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Glove weight for street fights?

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  • Glove weight for street fights?

    I must have developed a bad attitude--maybe it's my renewed interest in boxing that I've had for the past two years (finally "got" it). Anyway, I'm a traffic-altercation magnet now. I'm going to start carrying gloves with me, as well as other gear. There's always time for the gloves when you're in a car.

    I know, be mature, stay out of jail. I've heard "...Or I'll kick your ass" once too often.

    Now, what about these 8- and 10-ounce gloves? Do they "hit" significantly harder? I figure I want to protect my hands (Mike wrote me a while back on this, a nice post about the trendy broken-hand bandwagon everybody's jumping on). I'd feel better wearing gloves, and it's easier to look at a bruised face in the mirror than the face of a coward.

    I will try to go into an alley and otherwise avoid legal trouble. I'm always going to the gym, at least later today.

  • #2
    yeah jump out of your car in a road rage wearing boxing gloves...sounds like a wonderful idea... thats almost as dumb as jumping out of your car in your gi and taking a stance youre gonna wind up in the newspaper, on the news, and on ...oh wait they dont show clips of death on bigboys, because thats what the result will be. Dont dispair though im sure you will make the Darwin awards. I see some moron jump out of his car in a rage ,put on ANY fighting response will be hmm knife and 9mm or just the 9? sounds like you are either in a roid rage or just loco...either way i figure shooting your ass will be justifiable here in FL you better get a grip before you get a toe tag.


    • #3
      ...whew...that's some FUNKY shit.
      boxing gloves for road rage???

      now...maybe bag gloves with the metal bar in the an equalizer...but why not just carry a roll of quarters???
      shit will still land you in jail...much more than just assault and battery...not a good idea.
      but it would be funny as hell to see somebody jump out of their car with gloves would almost be enough incentive not to mow them down with the car. (getting out of a car or stopping for an altercation is retarded...they'll move or they'll die, as far as I'm concerned, it's their own damn fault if they want to play chicken with a car)


      • #4
        Originally posted by Garland
        ...whew...that's some FUNKY shit.
        boxing gloves for road rage???

        now...maybe bag gloves with the metal bar in the an equalizer...but why not just carry a roll of quarters???
        shit will still land you in jail...much more than just assault and battery...not a good idea.
        but it would be funny as hell to see somebody jump out of their car with gloves would almost be enough incentive not to mow them down with the car. (getting out of a car or stopping for an altercation is retarded...they'll move or they'll die, as far as I'm concerned, it's their own damn fault if they want to play chicken with a car)
        SEE we do think many points for a dumbass in boxing gloves anyway?


        • #5
          ah...I know alot of guys who have dream cars like humvee's or muscle dream car is an old pinto (remember the ones that explode when you kick the trunk unsafe at ANY speed, beotch)...with the body moved around the other way, packed with ether and painted up to look like a Japanese WW2 zero...


          People want to play road rage....they fuckin' DIE!!!
          why...well, just because I'm hardcore like that...hadoa coa gaijin!



          • #6
            Tora Tora Tora!!!!!!!!!!


            • #7
              hey mike and rebar

              Originally posted by Mike Brewer
              One of my favorite old time road rage tricks was to pull up next to my would be assailant (emphasis on ASS) and scream and yell and make ugly-mean faces and tell the guy to pull over so we could fight. If he was dumb enough to do it, I'd let him get out and then I'd drive away. It put me miles ahead of the guy, and it got him off the road!

              I suppose running the little water-head over would be just as effective, although it's apt to make a mess of the bumper.
              hey rebar what about mma gloves so you can grab/poke as well as strike
              getting in street fights is dumb, and being both a fmr bouncer and fighter I should know better, but, one day I was in a bad mood and a car pulled up next to me with a white guy who had his rap music going at getto blast volume9 nad acting gansta, I belive he was around my size but it's har to tell in a car. I proceeded to flip him off the whole time we were driving, he then did the same to me,we kept speeding up then he swerved in front of me and tried to hit my car, he changed lanes, I changed lanes, I thought at this point we were going to pull into the parking lot of a shopping mall to have a nice fight, but no this guy stops in the middle of the street blocking trafffic and charges my car, at this point I realized that 1.the shopping mall had a police substation in it, 2. I remembered that I wasn't driving my own car that day but a friends and if I went to jail his car would be impounded (this was 2 days before christmas so I'd probably spend the whole weekend in jail before anybody would bail me out, which is very unlikely(cause nobody like me because I'm a jerk ) so I threw the car in reverse and he picked up a very large chunk of ice and threw it at my passneger side window I thought it was going to break the window but no, he was satisfied that he showed me up and I was in a panic because I though for sure someone in a one of the many cars that were stopped and gazing in horror, was on a cell phone snitching to the cops and we were both going to get our asses thrown in jail. I regret not fighting the guy because it makes me look like a bitch, but he should have pulled into the parking lot and not blocked traffic, on the other hand we'd have both gone to jail and my friends car would have been impounded and I'd have felt bad for that. Still street fighting is a good way to have someone empty a clip in you or got directly to jail so don't. btw a local mma promoter / fmr top ranked fighter that has a masters degree, that I trained with has been arrested like a bunch times for road rage stuff/fighting on the side of the road LOL


              • #8
                Well, a jury of my peers has spoken. I will admit that maybe it's wrong, but I did get the impression it's intimidating.

