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  • Gloves??


    what weight gloves should i use to train on my bag at home (40kg). At the moment im only using light weight bag mitts (like the UFC gloves). Is it better to use heavier gloves???????


  • #2
    Originally posted by MrPARaNoiD

    what weight gloves should i use to train on my bag at home (40kg). At the moment im only using light weight bag mitts (like the UFC gloves). Is it better to use heavier gloves???????

    The heavier gloves you can get the better, as when you're boxing with 16oz gloves for instance your arms will get a helluva good workout and when you put on those 2oz gloves you can punch much more and for much longer. Be sure to train with just hand wraps occasionally though, so you'll condition your hands to take the force without gloves. Otherwise you'll get in a street fight, clout the dude with a good straight right, and bam you'll break your hand.


    • #3
      thanx for the help koto i can really feel my training after an hour with heavy 10oz gloves.

      I was just wondering as a beginner should toughen up my knuckles and wrists alot at the start or ease my way into it.atm i am trying to toughen them up 3 - 4 days a week. Is this to excessive or just wat i want to be doin?


      • #4
        Three times a week should be enough, just make sure you have at least a day of rest in between sessions.


        • #5
          extra info

          is there anything u can tell to do whilst training for a beginner i've only been boxing bout a month.

          I go to the gym 5 days a week and train at the boxing gym 2 days a week. At home I try and just spend 30- 60mins on the bag doin combos about 3 times a week.
          Is shadow sparring essential?and can u please post a training program for a beginner.



          • #6
            bare-knuckle pushups on hardwood floors, or cement will condition your knuckles pretty good, too.

            Since you have a bag at home, why not hit it everyday? Take it easy at first. If your wrist starts hurting or feeling numb take a break. you dont want to not be able to train for a week because you went to hard.

            It's such a great idea that you're going to a boxing gym to learn technique. I would just try to up your workout schedule to 5-7 times a week. But train smart. In every punch you throw make sure your keeping your guard up. Make sure your form is perfect. Be aware of everything that you are doing, and make sure your doing it properly. Otherwise you are just training for failure.


            • #7
              shadow sparing


              thanx HtTKar
              im gonna try and train harder i just dont know how hard i should go. also i gotta quit smoking cos my endurance is really shit but i spare once a week against a mate whose been doin boxing for 2 years and i still do alright.

              is it good to spar that often and should i be practicing just the basics or combos. my jab-punch is about the only thing that i can do effectively?

              + how long should shadow sparing be done a day and should i wear gloves or wraps?

              sorry fellas im only a newbie in great need of assistance although i have down tae kwon do for 2 years.



              • #8
                yeah, you're gonna need to quit smoking if your taking your training seriously. You'll need to have good cardiovascular AND muscular fitness.

                Keep your combos short and sweet. Remember to move your feet. Don't stand in one place. If you do, most of your punches won't land. You have to keep moving in order to bring it all together.

                When throwing a jab you are more likely to connect by making your hands elusive. You do this by holding your hands loose and keeping your muscles relaxed. Just before your hand connects to your target, tighten your fist. This improves speed and punch impact.

                Combos are basics. You should practice combos of at least 3&4 hits during bag work.

                train fun


                • #9
                  Do combos of 2s, 3s, and 4s. Some ideas for you are:

                  Jab-Left Hook (hooking off your jab)

                  Jab-Left Hook-Straight

                  Then just play around and figure out a few, this is only a few of many.


                  • #10
                    thanx koto and htTKaR

                    i will try those combos and im only smoking on days that i dont train and keeping it down to 1/2 a pack a week.

                    my bag at home is up against a wall, i have wraped the bak and sides with a towl will i still damage my bag or is this ok? and is this good or bad to train on?
                    because its only a light bag i have found that this makes the bag alot harder and that now i have to concentrate on my technique to avoid hurting my wrists.

                    + i really do need some instuction as to the best way to do shadow sparring
                    time? gloves or wraps? drills? and how often?
                    I realize the large benefits in watching exactly wat im doin but need further instruction to get the best out of my training and help would be greatly appreciated, the boxing gym i go to has only really skimed over wat shadow sparing is.

