations.

        I keep my double-end close enough to my heavybag that I can easily switch back and forth.

        In my opinion, the best excersise you can do with the double end is to make sure you hit it everyday for at least 20 minutes being concious of footwork. As you get better and better, this will be more and more hits.


        • #5
          I have been getting better at the double ended bag and workout on it every 3rd day. Last week I finally recieved my 120 lb., 6 ft. Thai bag and a speed bag with platform. The speed bag has my shoulders in a nice burn after 5 minutes of alternate hitting. The Thai bag is hard as a rock ( which for me is not ideal ). Some of the instructors have told me that it will soften after repeated usage. Low kicks on the bag at 50% power feel like my shin is going to break. I can only hit the bag 2-3 times before the pain is enough for me to back of and use the in-step for 2-3 low shots. Picked up some really great trianing ideas from title-boxing videos: jab 1x, then jab 2x's fast and hard, then add 3reps fast and hard, then 4reps, etc......makes for smoking workout.

