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Dempsey roll

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  • Dempsey roll

    The Dempsey roll is a strong n amazing technique, but hard to do. I hear you have to move your body like into a figure 8 n then throw powerful blows. Like the anime in Hajime No Ippo
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  • #2

    The Dempsey Roll was created by the legendary fighter Jack Dempsey, and made famous by 'Iron' Mike Tyson.
    This clever move put's you to the side of your opponent, right before you throw a powerful hook.

    You might find yourself doing a 'Dempsey Roll' after bobb'n or weave'n to outside of your rival's cross, countering with a incredible hook.

    If you were wonder'n where the power comes from, it comes from your legs, and your hip.

    Your front leg should be extended, with your rear leg bent, it's kinda like the a cross... You should also be rotating your hips toward the target and throwing the hook at the last moment.

    With your body being able to do the figure 8 as you say ,obviously your legs will be flexable too and your not slow off the foot.

    Try bending low and slipping under the jab to the outside as you slip it ,your front leg goes out forwards on the 45% ,your out there ,you pull your other leg around behind as you rise up , you throw a bomb over the top with your lead arm. Thats a big rolling move that can be done because you are safe so long as your going under the extended or extending arm. They have to reposition to get to you, so you have added time and the bomb is covered from view unseen until they have turned into it. You end up twisting and swivelling on the front foot as your back foot comes around ,everything is lined up for a big unseen shot that they are turning into to!
    If your good and they react by keeping the retracted arm high next to their head as they swing around ,then you stay low, do the same move and hook in low with full power instead.


    • #3
      could we get a better step by step on this, don't know what you guys are talking about.


      • #4
        i think they are talking about when you a slip a straight punch(jab or cross), and you kind of have most of your weight on one leg, and then you put your whole body into a hook because you can get really powerful leverage from that position, and its hard for your opponent to hit you well while your pulling it off. Like they said, if you watch some Mike Tyson fights when he was in his prime, you can see him pulling it off alot because he bobbed and weaved so much.


        • #5
          I get it now. That website helped a lot too.

