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Anyone ever seen a one arm boxer?

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  • Anyone ever seen a one arm boxer?

    I have, about 20 years ago in Louisiana I saw a 14 year old one arm fighter (well, 1 and 1/2 arm, he had half of his right arm) win Golden Gloves. This little dude was bad a$$, he was an amputee right at the elbow on his right arm. They would tape a glove on that arm and he would work that left hand like a mad man, jab hook, jab hook, and then get close and drop that right arm (elbow) and it was lights out. Kids were scared to death to fight him, he went on to do pretty well till he hit the open division at 16 and then he could not hang any more.

    Anyone else ever see anything like this in boxing?

  • #2
    I saw a one armed kickboxer once. He taped his glove to the elbow of his right hand and fought southpaw. He lost his fight but he put a good game on.


    • #3
      Remembering that guy has done a lot for my "just don't feel like training today" days.


      • #4
        On behalf of other guys with injuries to one hand or wrist, thanks for the encouraging story. It CAN be done.

        Saw a chop sockey movie once, one-armed guy. I don't have a trained eye, so I can't comment on it.


        • #5
          The kid I saw was a good little fighter, he worked that jab like a one legged man in an ass kicking contest. Opps, no pone inteded...


          • #6
            there was a one legged fighter in my state

            (had a prostetic leg)who sued someone under the a.d.a because they wouldn't let him fight, his balance was not so good but mad props for him doing the da dam thang in the first place


            • #7
              saw a shotokan guy once that lost his arm in a car accident. He would do all his exercises one-armed and never backed down from an exercise. when the class did 200 pushups, he'd do them too - straight leg, on one hand.

              He didn't do bad sparring either. He'd jab alot and use all the tools he had. I have a lot of respect for him. Great guy with a great attitude.


              • #8
                hey read abut the one armed bjjj guy who in this issue of grappeling magazine

                he's an ex jar as well, very inspirational story

