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Boxing Works on the street

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  • #16
    Originally posted by 3mptin3ss View Post
    well lets discuss it. what do you guys think? if that guy tried to use bjj instead of boxing do you thikn he would have been successful?
    I like BJJ. I like the hard training and I like the techniques.

    In this situation, and I've thought about this, no it wouldn't have worked.

    The 2 guys didn't try to take the fight to the ground, the guy that fell on the ground could have been kicked in the head, without needing to bother with a submission/breaking technique, and then the boxer could have finished off the other guy. The multiple opponent thing is tricky. You need to be aware of the other guy at all times as the boxer was. You can't spend too long on one person in case you get sucker punched as the boxer showed and you need to be fast, aggressive and determined as the boxer was (despite him not finishing them off). I'm not convinced BJJ would have worked in this situation.

    I look forward to hearing from those who think it would have worked.


    • #17
      I train in BJJ but I am by no means claiming myself to be an expert. I'am a newb in the world of BJJ. From my point of view there is no way I would have used BJJ in that situation. It's obvious you don't want to go to the ground when you are fighting 2 people.


      • #18
        i think BJJ one on one is seriously bad ass.......very effective.......2 on 1 way.....i dont think there are even techniques for grappling 2 people at once in BJJ.......maybe im wrong but lets just say you have one guy in a submissive lock and the other guy decides to boot **** you in the head......hmmm....i dont know if you can defend against on one ....BJJ couldve easily destroyed either of those guys......easily.


        • #19
          Im not saying ive ever been in a situation like in the video, but lets say in the heat of the moment you do go to ground when you fight two guys... If youre an experiance BJJ practicioner, you can quickly apply a collar choke or an RNC to full extent. And by full extent i mean to where your attacker is OUT within a couple seconds of applying the choke. Now, i realize that his buddy will be trying to hit your face, either with kicks, stomps or punches or both, but are you really gonna let those strikes PREVENT you from finishing a choke where you only need a COUPLE of seconds to complete? If youre not tough enough to able to endure those strikes, no matter how hard someone is hitting you, than you shouldnt be fighting. After you choke out one guy(snapping a limp is much faster though), you can move on to the next.

          But obviously, being good at boxing is more effective than grappling someone when its you versus 2.


          • #20
            Originally posted by 7r14ngL3Ch0k3 View Post
            Im not saying ive ever been in a situation like in the video, but lets say in the heat of the moment you do go to ground when you fight two guys.
            You'd probably get stomped or punched in the mix.


            • #21

              he he he good stuff


              • #22
                Originally posted by 7r14ngL3Ch0k3 View Post
                Im not saying ive ever been in a situation like in the video, but lets say in the heat of the moment you do go to ground when you fight two guys... If youre an experiance BJJ practicioner, you can quickly apply a collar choke or an RNC to full extent. And by full extent i mean to where your attacker is OUT within a couple seconds of applying the choke. Now, i realize that his buddy will be trying to hit your face, either with kicks, stomps or punches or both, but are you really gonna let those strikes PREVENT you from finishing a choke where you only need a COUPLE of seconds to complete? If youre not tough enough to able to endure those strikes, no matter how hard someone is hitting you, than you shouldnt be fighting. After you choke out one guy(snapping a limp is much faster though), you can move on to the next.

                But obviously, being good at boxing is more effective than grappling someone when its you versus 2.
                its possible i suppose but it dont matter how" tough" you are getting kicked full force in the head or face will **** you up and it takes less than a second .you have a better chance of one of the guys taking a cardiac arrest


                • #23
                  I have heard many BJJ guys and other grapplers state that you really don't want to go to the ground with multiple opponents. While you are focusing on one, the other is screwing you up. I personally know of an incident where a girlfriend didn't like seeing her boyfriend being choked out and took matters into her own hands by inserting her Pink Handled Lady Sticker or whatever the nasty was called that she had in their purse, into the ribs of the "victorious" grappler. Instead of a choked out opponent, he had to fight for his life in an emergency room. I am very pro grappling and BJJ, but not with multiple opponents.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Tom Yum View Post
                    You'd probably get stomped or punched in the mix.
                    No shit. Dont try to be a smart ass.

                    It was just an idea. Im not saying i or anyone should do that. And getting punched and kicked in the face for a few seconds is something alot guys can handle, and recover from. I guess some of you are just whimps and have never experianced what its like to be getting hit in the head, hard.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by 7r14ngL3Ch0k3 View Post
                      It was just an idea. Im not saying i or anyone should do that. And getting punched and kicked in the face for a few seconds is something alot guys can handle, and recover from. I guess some of you are just whimps and have never experianced what its like to be getting hit in the head, hard.
                      I try not to get hit in the head too hard. I'd rather have a punch miss my head or not be there if given a choice.

                      I get clocked every now and then; when I workout with others (new and amateur boxers) and spar, sometimes I try to work on pure defense, gradually upping the speed/contact.

                      Every now and then, I'll take a solid hook to the head, but for the most part I keep moving, blocking and keeping my hands up. It ain't fun but its a good dose of reality.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Tom Yum View Post
                        It ain't fun but its a good dose of reality.

                        LOLOLOLOLOL... very true, at least my coworkers have been nice enough to pretend they didn't notice the shiner I picked up sparring on Tues.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by 7r14ngL3Ch0k3 View Post

                          But obviously, being good at boxing is more effective than grappling someone when its you versus 2.

                          Good job. Never miss an opportunity to say something stupid.


                          • #28
                            Niether do you.


                            • #29
                              Oh, a biting retort!


                              • #30
                                not to be a spoil sport but how do we know the dude was a boxer anyway?

                                to me that could have been any striking art except for maybe Wing chun.

                                eg. jkd, muay thai, karate, tae kwon do, other kung fu styles, or of course boxing.

                                it was just a jab cross combo with advancing footwork. fantasticlly applied but still it could have been any style.

                                not being a smart ass here, just making an observation.

