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how do u hold ur hands ?

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  • how do u hold ur hands ?

    i had a question for some of u experienced boxers out there. when u are in ur stance and ur hands are up, do u hold ur hands so that the backs of ur hands are pointing foreward?

    i would hold my fists so that so the backs of my hands were pointing out to the sides, instead of pointing in front of me. someone then informed me that holding my fists so the backs of them are pointing foreward will allow me to roll my fist over over more and give me better form and more power. what u guys think ?

  • #2
    ive only recently been extensively crosstraining in boxing (2 yrs) but i have never held my hands backs out unless i am covering.


    • #3
      Do you live in 1800 england?.... hehe think about the Notre Dame fighting Irish symbol... is that what your talking about.. I know a kid who boxed like that... (just grade 9's boxing to see who is ... toughest or w/e)... and he got raped... I wouldnt hold my hands like that.. but I wouldnt call myself a boxer.


      • #4
        Normally, when I'm not really thinking-just doing. I hold my hands with backs of hands facing outwords. I like to keep my guard close. However, sometimes I will do as you say and go "Notre Dame fighting Irish" style. It puts some distance between you and your opponent, gives you much longer time to block incoming punches. Plus it makes it pretty easy to 2-knuckle strike right down on someones nose. Using that style it's very easy to jab, and if you stay low enough, its hard to punch over. But, since I'm shorter I usually dont have the priveledge of staying outside, so I normally keep a close guard.
        Another way to get that added zip to your punch is a cosack punch. Just throw like normal, but when your arm is fully extended, your thumb will be facing downwards, and your pinky is on top. This makes it easy to loop over someones guard, you get about 1" extra reach, Plus you can pack a lot of power with very little effort like this. Try that on a bag, and I'm sure you'll be impressed. I personally think the best thing to do is to practice all the techniques and use what you find most confortable using. But they are good tools that you can pull out when needed, or when you want to change the other guys focus.

        Below is John L. Sullivan.
        Attached Files

