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Boxing Diet?????

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  • Boxing Diet?????

    could anyone please tell me a good diet to start for boxing/weight lifting?
    I have only recently started boxing training and need all the help i can get.


  • #2
    what r some good types of protiens and good snacks for boxing my training is going well but fueling my body with the wrong food is letting me down

    atm i try and eat 216g of Carbos, 175g Protien and 98g Fat a day. I am 5'9'' and weigh 65kg. However i would like to add muscle mass but not lose speed any help would be good.



    • #3
      thanx mike


      • #4
        Pretty much like Mike. I try to drink as much water as possible to keep hydrated. Dehydration will slow down your metabolism. No soda or beer..sorry
        I also try to get 1gram of protein per lb of bodyweight. Good quality protein is idea. Drinking a soy isolate shake before and after a day of working out helps.
        Sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, peanut butter, fish, chicken have lots of protien.
        If I dont eat fats, I will start craving them. 2 fatty acids are essential, so make sure they are just as much of your diet as essential amino acids. I eat a lot of cottage cheese, and regular cheese throughout the week. I also eat flax seed with cereal in the morning for a source of Omega3 and Omega6 fatty acid. Kashi has some really healthy cereals, some of which contain good sources of protein.
        Just trying to make sure that I get adequate amounts of protein throughout the day keeps me on a pretty good diet. I dont really have to worry about it, and can still enjoy myself. Just make sure that you're eating enough. You want to be full of energy throughout the day..not draggin ass from lack of calories.


        • #5
          Thanx mike that will help heaps for before a fight (when im ready ) to drop weight. could u please post a days menu to gain muscle and not lose speed?

          and with mince, steak, chicken and tuna wat is something good to eat/drink for breaking down the protien? I try drink bout 5 glasses of water a day but end up drinking more coke then water most days.



          • #6

            im bout 5'9'' and bout 63kg and have a very fast metabolism so its gonna be hard to put on some muscle mass but i do try and go to the gym at least 4 times a week and eat plenty of protien after a workout. I also do alot of cardio, should i cut back on the cardio and make my boxing training my cardio? I try and train at the boxing gym bout 2-3 times a week but most of my training is done with a mate of mine we just do drills for bout 30mins then work on faults in technique. we also try and spar every friday. However he is a heavy weight (weighs nearly double my weight).

            My training is going pretty well and after i nail my diet i should be on the right track. also if u know any exercises to improve footwork it would really help i've still only got triangle footwork and mainly just do wat just feels right.
            Thanx again for all the help.

