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"The Contender"

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  • "The Contender"

    A new boxing reality TV show on NBC, premiering tonight on NBC at 9:30 PM Eastern time (20 minutes away as I write this ). It is about amateur boxers being trained to become professional boxers and they will slowly be eliminated throughout the show.

    It isn't one of those stupid reality shows I don't think, because the guy who directed "The Apprentice" was in on it and that show was legit (a West Point graduate won it and now works for Donald Trump), and also, the show is being hosted by Sugar Ray Leonard and Sylvestor Stallone. Hopefully it will be pretty cool.

  • #2
    I'm watching it as we speak.

    Day 1.

    The sparring partners are going pretty easy. They're sticking jabs at the contenders and throwing hooks now and then. The tiny guy just KOd his sparring partner with about 4 hooks to the body. Awesome.

    Ahmed is getting taunted by one of the guys.

    Looks awesome! They get to live in the gym and train.


    • #3
      The contenders split up into team west coast and team east coast. They had to race up the hills of hollywood, carrying a heavy log and looking for clues to unlock a combination for a log holder.

      Team west coast won. The winners get to decide who fights who.


      • #4
        Manfredo vs. Gomez!!!!

        Gomez pops Manfredo in R1, once with a nice upper cut. He nails Manfredo with a right cross.

        R2 - Manfredo jabs agressively, and starts to attack Gomez's body hard. Gomez gets hurt. Manfredo opens Gomez right eye with a left hook!!!

        R5 - Gomez just goes to town with good ole' one-two. Manfredo tries to counter but is clearly gassed. Gomez lands some decent right straights. Gomez gets the WIN!!!!!!

        Dang, Manfredo had heart.


        • #5
          I watched the show and I have to say I'm pretty impressed with the caliber of fighters they've found for the show. I especially like the way Gomez stepped up a took on the best fighter from the other team. I will definitely make sure I follow this show. . . .


          • #6
            check this out Check out this video clip of Phnom Yeerum, the star of Ong Bak. This dude does some crazy stuff.


            • #7
              Originally posted by medic06
              I watched the show and I have to say I'm pretty impressed with the caliber of fighters they've found for the show. I especially like the way Gomez stepped up a took on the best fighter from the other team. I will definitely make sure I follow this show. . . .
              Me too.

              Gomez didn't think once about losing. He visualized everything, kept a positive attitude and got to work.



              • #8
                Hey academian, that link doesn't work.


                • #9
                  yea It don't work anymore the main site is down for repairs


                  • #10
                    I recorded it and watched it tonight, not bad. But did anyone notice the teh format is exactly the same as the "ultimate fighter"


                    • #11
                      I know one of the fighters on "the contender"

                      Tony Bonsonte, he was a boxer at a gym I kickboxed at, he's a nice guy and a good fighter, I hope he wins the million dollars because he's 33 and minnesota where were both from is a boxing waste land compared to other states. That's why Matt the "Preditor" Vanda left, no opportunities.


                      • #12
                        Im so glad gomez put that damn menfredo in his place, menfredo shouldnt have even been on the show he already had a belt so its cool to see an underdog kick his ass.


                        • #13
                          Well, just watched and saw the third fight. Ishi beat that mouthy Ahmed. What I don't like is Ahmed, after the fight, was saying, "I hope I am still the winner in people's eyes...." (!?!). The guy lost after 9 millions lines of mouthing. Gomez went and picked the hardest (or the supposedly hardest fighter) and had went out there fighting. He had the attitude that he was going to kick the other guy's @$$, but it was nothing personal or anything.

                          Ahmed had the same attitude, but he made it too personal I think, and then he lost anyhow, to a fighter with more experience, unlike Gomez who won. He was the underdog and he lost. And then he makes constant excuses ("I have the better, harder punch, I still think I am the best, I was not hurt, he was," yada yada yada). Had he won, and Ishi lost, and Ishi said, "I hope I'm still the winner in people's eyes," Ahmed probably would've been saying, "WTF!? You lost!" yada yada. My opinion anyway.

                          This is also just an opinion on my part, but he also said, "Ishi is afraid to fight; he is not a man." Being a "man," at least to me, has nothing to do with how afraid one is, it's if you can stand up to the fear and face it (which apparently Ishi did).

                          It looked like Ahmed's wife wanted to pound on Ishi's wife though, that would've been fun to watch


                          • #14
                            Im gonna be F'n pissed off if the bring ahmed back. If you guys watched the clips of the next episode it said they are going to bring back one of the losers. I definatly hope they dont bring that sore loser back but o well if he comes back he will just get another beat down


                            • #15
                              I think they are going to bring back Manfredo.

                              Hey, when does it come on again?

