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Equipment question.

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  • Equipment question.

    I am in the market for a double end bag and a heavy bag. I started out using an ol army duffle bag stuffed with newspaper, but it sadly, could not take my abuse any longer. I'm looking to upgrade to some decent gear, but I don't want to break the bank. I want to spend uner a hundred for both of the bags. If anybody can link me up I'd appreciate it

  • #2
    Well, you have to give more information then that. What size bag. If youre small, you can get a 40 lb for like 50 but if youre big you can tear that up fast. The thing you have to realize, is training shouldnt be budgeted like that. Its not about can you get this or cant you, it should be do I need this or not. A double end bag is kind of pointless, so just buy a good heavy bag. Should run you in about 100.


    • #3
      Hey guys, thanks for all the comments. I winded up getting an Everlast 70# canvas bag for $50 new at academy. I was pleased with it, and it seems very nice. I am a big guy, 6 2" 180ish, so I think it'll work out. I found a speedbag mount back in one of my barns (Oklahoma) so I'm gonna get a double end bag and a speedbag (if I can find one cheap enough). Thanks again

      EDIT: And my orignal army duffel heavy bag that broke, I'm going to sew it up and mount it vertically for a nice uppercut bag...


      • #4
        you could also look at Ebay and get one of those package deals. But on a speed bag and double end bag, go with leather.

