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Just started boxing and i am looking for certain advice

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  • Just started boxing and i am looking for certain advice

    hey as i juust said, i just started and am wanting advice on any exercise or drills or anything to improve my stamina, because after hitting the bag even for a little while i find is pretty hard and draining, also my punches are slow so any advice to speed things up is welcome to. also the trainer kept on saying i need to relax even when i was relaxing as much as i can,so if anyone can tell me what he might mean by that, and how to "relax" properly i would appreciate it, so yeh....


  • #2
    Originally posted by kanik View Post
    hey as i juust said, i just started and am wanting advice on any exercise or drills or anything to improve my stamina, because after hitting the bag even for a little while i find is pretty hard and draining, also my punches are slow so any advice to speed things up is welcome to. also the trainer kept on saying i need to relax even when i was relaxing as much as i can,so if anyone can tell me what he might mean by that, and how to "relax" properly i would appreciate it, so yeh....

    the best advice i can give you is to keep training. as you get better, you get in better shape, move more efficiently, and you will learn how to relax more.


    • #3
      heh heh... dang sounds so simple, i used to do other martial arts which have ingrained habits into me that are supposadly not good for boxing, that sucks.


      • #4
        its ok, we all have stuff to work on. practice makes perfect though. some things you can do on the side is mabye weight lifting, or running and cardio type training. other than that, all you can do is keep training. skipping rope is a good exercise for boxers.

        as for relaxing, if you ever find yourself trying to hard, tensing up, or expending way too much energy then thats a sign that you need to relax. just try to loosen up and be fluid while expending the least energy as possible. just keep these things in your mind when training, and you will get better and better.


        • #5
          heya thanks dude, but yeh as i said i was relaxing as much as i could. I allready do jog, i can jog for ages, but it still doesnt help at all, i wish i could skip more often but i dont have a rope, and i am a bit tight on money at this point in time because i am going travelling soon, so yeh.


          • #6
            If you can jog for days, then try doing sprints.

            I got to a point with my boxing that I never got drained, so I started interval training...It kicked my ass...It still kicks my ass. If you want a hard workout and good stamina, then I suggest that.


            • #7
              All good advice so far, so I'll just add this:

              Relaxing while working the bag or mitts or sparring just takes hours and hours of doing it. Same with getting solid on the heavy bag - put in the time and try to do what your coach says... it'll come as no surprise that there aren't any shorcuts.


              • #8
                thanks for all you help ^_^ yeh i never really sprint so i guess i should, and i kinda guessed there wasnt any shortcuts, but damn i was hoping


                • #9
                  Yeaa Do some interval training. Jus go to and scroll down to "you better do your roadwork" If ya got time i really recommend u read all the other articles.


                  • #10
                    the best speed drill i could think of would be doing punches or shoadow boxing with dumbells in ur hands it works


                    • #11
                      Do HIIT. lots of it. just sprint as much as you can..train train train..repitition is the answer. sparring lots helps. when you're in the ring pace yourself, do not go all out like a wild'll end up draining your energy. also if you want a hard punch, do some punching bag drills...want power??...hit the bag hard make EVERY punch count, dont throw lazy jabs...and slap like a girl....the reason why you are not because breathing could play a big factor into this..learn proper breathing rythms..suck and blow. Have a good diet, hard training, dedication, and most important you must have Heart...with all this you'll become better in no time !


                      • #12
                        yeh that all makes perfect sense, my friend and i just got some gloves of our own reently and we are sparring by ourselves a lot, a lot a lot a lot... heh its real good fun, but he cant take much, even light hits seem to make him real dizzy and disoriented, i havent been hit by him yet so i dunno if they would to me, so far he has only got me in the stomach a couple times and it was really light. well yeh just so i can improve my sparring with him what would you say he could do to not get so effected by hits? and also we both have dificulty hitting each other due to dodging and junk so what can i do to hit him more often as well? and heh heh i hit him in the jaw, lightly might i add, and he was going on about how he ws all dizzy and junk, i personnally think he just has to get used to it and stop complaining. well yeh any advice would be gret again, i could probably start a new thread but i say screw it this one is fine.


                        • #13
                          Wait..let me get this straight, you dont take boxing lessons? do you just box with your friends?..if so..i suggest you find a boxing gym and join up...because you'll have bad technique and bad habits that is hard to fix when you join a boxing gym adn you'll regret it because when you join you're so used to punching YOUR way..when it is so wrong.....and as for you're friend...he probably doesnt bob/weave....and as for hitting him as "often" need to work on your speed.....and as i said earlier join a're not gonna go anywhere if you sparr your friend(s) even if you spar him 10+ times..a day.....your just going to create bad habits then when you spar the actual people in the gym you'll just make yourself look like a fool because you do not know how to punch properly. Excuse me if you do take boxing lessons then i am sorry .


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by jaymackz View Post
                            Wait..let me get this straight, you dont take boxing lessons? do you just box with your friends?..if so..i suggest you find a boxing gym and join up...because you'll have bad technique and bad habits that is hard to fix when you join a boxing gym adn you'll regret it because when you join you're so used to punching YOUR way..when it is so wrong.....and as for you're friend...he probably doesnt bob/weave....and as for hitting him as "often" need to work on your speed.....and as i said earlier join a're not gonna go anywhere if you sparr your friend(s) even if you spar him 10+ times..a day.....your just going to create bad habits then when you spar the actual people in the gym you'll just make yourself look like a fool because you do not know how to punch properly. Excuse me if you do take boxing lessons then i am sorry .
                            hey not to be rude but i did say at the start of this thread "just started boxing" so yeh i am doing boxing and i have been doing it for a few weeks now and junk, i am getting better and so is my stamina, sparring with my friend is helping me improve my fitness level, putting moves together, and most importantly i am getting myself out of the habit of using elbows, knees and kicks from my previous martial arts i have done. so yeh i do boxing and i aint gonna stop sparring weith my friend.

