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The Best way to Block an Uppercut??

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  • The Best way to Block an Uppercut??

    What is the best way to block an uppercut? If you have both hands up near the center of your face.

    Trying to use your elbows to block it - leaves too much room open.

    Trying to block it with your palm - way too narrow a target and lots of room to miss.

    There must be a good way? I know it's hard to defend but it can't be impossible?

    Footnote: Props and shout out to the original thread author "Madskilz", he posted this in the MMA fourmn and I wanted to see how it would do here in the boxing forumn.

  • #2
    Stifle (same side hand) and cross stifles (opposite hand) are basically using your palm to stuff the uppercut down/out. Elbows and forearms work fine for blocking/deflecting - you can use both or just one. You can also counter uppercuts nicely with uppercuts of your own.


    • #3
      Maybe you dont like the palm because you are targeting the fist? Stifles should usually target the inside elbow bend, the elbow itself, or the forearm or upperarm. The fist is good too, but thats really a 'catch.'


      • #4

        if you really feel threatened by an impossible-to-block upercut..just step back
        or just clinch..

        other solution is,during sparring..throw thoses upercuts and try to put your oponent in the same position that youre unconfortable how he reacts.

        do to the oponent what you dont want beeing done to you


        • #5
          move away at a 45 degree angle keeping your block up. you should then have it hit the block after a short shuffle back. if you moved straign back then he could always extend his arm to get you. bring your arms together at the front og your face.


          • #6
            The Uppercut is such a suprise and stealth punch; I don't think I have ever seen one blocked in a professional boxing match.


            • #7
              Sounds like you are talking about a parry--there is a big difference. Man, I keep thinking you are big John McCarthy from UFC, Your writing style i guess.


              • #8
                Sorry I stand corrected; I'm a martial artist but I study boxing in order to know how to defend against a boxer.


                • #9
                  This has probably been stated earlier but I like to just not be there for uppercuts, I take a qucik step back or to the side and then throw a nice cross or something.


                  • #10
                    There is no possible way to block an uppercut. It's an unblockable move innit.


                    • #11
                      Slightly off topic but; It amazing when you have a street fight with a boxer. They are always in shock and awe when they get hit by strikes simply because they are so used to getting hit with gloves.


                      • #12
                        Yeah that boxing stuff sure is pretty worthless in the street!

                        Take away a boxers gloves and he's screwed obviously. Can't fight at all innit. Just like when you take away matted areas from grapplers, it immediately makes grappling worthless.

                        Hoorah for things like Escrima, Kung Fu and RBSD. That's real fighting innit.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Romeo
                          Yeah that boxing stuff sure is pretty worthless in the street!

                          Take away a boxers gloves and he's screwed obviously. Can't fight at all innit. Just like when you take away matted areas from grapplers, it immediately makes grappling worthless.

                          Hoorah for things like Escrima, Kung Fu and RBSD. That's real fighting innit.
                          I wouldn't get overconfident. If you get caught on the receiving end of a boxers punch--you are going to be fu$#$#k up. They can hit without gloves it's just that they aren't used to getting hit. Same thing with a grappler, don't get overconfident. If you get thrown on the street, you are going to be fu$#k up because their is no mat to cushion your fall. If you get pile drived on the street you will probably end up in the emergency room.


                          • #14
                            forearms together elbows tight into the chest, covers ur jaw completely from an uppercut, probs easier just slippin the uppercut tho . . .

                            btw hardball i have never heard anything so silly as a boxers arent used to getting hit, cumon that was a bit stupid mate!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by wado_kai
                              btw hardball i have never heard anything so silly as a boxers arent used to getting hit, cumon that was a bit stupid mate!
                              Sorry let me clarify, I was talking about bareknuckles.

