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Sparring help please ^_^

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  • Sparring help please ^_^

    hey guys,
    i'm new to boxing, i've boxed about 4 times with my buddies and we are just having fun. my one friend has been boxing for 6 years so he's pretty decent. well first off i'll tell you guys my stats. i'm 6'4" 175lbs about 6%bf and i'm a righty. i'm very new to boxing, i've read many articles and everything about tips on what i should do, but what i really want to know is what my advantages are as to being taller than my opponent (5'8") and how i can use those advantages best. he's really good at dodging and he has great speed, his stats are 5'8" 150lbs and about 6-8%bf and he's fairly experienced in boxing and a lefty >_< . i know you guys are going to say practice practice practice, but i really want to know specific tips on what i can use to beat him, i've been shadowboxing every day in the mirror for about 20 minutes to build my endurance and work on form, i've also been practicing snapping my jabs and all my hits so they come back up to my face rather than dropping my arms as i have been doing, i also recently got a punching bag and i'm gonna hang that up and practice my combos. so i'd really appreciate if you guys could give me tips on how to use my height to my advantage, or any general training tips would be greatly appreciated! thanks so much guys.

  • #2
    Originally posted by surfermang View Post
    hey guys,
    i'm new to boxing, i've boxed about 4 times with my buddies and we are just having fun. my one friend has been boxing for 6 years so he's pretty decent. well first off i'll tell you guys my stats. i'm 6'4" 175lbs about 6%bf and i'm a righty. i'm very new to boxing, i've read many articles and everything about tips on what i should do, but what i really want to know is what my advantages are as to being taller than my opponent (5'8") and how i can use those advantages best. he's really good at dodging and he has great speed, his stats are 5'8" 150lbs and about 6-8%bf and he's fairly experienced in boxing and a lefty >_< . i know you guys are going to say practice practice practice, but i really want to know specific tips on what i can use to beat him, i've been shadowboxing every day in the mirror for about 20 minutes to build my endurance and work on form, i've also been practicing snapping my jabs and all my hits so they come back up to my face rather than dropping my arms as i have been doing, i also recently got a punching bag and i'm gonna hang that up and practice my combos. so i'd really appreciate if you guys could give me tips on how to use my height to my advantage, or any general training tips would be greatly appreciated! thanks so much guys.
    Go to a freakin Gym...guys telling you shit on the internet is all fine and dandy but go join a Boxing Gym to ACTUALLY learn how to Box.


    • #3
      yeah, i just looked up the gyms in my local area, do you think i should just get group training or personal training? im thinking group then when i get good enough go to personal... heh, well anybody else have actual tips for me... i just wanna get better so i can be a challenge to my buddy that's been boxing for awhile... >_< any tips against lefties or how to use my height to an advantage would be greatly appreciated.
      thanks again guys


      • #4
        Originally posted by surfermang View Post
        yeah, i just looked up the gyms in my local area, do you think i should just get group training or personal training? im thinking group then when i get good enough go to personal... heh, well anybody else have actual tips for me... i just wanna get better so i can be a challenge to my buddy that's been boxing for awhile... >_< any tips against lefties or how to use my height to an advantage would be greatly appreciated.
        thanks again guys
        Learn to use your jab and footwork to maintain range. Learn to step and hook on a lefty and learn to circle to his outside, also learn to lead with your right hand but be sure and snap your punches back to cover. Learn to stay low in stance and translate that leg spring into punching power... All of which is gonna require an actual coach.

        Just go to the gym, don't worry about privates. THere's an old saying "forget about learning the tricks of the trade, learn the trade"


        • #5
          Get a good instructor, whether its privates or group classes. (I suggest both) And just practice, practice. Honestly if he's been boxing for 6 years and you've only done it a few times, don't expect to beat him decisively any time soon. You'll learn a ton by sparring with him though!


          • #6
            Agreed, you need a coach. Someone who can teach you the proper techniques and strategies, alot of the tips we WOULD give you would not apply or even make alot of sense to you because of the lack of training thus far (Please don't take offense I am just stating facts and don't me to degrade you at all). Get a Coach, learn the proper basics and practice, practice, practice... that's really what it's all about


            • #7
              alrite, thanks a lot guys. what's a good price range for group classes/private classes, and how many days a week do you recommend i get group/private lessons. as of now i can only get group lessons because my student loan hasnt come in yet so i need to budget my money. i really do appreciate all this help, and i'm not offended about any of the tips. it's obvious i need a real trainer and TONS of practice. thanks a lot guys!

              oh yeah and if it changes anything i'm 21.


              • #8
                Get Mad and brawl...................


                • #9
                  you wont get private classes of any genuine trainer..... unless your the next mike tyson!!! u dont just swagger into a gym and ask for private "tuition"....


                  • #10
                    yeah after facing my friend those 4 times(i know pitiful) i beat like 5 other guys in my dorm in matches from what he showed me... one 185lbs(10lbs heavier), one guy 195 and one guy 235. =P all of them had never boxed before but they are much bigger/stronger(not taller). so yeah i feel i've learned a lot just in this short while and i'm really excited to get an actual trainer... but i still don't know what good pricing is for group training rates. i'd really appreciate a good estimate.

                    you guys rock.

                    lol@get mad and brawl... haha


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by surfermang View Post
                      lol@get mad and brawl... haha
                      Glad you liked it. I was serious. I heard Manny Stewart say that on Friday night fights or Sat. night. LOL


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Hardball View Post
                        Get Mad and brawl...................

                        Take lots of 'roids first so your rage is strong!

                        Price is unknown - some are expensive and worthless, some are almost free but expect you to fight. Just gonna have to call around ask.
                        Last edited by gregimotis; 09-14-2006, 03:40 PM. Reason: added comment


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by gregimotis View Post
                          Take lots of 'roids first so your rage is strong!
                          Ha Ha ha, see previous post!!


                          • #14
                            [QUOTE=gregimotis;236793]Take lots of 'roids first so your rage is strong!

                            nice. i was offered roids at a gym before because he said i had "potential", haha no thanks to roids... not that desperate, i'd rather get there through hard work and training... i want more skill, not more anger =P

                            so anybody know going rates for group training?


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by gregimotis View Post
                              so anybody know going rates for group training?
                              What part of the world do you live in? This is the world wide web you know