                Anyway, Mike, yes, I'm an "aggressive" driver. I try not to be rude and do a fair job of it; when I screw up, I try to wave or roll down the window and say, sorry! And my attitude, yes, I've got one.

                I'm the guy who's had his shoes pissed on once too often. I agree that the side of the road is a perfect place to get busted. Everyone has a cell phone and they've been hoping for an "emergency" in which to save the day. Which is me and that guy in a fight that no one would dream of calling the cops about in the Sixties--hell no, they wanted to watch it!

                You know, every damn one of those guys are at least my height (six feet) and they're all 200 pounds or more (I'm 165). And every last one of them is very bad and mean looking--not an average guy in the bunch! The other day, the guy was on a Harley and must have weighed 350 or more. I made a u-turn and stopped. At least I met him halfway; he chose to keep going.

                I'm in Chicago. If someone can tell me where a 56-year-old in good shape, who could pass for late 30s, can box, please tell me. None of the gyms will let me spar anymore, and certainly never with contact. (Some guys are just plain helpless; I can box decently) I don't want to go up against a pro and get wrecked, but I do expect to be banged up. I mean, some kid in 7th grade can play tackle football. Hell, some of them maybe the sap isn't even running yet.

                So, maybe I will settle for looking mean and yelling back and then driving off when he gets out. Now, what happens when the other driver gets out and I'm stuck in traffic? That's what I was getting at.

                Thanks again for your advice, guys.


                • #9
                  wow. You are 56? Look man, you'll have plenty of time to figure out what gloves to use when you sitting in your jail cell.


                  • #10
                    one more thing

                    why is it the day I got a camcorder crazy shit stopped happening around me


                    • #11
                      Blue Wave, I'm considering a camcorder. Maybe it will make things happen. So far, I haven't seen much crazy shit in my life, so I've had to provide it for others to watch. I don't want to brag or whatever about myself, but I've done far, far more fucked-up, crazy, illegal stuff in public than everybody else I've seen combined.

                      I'm not what you'd call a criminal, more the opposite. I've never hurt anyone worth mentioning, I'm a do-gooder, honest, and getting mellow with age. (shit! I'm losing it!) It was more like disorderly, a temper, a set of lungs, coming unglued and not caring who was watching.


                      1) What is the penalty for someone without a police record who gets in a fist fight? (I have no idea how I got away with that one) Assume black eyes, bloody noses--maybe a busted nose. And no one's pressing charges. What typically happens? This is Chicago, which means feminazis and candy men running things. Does a couple of grand for a decent lawyer get the record expunged/dismissed/never happened, or otherwise under the rug? I am a gun owner; I don't want a conviction for a crime of violence.

                      2) Mike has steered me towards a pair of $80-$100 gloves, Ringside. I'd like something for the heavy bag, sparring, fighting (in and out of the ring). 12 oz is fine with me; the Ringside gloves are 14 to 18 oz, and sparring partners supposedly want heavy gloves. I guess two pairs is OK, if necessary.

                      One more thing: I have a SLAC left wrist, scapholunate advanced collapse. I fell on my wrist, hyperextended it severely 20 years ago. The ligaments are torn, the bones out of place. I can punch, jab, but I do have arthritis and would like to pamper it. I'm right handed. A left hook is fine, but the uppercut to a heavy bag smarts a bit.



                      • #12
                        By all means GET THE CAMCORDER. okay now mount it to shoot out the window of your car. In your will ask that the footage be sent to
                        It would be the funniest damn thing anyone has ever seen... a 56 year old jackass jumping out of his car with boxing gloves on in a road rage! dude we are all crying from laughing so hard just visualizing gotta go for it...
                        Attached Files


                        • #13
                          I don't want to brag or whatever about myself, but I've done far, far more fucked-up, crazy, illegal stuff in public than everybody else I've seen combined.
                          Maybe your just too self absorbed to realize what is really going on around you. You call yourself sound childish to me, maybe stupid. Your 56 with a limp wrist and a bad temper. You wont be going to'll be going to the hospital. You see there are 164,479 members of this forum alone. Thats a lot of people to worry about. Maybe you should learn to get along with others and stop worrying about childish bullshit. This is the dumbest thread I've ever read. Damn, man, dont you have anything in your life more troublesome than some guy that cut you off in traffic?


                          • #14
                            A skinny 56 year old with a limp wrist and bad temper jumping out of a car wearing boxing gloves LOL. You try that shit on anyone i know an your gonna end up in hospital or dead plain an simple. Some Kings bashed a guy half to death with a wheel brace for cutting them off, some Russians shot a guy 4 times for saying smart comments after a small accident, its a cold world we live in.Even a average untrained guy can beat some old person with arthritis and anyone more ruthless would eat you alive. Boxing gloves in a streetfight you gotta be joking. Why not just carry a gun, a knife or if you just wanna hurt the person without killing them a metal pole or a baseball bat.


                            • #15
                              well spoken Mike

                              Rebar Tao, I apologize for my criticism. I use this forum as a place to learn and share ideas. Your words about just going out and beating people up for no reason just kind of set me off.

                              Why not just carry a gun, a knife or if you just wanna hurt the person without killing them a metal pole or a baseball bat.
                              Remember its illegal to carry a baseball bat in your car in most states. That is unless of course you also have a Mitt in there also. You know how those kids always leave their baseball gear in your car???

