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Boxing plus gaining mass

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  • Boxing plus gaining mass

    I want to take up boxing, but since I'm only 135 lbs. at 5ft8, I'm going to have to get bigger first.

    I've been lifting for about a year now with no success because I haven't been using the correct method for my body type. After a lot of research, I'm pretty sure I know how to start packing on weight. My goal is 160-170lbs. I've been running and doing wind sprints for a while now, so I don't think cardio will be a great problem for me.

    My question is this:
    Is it better to gain weight before I start to train, or should I just start training while trying to gain weight at the same time?

    I'm concerned that doing boxing training might hinder my weight gain since it uses up so much energy.

  • #2
    This is all in what you want personally.
    For me, I'll go through cycles when trying to put on muscle mass. The only constant is that I keep up a training schedule at all times, and will just change the focus.

    1st I'll eat up to 2grams of protein per pound of bodyweight to increase muscle mass. Working on lifting heavy weights, doing many bodyweight exercises (pullups, pushups, etc), heavybag work, and plenty of swimming (2-3 miles a week). This will put on a lot of mass, while also increasing muscle thoughout the entire body.

    Once I get back up to about 15% bodyfat, I'll start cutting back on the amount of food I'm eating, down to about 2500-3000 calories. Check your BMR, eat that amount. I'll eat lighter grains and more vegatables, and only about 1gram of protein per lb of bodyweight. I'll also start increasing my jogging, and sprints, speedbag/headache bag work, etc, until I'm back down to about 11% bodyfat.

    I'll modify this depending on what I want to accomplish, and usually stick with a cycle for at least 2months. There's some tricks too, and you have to listen to your body to see what works for you. For example drinking whole milk before bed will keep your body from eating itself duing sleep. Casien proteins found in whole milk take 7.5 hrs to digest. So throughout your entire sleep you can still be putting on muscle. Whatever you do, though, eat healthy and stay active. It's easier to put weight on, and easier to lose weight if you set up goals, eat healthy and just stick with it.

    I'm 5'8" 170lbs 12% bodyfat right now, and have to work hard to put anymore lean muscle mass on than what I already have, so you really have to set up a good schedule to accomplish your goals. The thing is, you want the weight to be in muscle, not water or fat...really keep that in mind.


    • #3
      Originally posted by 741
      I want to take up boxing, but since I'm only 135 lbs. at 5ft8, I'm going to have to get bigger first.

      I'm concerned that doing boxing training might hinder my weight gain since it uses up so much energy.
      How old are you?

      If you are 14, you should stay in shape and learn boxing (forget about gaining weight for the mean time) because by the time you are 18-19 you will probably put on 20 to 50 pounds, depending on your genetics.

      Just to let you know, there are fighters who weigh as much as you do and are hard hitters. Ramon Dekkers (muay thai) maybe 5'6" and 136. Ok so you feel self-conscious being thin. You can tell it just bothers the hell out of light weight fighters who are lightning quick & knockout artists


      • #4
        try out this site on training


        • #5
          Originally posted by HtTKar
          This is all in what you want personally.
          For me, I'll go through cycles when trying to put on muscle mass. The only constant is that I keep up a training schedule at all times, and will just change the focus.

          1st I'll eat up to 2grams of protein per pound of bodyweight to increase muscle mass. Working on lifting heavy weights, doing many bodyweight exercises (pullups, pushups, etc), heavybag work, and plenty of swimming (2-3 miles a week). This will put on a lot of mass, while also increasing muscle thoughout the entire body.

          Once I get back up to about 15% bodyfat, I'll start cutting back on the amount of food I'm eating, down to about 2500-3000 calories. Check your BMR, eat that amount. I'll eat lighter grains and more vegatables, and only about 1gram of protein per lb of bodyweight. I'll also start increasing my jogging, and sprints, speedbag/headache bag work, etc, until I'm back down to about 11% bodyfat.

