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Had a sparing match!

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  • Had a sparing match!

    Hey everybody two days ago in the boxing Gym i spared, It was great!. Heres The story. I was comming towards my opponent to ask him if he wanted to spar, he said yes, WE had already talked about sparing but we never got a chance to spar, he told me to ask my coach if he would let us, and he did, my coach asked his coach and he said alright . Before the match the coach put on my headgear and said,"jab, jab, and jab, he is much shorter than you, do basic combos and uppercut." when he was putting the gloves on i felt nervous but didnt show it, i climbed up to the ring, i was already tired, i had barely finished my workout and he still hadnt, He climbed up the ring and the bell went on we started, i did as my coach said, i was jabing and right crossing. At that moments i had no feelings it was as if i almost knew what i was doing, i didnt fell threadend only a bit tired but i kept punching, everytime he tried to go inside me he met with my cross. After about two minutes of this i started getting tired and he started getting inside me, he got me twice in the solar plexus but most of his shots didnt hurt, i saw his lip bleeding and at this time i tried to make a comeback but i was to tired he kept punching me, i was just covered up going back, then miraculasly the bell rang. When the coach took out my head gear i couldnt breath but after a few minutes i was back to normal, he told me i needed to run more and that i had done great for the first time.

    This was my expirience. How was everybodys else first time? Thanks

  • #2
    Its fun to hear! My first sparring match went really well. I spent about 4 months starting from basics, to combos, to defense/counterpunch drills. The guy I sparred was about my size. I kept the pressure on him for 2 rounds, landed a couple of good shots and then in round 3 I started getting tired and sloppy; then I got systematically beaten. I could smell blood in my nose and my chin was sore as hell.


    • #3
      yeah Tom, sparing is fun! i forgot to include details, i made him miss a lot then i counter punched, i dont know why it went like this, i never train timing drills, i guess its just instict.


      • #4
        The first couple of times I sparred, the contact was medium level; just enough to get nailed, but not enough to KO. This was good because it built up my confidence.

        Then I had a 4 round heavy contact gym fight (kick boxing) and nearly got I nearly got a standing ko in 2nd round. The guy I was fighting was border line lt heavy weight - cruiser weight and had fought before. It was hard dealing with his power. It was good for me because I got a good sample of full contact, while not pulling my punches either. We had a good match; I landed cut kicks to his midsection and had him bending over and then followed with r.cross and l hook. Despite a slight weight difference, I could tell my strikes were hurting him. Equally his punches and kicks were hurting me too.

        By the 4 th round, I was praying for the bell. I went all out, got hit hard, hit back and was SO relieved when the bell rang. I've spared heavy contact since then, but allways with people in different weight classes and with different rules (boxing, muay thai). Right now, I'm just staying in shape, lifting, road work, ropes, shadow boxing and bag work. In a few months, I plan on getting back into the gym.

        Good luck with your trainin


        • #5
          Lol, I remember being about 19 and teaching the University Karate class. The real teacher got kicked out because he karate chopped his dog to death!

          Anyway, we got the Student Union to buy us body armour, fancy head guards and boxing gloves. None of the Karate techniques fit the equipment, if you know what I mean.

          A few of the lads fancied their chances, so I Gyaku Tsukied their heads in. One lad did enough for people to call it a draw! The drama (lol).

          Anyway, we had a rematch. I'd been training like a lunatic. I caught him with my Gyaku Tsuki and, as he fell, I nearly took his head off with a roundhouse.

          But a reasonable Thai Boxer would have murdered us all put together! Haw haw haw. We did our best I suppose.

          At least Shukokai taught me how to hit hard, even though 99% of it was bollocks.

          ps - I was super fit back then, but the 39 year old I am now would kick the 19 year old half to death without even breaking a sweat. Experience and nastiness will beat youthful enthusiasm every time.
          Last edited by Thai Bri; 06-16-2003, 09:29 AM.


          • #6
            My first sparring match? That was a cool experience. Unfortunately, I remember getting hit too much.

            Having participated in TKD and Karate tournaments as a kid, I felt confident stepping into the boxing ring, but it turned out to a very hard fight. I was leaning back at times and got nailed pretty good... Even stunned at one point I think. But overall, the feel of actually boxing in the ring and using my skills was great.


            • #7
              I hope i dont get KOd

              My first real boxing spar is today against my trainer, i will give details later tonight bout how it went.

              wish me luck


              • #8
                my first sparring match was against a mate of mine, we had both been training for about 6 months. it was pretty slow really- he was dictating the pace because he had quite a reach advantage, but he was very timid. I would move forward all the time and he was constantly backing up. he got a bit braver later on and started doing body shots, we traded blows until i got him with a right hook (Im a southpaw) and he stumbled, then met my picture perfect left roundhouse kick with his solar plexus. was kind of scary, he couldnt breathe, and was just writhing around on the floor. (this is thai boxing btw)


                • #9
                  my first spar

                  It went better then I thought, i sparred a friend who works out at the same gym. He has done boxing for 2 years and I have only recently started(3 weeks). He went pretty easy but got a few good shots through my guard. I got him one time in the solar plexus with a fake jab to the head then a big body shot. However that was the only time I really got past his guard. Any tips on sparring for beginners would be greatly appreciated.

                  I got a nice shiner on my cheek now from our next sparring match but I need some advice as to how I should train at home and how I should prepare for sparing someone of a much better caliber then myself.

                  thanx for your time

