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  • #16
    Originally posted by Blue Wave Gym
    I own a pair of 12oz synthetic leather super bag gloves from top contender and they're great, but I wouldn't want to get wacked with them, it reminds me of 2 funny stories involving everlast boxing gloves with the pillow stuffing and fighting another fighter or 2 told me about when they were in high shool, but I'll save it unlesss anybody wants to hear it LOL
    do tell.


    • #17
      mother fuc***

      I just erased my post to you by hitting ctrl sorry (rage building now) but not to worry I'll post it later after I go do my moring ma workout no **** it I'll tell now
      basically it involves 2 differents guys from our state 1 was the upper midwest kb champ and is now a pro boxer I belive, another guy is 30 now and an english professor at a college now, both would fight guys with the everlast pillow stuffing gloves that you can get at any s.g. store(funny to me cause I sparred a crazy dude 1 time that was wearing the same kind of gloves LOL) ok the first guy would do fights at a tennis court on his high school lunch period untill the cops found out, the second guy would fight guys in his back yard on camera in a makshift ring he built, he only did shadowboxing and running, nothing else LOL, me and my other fighter buddies thought this was funny as hell and loved the tapes because he fought people much bigger than him and usually "won" LOL


      • #18
        ok now mike

        please tell us a neat story cause I bet it's a good one judging from the great stuff you post

