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How to tell off a poser?

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  • How to tell off a poser?

    There's a kid in my school who said he takes boxing but I know hes lying, cause 1) He saids hes been training for a year, but he still looks the same today. 2) He cant jump rope for shit n that is a must know in boxing. 3) He cant run 4 laps around a 1 mile track, hell he cant even run 1 lap around the track. 4) He cant throw a proper punch. 5) This is what made me really pissed off when he said he is already competing and he was only training for 1 week. I know thats bullshit cause he goes to the same gym that I use to go to and I know the trainer is really strict when it comes to his boxers fighting in tournaments. So I want know how should I tell him in the worth way that he is a fake ass boxer?

  • #2
    Don't sweat it, Warrior. Let him talk his talk and focus on your own training efforts.

    Even better, ask him to come to the gym and train with you without pretensions. He might be bluffing and it will show, but if he's willing and able to stick it out you might have a new training partner.


    • #3
      beat the shizzy out of him... a lot of kids do that 6 week training program at boxing gyms and then get thrown into an amateur fight and get rocked and quit soon after that. Let him think what he want and laugh at him later


      • #4
        Originally posted by Warrior189 View Post
        There's a kid in my school who said he takes boxing but I know hes lying, cause 1) He saids hes been training for a year, but he still looks the same today. 2) He cant jump rope for shit n that is a must know in boxing. 3) He cant run 4 laps around a 1 mile track, hell he cant even run 1 lap around the track. 4) He cant throw a proper punch. 5) This is what made me really pissed off when he said he is already competing and he was only training for 1 week. I know thats bullshit cause he goes to the same gym that I use to go to and I know the trainer is really strict when it comes to his boxers fighting in tournaments. So I want know how should I tell him in the worth way that he is a fake ass boxer?
        if you know he is a poser then why even worry about? its not like he is calling you out or anything like that right? so let him enjoy his fantasy while you live it. there are going to be posers in every scene and every place you turn bro, just let them do their thing. by trying to confront them or out them you only give them attention they arent even worth.

        but yeah, if he is really running his mouth and calling you out or something like that you could invite him to couple rounds of friendly sparring


        • #5
          Forget about him.

          If he runs his mouth and wants a spar then give him one.....and wipe the floor with him.


          • #6
            Hey you can box and be shitty at jumping rope.... damn rope...


            • #7
              Good post Mike.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Mike Brewer
                What do you care?

                No offense, bro, but it sounds to me like you've found yourself with an easy mark, and you're looking for a way to make yourself bigger by trying to make this guy smaller.

                I see three options. You can,
                1. Beat his ass and make him feel even more worthless than he already does. After all, does a person who makes up stories about training sound like a very confident and secure person to you? In this option, you'd be a bully and a real piece of shit. You know he's no good by your own admission, so you'd be taking advantage of a weaker kid for the sake of embarassing him.
                2. Leave it alone altogether and don't concern yourself with people who need to tell lies about themselves to make them feel worth a damn. His stories in no way affect your life, and so your overblown ego should not feel any pressing need to bother with his.
                3. Make it a positive for both of you. Be approachable and positive, and use it to open a door to someone with an obvious interest. He obviously wants to identify with boxing, and he looks up to boxers because that's what he chose to "make himself" in his stories. So take him to the gym, get him signed up, and help him achieve. Make him better, so that not only will he become all those things he wants to be, he'll have you to thank for it.

                Brother, in this life, you can choose to be a positive influence and present these sports and arts we train in a great light, or you can be one of the hordes of assholes out there who only train so they can feel big. Up to you.
                I know what your getting at but it to me its a insult, cause I trained hard to be at my level now and he saids hes already competing in a week just got my pissed off.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Mike Brewer
                  The fact that you're pissed off means nothing except that you can't keep your own emotions under control. I've been training for about 26 years now, and if I got upset at every joker out there who claimed to be something they weren't, I'd spend an awful lot of time more worried about other people's lives than my own.
                  That's golden, Mike!

                  There's something to be said about keeping your cool


                  • #10
                    Mike I know what your getting at cause when I wrote the thread when I was angry n I wanted to see everyones out look of the situation. I never plan to fight him cause I never fight anyone unless its a boxing match or when I need to defend myself.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Mike Brewer
                      I'm glad, Warrior. If you don't mind, I'd like to ask you now that you're not "in the heat of the moment" what you plan to do about this situation? Obviously, at the outset, you were pretty mad and you wanted (or at least thought about) getting into it with the kid telling all those lies. Now that you've had time to think things through, how do you intend to proceed?

                      Believe me, brother, I have been pretty ticked off at folks for telling stories, too, and I've dealt with it in a number of ways - some positive and some negative. But since it appears you have an opportunity in front of you to make yourself into a better man, I'd love to hear your thoughts on where you'll take this. It might be good for several other people here as well...
                      I'm not really going to bother with it anymore, cause almost everyone knows hes making up stories cause they know hes the kind of person who likes attention and if he wants to pretend he is a boxer I'll just let him. Cause I need to focus on myself and get back the days I missed in my training due to my injury.


                      • #12
                        Mike, I agree 100% in the way you communicated this to Warrior. I was heading the same direction.

