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  • Abs

    hey my coach thinks ill be a good infighter and i like the idea and tenique off it. He said i would have to have amazing abs to be able to battle it out and take body punches. What are some good ab excercies and how do i work all abs top and bottom? How often should i work abs, i heard that you can work them more than other muscles because they heal faster or something? Are there different variations to the sit up?

  • #2
    I'd like to know some ab exercises aswell as I can't even do a single situp.


    • #3

      I think sit ups are a bunch of bullshit, did alot of then in the army though.Most fighters won't go near em because the can mess with your spine,quit watching rocky movies and do crunches and the thing where you hang and bring your knees up.Medcine ball impact training is very important and plus you get hit so that's fun, try having guys work your mid section with boxing gloves on, also you can let the bag hit you in the stomach by pushing it, don't drop a 70# heavy bag on you're gut though as it is bad for your back, if you don't have a medicine ball then use a 25# heavy bag but no more than that.


      • #4
        Full sit-ups on a swiss ball done slowly, then progressively add weight.


        • #5
          AB work video clips

          Here are a few video clips on about AB work that may be of interest.

          Thunder Rolls with Medicine Ball

          Shadow boxing and AB work * scroll down page to bottom to find this video clip.

          hope they help.


          • #6
            I have had over 250 fights in my 15 years between the amateurs and toughman 90% of my knock outs came from a left hook to the body. But in saying that live by the sword die by the sword, the only time I have hit the mat was when a guy got me right in the midsection with a straight right.

            Don’t forget those side crunches, and I am a big fan of the Wonder Wheel, not for those with weak lower backs though.

            Originally posted by southpaw14
            How often should i work abs, i heard that you can work them more than other muscles because they heal faster or something?
            There are 3 muscles in your body you can work hard 7 days a week as long as there not to sore 1) Jaw Muscles 2) Calves and 3) Abbs , its totaly ok to work calves and abbs a solid 6 to 7 days a week.

