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Taekwondo punch

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  • Taekwondo punch


    I'm new here on this forum so bare with me please.
    I'm a brwon belt Taekwondo student. And i guess almost every1 here knows that Taekwondo is %90 kicks and the other %10 is punching. therefore my fist in not as powerful as my foot. The Q is :: can some1 give my some drills or tips improving my fist strength and speed?? beside punching the heavy bag randomly

    Thanks alot.

    BTW this forum rocks

  • #2
    grab a book on boxing, If you are only doing 10% hand work then you are seriously shortchanging yourself.

    In 20 years I have been taught that legs and hands should be equal. while I acknowledge that this is generally not how TKD is taught today, I still believe this is how it should be taught and trained. Just as left and right should be trained to be equal.

    check the forum for boxing drills. you will find plenty of things to help you.


    • #3
      Don't sell the punching TKD short. Aside from the chambering and gaurd hand position the punches themselves are just punches. Good stuff! The hard blocking can give you the open to deliver powerfull reverse punches! Try it.

      The feet can draw the hands down to make your punch land too! Don't knock your friends out...


      • #4
        Get a muay thai or kyokushin book. If you get a boxing book, you might mess up your stance. I was a boxer for a long time before I went to muay thai and the stance transitition was a bit rough.


        • #5
          thanks for the input guys. Any recommendation for a decent boxing, or a muay thai book??


          • #6

            free online book there


            • #7
              Rodney King : Sparrring 101

              Try to download the Rodney King (Sparring 101) video. He gives you a lot of techniques on how to box/guard effectively and maintain your mobility. The only thing that you might have trouble with is understanding his english accent. Here is the link below:



              • #8
                Originally posted by foofies

                I'm new here on this forum so bare with me please.
                I'm a brwon belt Taekwondo student. And i guess almost every1 here knows that Taekwondo is %90 kicks and the other %10 is punching. therefore my fist in not as powerful as my foot. The Q is :: can some1 give my some drills or tips improving my fist strength and speed?? beside punching the heavy bag randomly

                Thanks alot.

                BTW this forum rocks
                Take up boxing at a gym with a coach who was or is atleast a ranked amateur fighter.


                • #9
                  RUN FROM THE TKD AS FAST AS YOU CAN AND DON'T LOOK BACK. The bad thing about this is that i have a black belt in tkd and even i don't like it


                  • #10
                    don't judge the rest of the world by your shitty standards.


                    • #11
                      somebody's a little touchy i hope i didn't hurt your feelings excessiveforce but i'll let you get forceing people excessively


                      • #12
                        naaa, to each their own.

                        I've met crap tkd people and exceptional tkd people.

                        People will find what is best for them.


                        • #13
                          true very well put


                          • #14
                            TKD has hands also. Its up to the instructor to train the students. Problem today is the olympic TKD training where for points kicks get used more. And for chamber punches most often in combat or spars you do not chamber. You will have to train your hands to become better. Use them more learn to close the gap from kicking range to punching. So you can effectively use your hands. And the old saying put a little hip action in your strikes. There you will find power. Bag work cross training what ever helps. Ask your instructor for a little extra help developing your hands. He should be willing to work with you there.


                            • #15
                              i sparred a tkd guy who knew some boxing and a bit of mt today. he was pretty good. he had speed and good kicks and decent hands and could fight from both stances.

