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Dirty Fighting

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  • Dirty Fighting

    Boxing has a few dirty tactics which are good for self-defense. I would recommend against practicing them, but what do you think?

    After a bob, when you are head to head, as you come up you can drive the crown of your head into the opponents chin or face. After slipping a straight, you could counter with a thrusting head butt into the opponents jaw/ear.
    If your opponent leans against you, you can drive him off with your shoulder or ram him with it.

    After a bob, you could throw a shovel hook to the groin, but it would work better against a taller opponent.
    Whenever your opponents arm is extended for a period of time (pushing or grabbing) you could hook/uppercut right above the elbow.
    Against a kicker, if you can catch a kick without taking too much damage, you could hook/elbow above the knee while driving into the kickers body with your shoulder.

    Anybody have other contributions?

  • #2
    Bob weave and hook to the groin.


    • #3
      Originally posted by swan104
      Bob weave and hook to the groin.
      Yeah, I got that one allready. I guess you could add biting (lol)


      • #4
        I am not a real boxer but I have brawled alot , but I would say a well placed punch to the inside off the knee is a good way to criple a fighter. I would also suggest stepping on a foot to stop someone from backing off while you drill them and it makes people nervous.


        • #5
          Why would you get low enough to punch the knee? That's like kicking to the head because it's a good target. Punches should stay upper body and feet should stay lower.

          Dirty fighting? A jab can be done with the fingertips or with the thumb extended in an attempt to poke the eye. A hook can be done with a cupped palm instead of a fist. This is aimed at the ears, and it can pop an eardrum. Stomps to the ankles and feet work well. Only do it with the heel. Finally, don't try to hit the elbow. If you think you'll be that accurate in a real fight, you're probably wrong. Even if you could be so precise, why attack a limb when there are plenty of other more vulnerable targets?


          • #6

            why the hell would you want to be getting low to hit him in the knee when you could just hit him hard in the face.

            i wouldnt want to be giving him the time to make me bob about if it was a real fight.
            why wait for him to hit first, if you think he is gonna attack you soon, dont wait for it, hit him first then leg it.

            headbutting can be devastating though and a finger poked in your eye might give you enough time to escape as long as you can get your accuracy right. there again it might just piss your attacker off even more



            • #7
              Old timers used to purposefully miss with the right cross, and keep the bent arm moving forwards, so that the elbow hits the opponent nicely in the chops.

              With any luck he is the only one who will notice, and even then, only for an instant.


              • #8
                You could hit him in the face. Alot of the techniques are counter punch oriented, allthough you could easily enter with the headbutt or shovel hook to the groin. The psychology of bobbing under a guys haymaker and answering with a headbutt/shovel to the groin will let onlookers know that you were defending yourself (he threw the 1st punch) and that you used just enough force to get yourself out of there. Alot of people throw weak punches; just their arm, because they use arm strength instead of body power.

                Also, you can follow up with an elbow on the hook/uppercut.


                • #9
                  I think you can use the guntings too : a split gunting on his biceps (with a palm strike or inner part of the wrist ). I think it's difficult to see it and there's a psycological advantage : he probably didn't hit you , probably doen't know the technique but something has hit him . My experience is they tend to get nervous- frustrated .


                  • #10
                    Gunting is too difficult to perform for one to expect to be able to use it in a fight. Too dependent on perfect timing, knowing what's coming, and perfect accuracy on the part of the person gunting. It also takes ungodly speed. What's to say that you will be able to counter the initial strike from your opponent? This is reactive rather than proactive, and therefore, unworkable. Also, it makes no sense to attack a limb when there are plenty of more vulnerable and important targets in the first place.


                    • #11
                      I assume gunting is an FMA technique, similar to defanging the snake in muaythai. I've thrown it in while sparring (boxing) and it confuses the other guy. The only thing is that it requires your hands to be in the traditional MT high guard; boxers will start hitting your body when they catch on to you if you're sparring with boxing rules.


                      • #12
                        Gunting is an FMA maneuver that literally means "scissors." Defanging the snake is Filipino as well, not Thai.


                        • #13
                          Is limb destruction solely an FMA concept? I think its more frequent in south east asian arts.

                          Some of our MT techniques involve limb destruction, i.e. elbowing your partners knee/thigh while under a knee clinch. I'm sure silat/poekelaan has limb destruction as well, but I don't study it.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Tom Yum
                            Is limb destruction solely an FMA concept?