                    Thanx again


                    • #11
                      Good combos Koto Ryu. You'll likely find that combos over 4 are usually unrealistic. Combos of two are very realistic. Combos of three are good to, such as the 1-2-3 (jab, right, hook). One good strategy for working out combos is to imagine that your first strike will be blocked or slipped. Taking the offensive in boxing usually involves creating openings for yourself. That's why the 1-2 is so effective. The jab blinds, distracts, and stuns so you can land your power punch, the right. Hooking off a jab is invaluable. Often, non-boxers will block or parry your left jab with their right hand instead of doing what a boxer would do, slip the jab. When someone blocks with their right hand they are subject to a left hook. So, invision that scenario. Another great vision to have in your shadow boxing is a left jab coming at you. How are you going to respond? One way is to slip and throw a right cross over and across that incoming left jab. Some people slip inside some outside. Slipping inside gives you more punching options, but makes you subject to punches. Slipping outside is safer but doesn't give you as much opportunity. THe key to shadow boxing is imagining a match while you do it. Add slips and ducks into your shadow boxing. For example, throw your 1-2 and imagine your opponent slipping and countering, so you duck and then hook and uppercut. So the combo would be 1-2, slipp left, hook, uppercut, and then side step left to get out of the way of a counter attack.


                      • #12
                        I'm fairly new to boxing do you think I could go straight to 18oz boxing gloves?


                        • #13

                          that's what I use for sparring, but I use 12oz ring side synthetic bag gloves (got em for $17.99 on sale he he) and they work fine for boxing/kickboxing workouts, I also use mma gloves for more realistic self-defense/sucker punch workouts i.e. arms down at side like it happens in real life if you've got major hand shit then 18 oz gloves are a good idea but otherwise stick with 12oz because the closely replicate the 10oz gloves you fight with in kickboxing(only speaking for myself here)


                          • #14
                            Mrparanoid are you getting any mitt work in the gym? I am a BIG FAN of mitt work, it’s as close to sparring as you can get with out getting hit. My Typical training program I do for my fighters is 3 rounds on each of the following. (Amateur boxers)

                            Pads/Mitts (not done on sparring days)
                            Double End Bag
                            Heavy Bag
                            Shadow Boxing (Good if you have a mirror, helps you see where your hands are and what the rest of your body is doing when you toss a jab, hook, right hand or other combos)
                            20 - 30mins jump rope

                            As a warm up I like to get all my fighters in a big circle and do what I call circle rotations, I have them moving in one big circle starting to their right and then I will say switch ever 3 to 7 seconds. When I say switch they will throw a 3 punch combo with the lead punch being from the direction they were going. So if there circling right they will throw "right, left, right" then start moving to their left. Then when switch is called they will throw left right left. This is all done close the fighters normal fighting stance. This exercise helps the fighter get the basics for sticking and moving along with side to side movement)

                            Another GREAT exercise that is also my favorite is done by pairing up 2 boxers and having them take turns at catching and throwing. One will catch the punch and counter while the other throws. This helps the fighter lean and refine their counter punching skills. I have them do 2 rounds of jabs and 2 rounds of lead rights or lefts. When you first start this exercise, its best for both fighters to be either right handed or left handed. It’s hard to with opposite handed fighters if their not experienced with this exercise. (I learned this from an old timer in 83 at the Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs, CO. There was this guy who was killing me with the jab and was just plain beating me to the punch, then this old man should me this and next time that guy and I sparred I ate him up. I quite trying to avoid his jab and went right at him; every time he tried to throw that jab he got hit.)

                            (For the purpose of this discussion let’s say that both boxers are right-handed)
                            One will start by throwing jabs, (EASY) so that the other guy is able to catch it. What is mean as the jab comes at the catcher; he will just barely flick the jab out of his way with his right hand and counter with a left of his own but will aim at the throwers right shoulder. The flick is done with a little moment, so as to get that right hand back to its guard. (This is kind of hard to explain in text, I hope I am getting the point across)

                            The right hand is done close to the same way, the thrower will throw the right hand (EASY and controlled) at the catcher. The catcher will then use his left hand to flick and will counter with his right hand aiming for the throwers right hand. (Tyson knocked out Michael Spinks with this move) Catching power rights or lefts and then counter right simultaneously is not the easiest thing to do, of these to moves the jab is by far the easiest to do. These methods of countering will work from left or right handed stances, it’s just easier to learn with a boxer who has the same stance as you. After you have learned this it makes it easy to learn how to counter an opposing handed fighter.

                            As for gloves I have at least 30 pairs of Super Bag Gloves these work great for mitt work, bag work, and the above mentioned exercises. (DONT SPAR WITH THEM)


                            • #15
                              yep LOL

                              I own a pair of 12oz synthetic leather super bag gloves from top contender and they're great, but I wouldn't want to get wacked with them, it reminds me of 2 funny stories involving everlast boxing gloves with the pillow stuffing and fighting another fighter or 2 told me about when they were in high shool, but I'll save it unlesss anybody wants to hear it LOL