          I'll modify this depending on what I want to accomplish, and usually stick with a cycle for at least 2months. There's some tricks too, and you have to listen to your body to see what works for you. For example drinking whole milk before bed will keep your body from eating itself duing sleep. Casien proteins found in whole milk take 7.5 hrs to digest. So throughout your entire sleep you can still be putting on muscle. Whatever you do, though, eat healthy and stay active. It's easier to put weight on, and easier to lose weight if you set up goals, eat healthy and just stick with it.

          I'm 5'8" 170lbs 12% bodyfat right now, and have to work hard to put anymore lean muscle mass on than what I already have, so you really have to set up a good schedule to accomplish your goals. The thing is, you want the weight to be in muscle, not water or fat...really keep that in mind.
          When you go to bed with milk you on your stomach, for the most part you have a belly full of sugar. I have been bodybuilding for year's. There are much smater way's to put on LEAN size. Go to GNC and purchase some of their time released protein, mix it with water and consume it right before bed. I could go on for day's on nutrition. This business of eating everything in sight is in sain. Just for starter's, a person wanting to get lean should avoid milk, cheese, bread, too much pasta and careful to not have much fruit either, yes that's right, fruit, like milk is LOADED with sugar. If I could offer anyone advice that is interested in fitness and sports related nutrition, regardless of where you live in the world, it would be worth every dime and every minute of your time to get into contact with Keith Klein in Houston Texas. I think his web site is If youdo this, I promise you it will be the most instrumental and beneficial information any stranger has EVER given you.

          Goodluck everyone...


          • #6

            Originally posted by HtTKar
            This is all in what you want personally.
            For me, I'll go through cycles when trying to put on muscle mass. The only constant is that I keep up a training schedule at all times, and will just change the focus.

            1st I'll eat up to 2grams of protein per pound of bodyweight to increase muscle mass. Working on lifting heavy weights, doing many bodyweight exercises (pullups, pushups, etc), heavybag work, and plenty of swimming (2-3 miles a week). This will put on a lot of mass, while also increasing muscle thoughout the entire body.

            Once I get back up to about 15% bodyfat, I'll start cutting back on the amount of food I'm eating, down to about 2500-3000 calories. Check your BMR, eat that amount. I'll eat lighter grains and more vegatables, and only about 1gram of protein per lb of bodyweight. I'll also start increasing my jogging, and sprints, speedbag/headache bag work, etc, until I'm back down to about 11% bodyfat.

            I'll modify this depending on what I want to accomplish, and usually stick with a cycle for at least 2months. There's some tricks too, and you have to listen to your body to see what works for you. For example drinking whole milk before bed will keep your body from eating itself duing sleep. Casien proteins found in whole milk take 7.5 hrs to digest. So throughout your entire sleep you can still be putting on muscle. Whatever you do, though, eat healthy and stay active. It's easier to put weight on, and easier to lose weight if you set up goals, eat healthy and just stick with it.

            I'm 5'8" 170lbs 12% bodyfat right now, and have to work hard to put anymore lean muscle mass on than what I already have, so you really have to set up a good schedule to accomplish your goals. The thing is, you want the weight to be in muscle, not water or fat...really keep that in mind.
            When you go to bed with milk you on your stomach, for the most part you have a belly full of sugar. I have been bodybuilding for year's. There are much smater way's to put on LEAN size. Go to GNC and purchase some of their time released protein, mix it with water and consume it right before bed. I could go on for day's on nutrition. This business of eating everything in sight is in sain. Just for starter's, a person wanting to get lean should avoid milk, cheese, bread, too much pasta and careful to not have much fruit either, yes that's right, fruit, like milk is LOADED with sugar. If I could offer anyone advice that is interested in fitness and sports related nutrition, regardless of where you live in the world, it would be worth every dime and every minute of your time to get into contact with Keith Klein in Houston Texas. I think his web site is If youdo this, I promise you it will be the most instrumental and beneficial information any stranger has EVER given you.

            Goodluck everyone...


            • #7
              Start your training. Box in your weight class. When people move up sometimes they can not carry the weight and power needed. If you are young yet. you will grow in weight . So its better to train then put the weight on first. Even pros that move up sometimes can not carry the new weight well and develop the new power needed to do good at that class

