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boxing or bare knuckle boxing training

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  • boxing or bare knuckle boxing training

    i was hoping some one has ne info on some trianing for bare knuckle boxing or regular boxing i accpet ne kind that people have in mind because i would liek to leanr some trainging thankx

  • #2
    learn how to write so we can understand you first


    • #3
      sorry about that yes but i was looking for maybe some training or basics for bare knuckle boxing or regular boxing because i have read a book on it but i was wondering if any one could help me n give me some basics thanks


      • #4
        Originally posted by doyle
        sorry about that yes but i was looking for maybe some training or basics for bare knuckle boxing or regular boxing because i have read a book on it but i was wondering if any one could help me n give me some basics thanks
        bare knuckle boxing is boxing without gloves and regular boxing is boxing with gloves.


        • #5
          i know i like thought there might be differnet tips and stuff but i wrestle n im pretty strong but i know if your the strongest man in the world n u cant fight then u will probly lose and i was just wondering on any tips becuase in case i ever do get into a fight i will be prepared


          • #6
            I'm ur friend

            anyway, plz re-read ur posts b4 u post them

            its quite hard to figure out what u need/mean


            • #7
              bare-knuckle boxing I believe allowed shoulder shrugs and headbuts also. Though I'm not sure

              Lethwei or MT would be better for fighting than boxing.

              For an example of Lethwei (MT with headbutts)

              But where are you located?


              • #8
                i live in chicago IL but im not really interested in like being a big fighter i jsut some tips just for self defense so if i ever get like attacked or something that i iwll have some tips because i dont start fights with people


                • #9
                  Two words: Run away It's the best defense as the guy can't hit you if you're a quarter mile away.


                  • #10
                    i think your getting interested in this in the wrong way boxers and any martial artists are told not to use the skills they learn to take advantage of people without those skills, therefore you should try and avoid fights as much as possible and like matey sed earlier run away, maybe you should take up sprinting instead


                    • #11
                      Regular boxing and bare-knuckle is a bit different however. Bare-knuckle boxers tend to have wider stances and if there isn't an early knockout, it often turns into a wrestling match. They also tend to use choppers (side of the hand blows), and they do have a few throws (cross-buttocks throw for example). They tend to clinch a lot more as well, and there is very few combinations used due to the stress put on their hands, so they really tend to only throw one or two punches max at a time.

                      If you want some good training methods, check out some of the following fighters online and I'll bet you find some good info: Bob Fitzsimmons, Gentleman Jim Corbett, and Jack Johnson. They did a lot of running back in those days (as big as he is, Jack Johnson would run up to 150 miles per week!), and the longest boxing match in history was from back in those days, which lasted several hours.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by danrogers29
                        i think your getting interested in this in the wrong way boxers and any martial artists are told not to use the skills they learn to take advantage of people without those skills, therefore you should try and avoid fights as much as possible and like matey sed earlier run away, maybe you should take up sprinting instead
                        Ahem....sorry...that's really fucking dumb. Of course we learn our respective arts and skills to be better than some fucking skel who tries to jump us in the street or pull some shit at the clubs. If your learning a MARTIAL should look up the meaning of MARTIAL.

                        In a fight...every advantage in your favor is fair and a very GOOD THING! There is no such thing as a fair street fight, and if you believe there is, I feel sorry for your delusion and doubt that anyone can be so naive. My heart goes with you, I hope you never have to protect yourself with that attitude...because you'll be hosed.

                        Good maxim; THE MORE YOU SWEAT IN PEACE
                        ....what children, I know some of you crazy ass cats know this....

                        THE LESS YOU - what, fill in the blank_______ ____ ______!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by koto_ryu
                          Regular boxing and bare-knuckle is a bit different however. Bare-knuckle boxers tend to have wider stances and if there isn't an early knockout, it often turns into a wrestling match. They also tend to use choppers (side of the hand blows), and they do have a few throws (cross-buttocks throw for example). They tend to clinch a lot more as well, and there is very few combinations used due to the stress put on their hands, so they really tend to only throw one or two punches max at a time.

                          If you want some good training methods, check out some of the following fighters online and I'll bet you find some good info: Bob Fitzsimmons, Gentleman Jim Corbett, and Jack Johnson. They did a lot of running back in those days (as big as he is, Jack Johnson would run up to 150 miles per week!), and the longest boxing match in history was from back in those days, which lasted several hours.
                          yeah, and they couldn't hit as hard as the boxers now days can, and rounds were judged by how many times you landed on your ass.
                          Any modern boxer could destroy an old-school boxer. (even old school muay thai guys would succumb to modern thai fighters/ lethwei fighters)
                          Competitive arts like these don't lose their effectiveness over time.
                          Sure, the old guys had more heart and moxy...but the modern, new-school training methodologies and adaptations are pure DARWIN baby! Fux yeah.


                          • #14
                            Bare Knuckle boxing

                            Boxers starting wearing gloves to protect their hands, not their opponents. Too many bare knuckle boxers were having their careers ended early due to repeatedly breaking their hands.
                            Mahalo, Jeremy


                            • #15
                              yup...and that is why boxers these days can hit alot harder....because we have these huge mitts to protect our hands.
                              instead of cutting their faces with knuckles, we knock them out or cause internal problems with force.
                              your choice...maim, and disfigure over a long period of time with no action in a fisticuffs match, or to knock them the **** out and cause them some serious problems on the spot with modern boxing method.

