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skipping rope is not as easy as it looks...

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  • skipping rope is not as easy as it looks...

    I have a leather jump rope, 9.5feet, and I have been using it for a few days now, and while I do get in a good rythm, it's not long before I mess up and have to start all over again.. is this normal?

    How long do you guys skip before you mess up and have to start over again?

  • #2
    What you're describing is normal for everyone when they first start off jumping rope. After a while you just pick up a knack for it. When I started I realized I was getting frustrated so I decided that I would just do as best I could and focus on picking up the skill rather than trying to push myself to get a better work out. I guess it depends on the person but after a week or two it became second nature and then I was able to start picking up the pace and varying my patterns to make the work out tougher. I still trip up on occasion, but not very often and usually it happens when I'm trying to do more complicated foot work. Also, if the rope is too long for you that will make it more difficult to control. I don't know a rule of thumb for how long it should be, but you can shorten it as needed by tying knots in it.


    • #3
      Awesome Sag, thanks. I originally had an 8ft rope, but it was too short(I'm 5-10 1/2), and tripped up so much, now I have a 9.5 foot one and can last way longer.. I am getting better at it, and have been skipping rope right before I do my roadwork..


      • #4
        Measurement is essential but other things to consider is proper breathing, relaxed shoulders and relying on your wrists to do a lot of the work. The jumps in itself must be very little. At time, beginners tend to jump too high and get tired rather quickly which ultimately screws up the timing of the jump. Build your time by 1 to 3 minute rounds and then vary speed. Consistency is the key but it must come through progress.


        • #5
          Originally posted by GQchris
          Awesome Sag, thanks. I originally had an 8ft rope, but it was too short(I'm 5-10 1/2), and tripped up so much, now I have a 9.5 foot one and can last way longer.. I am getting better at it, and have been skipping rope right before I do my roadwork..
          Speaking of roadwork, what are you doing these days in terms of mileage? Speed work?

          Do you recommend running 2 or more times in a day?


          • #6
            Originally posted by Tom Yum
            Speaking of roadwork, what are you doing these days in terms of mileage? Speed work?

            Do you recommend running 2 or more times in a day?
            I shoot for three long runs a week, lasting at least 50 minutes or more, and I alternate with shorter easier runs during the week lasting 30-40 minutes, the longer runs I do 6 miles or longer, and the shorter ones, at least 3-4 miles... and on the end of the shorter runs, I do hill sprints for at least 20 minutes at like 75% effort..


            • #7
              You must have read up on some Arthur Lydiard(running coach).. I don't like running twice a day, because I have a busy work schedule too, but not something I like to do.. to me, it would probably lead to overtraining at least mentally anyway..


              • #8
                Originally posted by johnj
                Measurement is essential but other things to consider is proper breathing, relaxed shoulders and relying on your wrists to do a lot of the work. The jumps in itself must be very little. At time, beginners tend to jump too high and get tired rather quickly which ultimately screws up the timing of the jump. Build your time by 1 to 3 minute rounds and then vary speed. Consistency is the key but it must come through progress.
                thanks john, yeah, I noticed I was probably using my shoulders way too much as they were getting fatigued... I skipped again today for 15 minutes and geting better...


                • #9
                  A typical week as far as roadwork looks like this, Sunday-long run 6 miles or more, at least 50 minutes if past 6 miles... Monday will be a bit easier run, maybe 4 miles, Tuesday will be another short easy run 3 miles, Wednesday another long run 6-8 miles or more.. Thursday same as Tuesday, Friday another long run of 6 miles or more.. and Saturday rest..

                  Some weeks I will rest two days, but I love running and have been blessed with strong joints so I understand this may not work for everybody...


                  • #10
                    I still mess up a lot. Some go's I last a fair few minutes. But I get in those ruts of tripping up every 10 seconds from time to time

                    I read somewhere the general rule for length is stepping in the middle of the rope and having the ends touch your armpits. From rossboxing or someplace.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by GQchris
                      A typical week as far as roadwork looks like this, Sunday-long run 6 miles or more, at least 50 minutes if past 6 miles... Monday will be a bit easier run, maybe 4 miles, Tuesday will be another short easy run 3 miles, Wednesday another long run 6-8 miles or more.. Thursday same as Tuesday, Friday another long run of 6 miles or more.. and Saturday rest..

                      Some weeks I will rest two days, but I love running and have been blessed with strong joints so I understand this may not work for everybody...

                      After the bootcamp, my shin splints went away. My legs are holding up quite well (thankfully).


                      • #12
                        run stairs, they strengthen the part of your legs suseptable to shin splints...


                        • #13

                          Regarding skipping, I am pretty ok with straight skipping, but any variation from that doesn't seem to be happening. I know you are supposed to learn to shift you weight from foot to foot, but is there a simple way to get the coordination down, because right now i'm struggling to do it.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by GQchris
                            I have a leather jump rope, 9.5feet, and I have been using it for a few days now, and while I do get in a good rythm, it's not long before I mess up and have to start all over again.. is this normal?

                            How long do you guys skip before you mess up and have to start over again?
                            Good God! Chris....Man! I can't even think straight! Screw skipping rope! That sig pic has got me all messed up in the head!...............

