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Boxing Works on the street

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  • Boxing Works on the street

    i said it before and ill say it again.......boxing works well on the street.....

  • #2
    That was definetly badass. But i dont know why he didnt finish them. You can only imagine what happend the boxer after they caught up to him when the trees were blocking the view. He's still probably hit them a few more times, but still, he didnt finish them when he had a chance.


    • #3
      Yeah he was suppose to finish that for real,I would have at the very least kicked one of the dudes in the head when he fell or just try and knock one of them out.


      • #4
        awesome! that is funny. those 2 dorks werent going to do shit to that guy when they caught him, if they got anywhere near him rest assured he KO'd them. great vid


        • #5
          LMFAO Yeah, for once I agree with Oma; those guys would be a lot better off if they didn't catch up to him


          • #6
            damn that was sweet. that guy landed solid combos! 2 vs 1!

            i wish we could see what happened afterwards.


            • #7
              LMAO that was some cool shit i wouldnt be able 2 keep my head in a street fight like that.


              • #8
                I would have felt better if I could have seen a safe exit instead of the guy and his girl just sauntering off, or the home boys going in the opposite direction. There is a chance he got stuck beyond the view of the camera. No matter how skilled a person is, a macho exit is not a good tactic. Sometimes the more someone thinks about something the more PO'd they get, especially when the surprise wears off.


                • #9
                  I completely agree, he had the advantage of surprise the first time he fought them but if the 2 dorks caught up to him and really went at it with him....I think it would be bad news for the boxer.


                  • #10
                    I like the way he reacted and the aggression he showed when he attacked the two pricks. But he didn't finish them off. He could have booted one of the guys in the head while he was on the ground and then it would have been an easier 1on1 with the remaining guy.

                    Still, amusing to say the least!


                    • #11
                      i usually consider myself a pretty peaceful guy but i'm with the rest of you guys in being a bit surprised he didn't finish the job. if someone hit my loved one for no reason like that, i'd be looking to leave some injuries that he'd have to remember me by for a long time. maybe he didn't want to show that darker side in front of his girlfriend, which is admirable.

                      i liked this video because it shows perfectly what those dog brother guys are always saying. if a higher ratio of people were trained to retaliate like this boxer did, punks would think twice before doing random violent acts cause there may be someone near by to hold them accountable.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by The_Judo_Jibboo View Post
                        i usually consider myself a pretty peaceful guy but i'm with the rest of you guys in being a bit surprised he didn't finish the job. if someone hit my loved one for no reason like that, i'd be looking to leave some injuries that he'd have to remember me by for a long time. maybe he didn't want to show that darker side in front of his girlfriend, which is admirable.

                        i liked this video because it shows perfectly what those dog brother guys are always saying. if a higher ratio of people were trained to retaliate like this boxer did, punks would think twice before doing random violent acts cause there may be someone near by to hold them accountable.
                        i agree, he should have POUNDED them even further, 2 on 1 is very hard to hande no matter how tough you are., I would have made sure they out cold also


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by OmaPlata View Post
                          I would have made sure they out cold also
                          no you wouldnt, because bjj probobly wouldnt have worked in that situation.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by 3mptin3ss View Post
                            no you wouldnt, because bjj probobly wouldnt have worked in that situation.
                            in this particular situation, i'm not sure i agree. probably not bjj alone, yea, but setting up with a few strikes... if you watch again, after he knocks down the second guy he has a good 10 seconds alone with the other one. against an untrained assailant, which these guys obviously are, i think that's enough time to takedown and break the joint of your choosing. maybe the other guy gets a kick in but now it's a one on one fight.
                            i'm not saying that's the way i'd go about it, but i just hear too often that groundfighting isn't a valid self-defense option. it's the same folly as when mma guys say there's nothing valuable in tma's. why wouldn't you want your bag of tricks to be as big as possible? what if a guy is on top of you holding you down while his buddy kicks? wouldn't you want to put the guy pinning you in some pain and get up?

                            and 3mptin3ss, that being said i agree with you . most likely bjj is not the option you want take here. i used your post to launch into a rant on my own agenda. forgive me.


                            • #15
                              well lets discuss it. what do you guys think? if that guy tried to use bjj instead of boxing do you thikn he would have been successful?

