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Boxing as a Self Defense Art

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  • Boxing as a Self Defense Art

    How many here think boxing is good for self defense? Do you think you can defend yourself with just jabs, hooks, crosses, uppercuts and combos? Thow in a few elbows, and head butts and what do you have? Can you do without the kicks? Can you do without locks and throws? Boxing as self defense in my opinion works great--as long as it is against a single adversary. Once multiple opponents are involved boxing is crap. Against Single opponets, boxing is just as good as any other self defense system. Any comments?

  • #2
    i personally think boxing is the BEST martial art for self defense.......against multiple opponents it works ok i think but im here to tell ya that no martial art is really effective against multiple opponents no matter what you see in the movies....especially any form of trapping(bjj, jiujitsu, judo etc.)........boxers do one thing exceptionally well and thats punch.....from all different angles to all different targets and we punch fast.......its extremely aggressive and yet very defensive .....we work just as hard at not getting hit


    • #3
      Originally posted by georgie
      i personally think boxing is the BEST martial art for self defense.......against multiple opponents it works ok i think but im here to tell ya that no martial art is really effective against multiple opponents no matter what you see in the movies....especially any form of trapping(bjj, jiujitsu, judo etc.)........boxers do one thing exceptionally well and thats punch.....from all different angles to all different targets and we punch fast.......its extremely aggressive and yet very defensive .....we work just as hard at not getting hit
      What about big dudes, way way way out of your weight class? Are you prepared to compensate? Martial artist can compensate with their very strong leg muscles. How can a boxer overcome size disadvantage?


      • #4
        Focus on low blows.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Hardball
          What about big dudes, way way way out of your weight class? Are you prepared to compensate? Martial artist can compensate with their very strong leg muscles. How can a boxer overcome size disadvantage?
          Legs are extremely important in boxing as are hips in generating power. Snap and handspeed come from tendon strength and musculature. Legs are also important in getting out of the way or getting good angles.

          Size disadvantage? Well, if you're fighting someone whose as skilled as you are in boxing, extremely tough or good at another art and you have a size disadvantage, its going to be hard no matter what.

          However, the greatest thing that boxers have is footwork, defense, conditioning, handspeed, maybe some smarts and maybe being able to attack when under fire. When someone swings a haymaker at a boxer, they don't expect him to bob, pivot and nail them over the top with your power hand like he's done 1,000 times with a training partner, then 500 times with fight pressure; They don't expect a boxer to fake high then throw a shovel hook driven under the ribs with the force of both legs and hips exploding under and out.

          Every time I've sparred boxers who are larger and as skilled as myself, I usually get the worst of it and take a little beating. That's just physics at work. Against someone bigger whose less skilled, I can get the upperhand.

          Then again, sparring and fighting are different allthough the intensity can be close. There's so many variables in a streetfight, hardball. How about grappling? Weapons? Multiple attackers? adrenaline giving you tunnel vision and slowing things down?

          I'd bet that someone using a boxing skill set in a street fight would probably grab a hard blunt object or blade and use it to play a distance game with good footwork & evasive skills, use all the dirty tricks and try to run, then lastly box.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Hardball
            Once multiple opponents are involved boxing is crap.
            So is just about every other self defense system.


            • #7
              Stick and move, about 20 years ago I was at this club one night and had this guy who was about 4 inches taller and about 125 pounds heavier come at me. I was almost running backwards and side ways at time because he was so determined to get his hands on me. I was sticking and moving (running) but by the time security broke it up his eyes were all busted up he swore up and down I had hit him with something other than my fist.

              In the past I have also had great sucesse with left hooks to the body, I have been able to end a number of fights with a left hook to the body if I was able to land it. 90% of the time they would stop in the tracks and slump over and start gasping for air.

              Boxing works on the street if you incorporate it into your street fighting, but if your dumb enough to think it’s a boxing match your going to get hurt.

              I am a believer in doing what it takes to win, biting, pulling hair to guide the head, kicking or hitting in the nuts (my favorite and a quick ender to the fight most of the time).

              BUT A WARNING ABOUT THE LOW BLOW: I got into a fight one night years ago with a guy and his 2 friends jumped in, I was able to kick the crap out of one dead in the nuts. The guy hit the ground and mad the worst crying sounds I have ever heard a man make in my life. He ended up in the hospital and lost a nut then tried to sue me for it.


              • #8
                u sick man thats disgustin, no person should go for the nuts. ur basically jus a fag and a pussy


                • #9
                  ROFL when on the street its all about the win, do on to others before they do on to you!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Punjabi
                    u sick man thats disgustin, no person should go for the nuts. ur basically jus a fag and a pussy
                    wow thats naive!! if you ever get in a street confrontation my advice to you is to RUN cuz you obviously dont know much about streetfighting.......on the other hand i hope the next time i get in a fight its with a guy just like you


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by georgie
                      on the other hand i hope the next time i get in a fight its with a guy just like you
                      Ok, I am sitting here having a beer while reading this and almost spit my beer out laughing on that one


                      • #12
                        i laughed too.....the nuts are one of the best targets in a fight for sure .......i think punjabi was pulling our legs!!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by TerryV
                          Stick and move, about 20 years ago I was at this club one night and had this guy who was about 4 inches taller and about 125 pounds heavier come at me. I was almost running backwards and side ways at time because he was so determined to get his hands on me. I was sticking and moving (running) but by the time security broke it up his eyes were all busted up he swore up and down I had hit him with something other than my fist.
                          When I read your club fight story, I can tell that you can punch just as hard shuffling backward as you can moving forward. May I ask how you perfect this? I can keep my power moving forward or sideways, but if I get drawn back I have to move sideways to generate full power again.


                          • #14
                            I have boney hands and have always been able to cut people pretty easy on the eyes or cheek in a street fight.


                            • #15
                              Yea nutz are a crzy place to hit in a fight. but im sayin no one should fukin keep kckin in the nutz until one falls of man
                              thats jus sick, u gotta do sumtin other than rip the other guyz nuts off lol

