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Fixing the heavybag

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  • Fixing the heavybag

    I broke my heavy bag, at the top.

    Basically, I believe its a vynil (sp?) bag.. not 100% sure though, and it had some sorta.. zipper type thing, like a big one... at the top, anyway that has come apart, and I dont think I can zip it back up, the stuffing is starting to come out.. (stuffing is like.. rags.. sorta, shreds of cloth), and I was wondering the best way to fix this.

    I thought of sewing it at the top with fishing line, using a stable gun to stable it together, or duct tape, but I dont know if duct tape would do the trick by itself.

    Any thoughts, or experience?

  • #2
    usually use electrical tape.
    if you sow it, i'd still put some tape over that

