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Punching without gloves, which knuckles to use?

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  • #31
    Five Animals Style buddy. I kill Mcdojos where I come from. Funnily enough that Ninja thing is exactly what I need to do next. Where can I find Ashida Kim?


    • #32
      So do you run your own school now?
      Whats your teaching style like?


      • #33
        Originally posted by FLMKane View Post
        Five Animals Style buddy.
        The Northern 72 or the Southern 170 techniques?

        Originally posted by FLMKane View Post
        I kill Mcdojos where I come from. Funnily enough that Ninja thing is exactly what I need to do next. Where can I find Ashida Kim?
        You ought to travel to Colorado and look up SWAN, Shadow Warriors Association of Ninjitsu.

        Serious Ninja Training Camps for the Modern Martial Arts Warrior


        • #34
          Northern 72


          • #35
            Originally posted by Ghost View Post
            So do you run your own school now?
            Whats your teaching style like?
            I dont have a school.

            My teaching style? Only a few people survived it. I make them spar after every kata, because I hate katas. I also got a boxer and Judoka to help improve my fighting. I believe in being a good martial artist, but I dont believe in style. Does that explain how I teach?


            • #36
              Originally posted by FLMKane View Post
              I dont have a school.

              My teaching style? Only a few people survived it. I make them spar after every kata, because I hate katas. I also got a boxer and Judoka to help improve my fighting. I believe in being a good martial artist, but I dont believe in style. Does that explain how I teach?
              it does.

              How many wars have you fought in?


              • #37
                Originally posted by Ghost View Post
                it does.

                How many wars have you fought in?


                • #38
                  I thought you had been in Nam or something, or maybe Iraq part 1 First Blood?

                  Originally posted by FLMKane View Post


                  • #39
                    Without hand protection I used to avoid punches like the plague. I'd stick to finger darts, chops and grapples etc. However I just never could get past how great punching feels. So I started Iron Palm training. Learn how to punch through bricks? ...probably sufficient. Iron palm actually made my chops and finger darts 10X more effective. So I'd have to recommended learning Iron palm, it perfectly supplements every martial art. Need a good place to start?
                    Iron Body Training


                    • #40
                      FINGER DARTS!? ARE YOU CRAZY? You'll end up with broken FINGERS! They require more training than punches


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Tant01 View Post
                        Which knuckles?

                        Check out the anatomy yourself. The most efficient force transfer will be delivered through a NUTRAL wrist position. With a PROPER (nutral) wrist position relative to the LINE of force your BIG knuckles will align with the forearm.

                        But don't take my word for anything!
                        The problem is'nt the forearm itself its the BONES. There are two of them. On is bigger and closer to the little finger, and connect directly to the elbow, directly with the triceps, directly to the transfer of energy.

                        And yes in some schools there is something called a rank challenge. Just like in Judo and some styles of Karate.


                        • #42

                          Originally posted by FLMKane View Post
                          The problem is'nt the forearm itself its the BONES. There are two of them. On is bigger and closer to the little finger, and connect directly to the elbow, directly with the triceps, directly to the transfer of energy.

                          And yes in some schools there is something called a rank challenge. Just like in Judo and some styles of Karate.
                          I agree. They are small bones. (easy to break) Further, the many soft tissues between all those bones are also prone to trauma. Hence the importance of alignment. Personally I find a closed fist very limited unless it's wrapped around a tool. I also tend favor palm strikes and elbows to a fist... Go figure?


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by FLMKane View Post
                            And yes in some schools there is something called a rank challenge. Just like in Judo and some styles of Karate.

                            "Just like in Judo..."

                            In JUDO a black belt only means you're ready to teach BEGINNERS.

                            If you ever cross paths with a serious 3 dan or higher you'll understand the difference. You don't get rank in organized sport by beating up anyone and swiping their obi.

                            But you can usually find a club that will let you try.


                            • #44
                              Karate hits with the two big knuckles. Boxers hit with the two smaller ones. I hit harder as a boxer, and those knuckles (at least for me) seem to be able to absorb more shock.

                              IMO the larger ones will break easier. With much practise, delivering a heel of the hand strike in similar fashion might be a safer way to go if in the street (Under the chin, then hook to the solar plexus/ribs or knee in berries. Both end in a hip throw). You give up about 3 inches of distance, but still have both hands. Exception: right or left hook to the jaw. In the street, land it hard and you should have it done

                              It is very hard to take a guy out once you have even a small fracture of the knuckle. Hopefully the job is already done. Avoid the eyebrows, they break knuckles as does the forehead... moreso the eyebrows: 'sharper'

                              Read post number 15. He is right on.
                              Also good is the backfist in Karate... a very fast and effective opening move. Sets up for second and maybe third shot. eg: rt bkfist-left punch-hard right.

                              Fast sprinting ability is still best option though. Cemetaries are full of dead but once-brave tough guys


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Tant01 View Post
                                "Just like in Judo..."

                                In JUDO a black belt only means you're ready to teach BEGINNERS.

                                If you ever cross paths with a serious 3 dan or higher you'll understand the difference. You don't get rank in organized sport by beating up anyone and swiping their obi.

                                But you can usually find a club that will let you try.
                                LOL. A strong agile brown belter is tough enough.

                                Hey, the US Marines learn stuff in 13 totally intense weeks. This stuff works real good. Put that together with a season in a decent boxing club, and you are good to go.

                                In the street, If I had to choose; I'd rather scrap a black belt karateka, than a Marine just back from active combat duty.

                                Judo rules. Works great. I know very little of it, though
                                Last edited by Middleweight; 01-05-2009, 12:57 AM. Reason: extra content

