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A boxer's diet.

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  • A boxer's diet.

    Simple question. What do you guys eat and more importantly not eat?


  • #2
    its the same as anyone elses regulated diet, by the way you should really be more specific as to the goal of the diet


    • #3
      Goal of diet is to lose body fat and build muscle. Increased endurance would be good too


      • #4

        Firstly if you want to lose weight eliminate sugar intake in your diet-i did this and lost 12 pounds in about a month. Also, to attain a good healthy complete diet than I suggest following the food guide pyramid...

        Milk, yogurt, cheese, 2-3 servings
        Veggies, 3- 5 servings
        Meat, Poultry, fish, dry beans, eggs, and nuts, 2-3 servings
        Fruit, 2-4 servings
        Bread, Cereal, rice, pasta, 6-11 servings

        Note: this is the suggested daily food intake for an individual as recommended by the department of health and human services. If your more active you'll body will demand more so eat accordingly.

        Combined with a healthy diet do cardio 3 or 5 times a week, depending on the intensity you go at, 3 day of high intensity for 45 mins or 5 days medium intensity for 20 -30 mins. Also, remember to do the cadio first thing in the morning before you eat and watch the pounds fall off.

        To build muscle cosume a good deal of protein, try to get most of it from food if you can, if not look into some Whey Protein supplements, I suggest Optinum Nutrition 100% Whey. Oh yeah, and lift weights 10-12 rep range would help you to attain muscle as well as giving you some muscle endurance.

        For increased endurance I suggest Calisthenics in your training (pushups, situps, chin ups, jumping jacks etc search the net for info on this)

        For boxing I would also suggest implementing some type of anaerobic training (high level intensity for a brief amount of time) which you will need to be a successful boxer. Search the net on how to learn more about anaerobics since it can get quite complicated.

        Hope this helps.
        Last edited by Kensh0; 09-09-2003, 11:19 PM.


        • #5
          Yea dont listen to anything in the last post. Here's what you do, it sounds like you want a cutting diet to burn fat and increase endurance.

          In terms of diet, search online to find out your daily calorie intake, it'll be somewhere around 2500 calories. Decrease that by 500 and that should be your daily intake. Since 3500 calories is a pound you will lose a pound of fat a week. Any more than that and you will lose muscle along with the fat, do this unless youre seriously overweight.

          Eat 5-6 meals a day spread 2-3 hours apart. Try to eat equal portions. Drink lots of water. Stay far away from saturated fat. Don't eat complex carbs after 6 ocklock or your last 2 meals, eat some fat as long as its not saturated some fat is necesary. Protein is a must and should be part of your diet especially before and after a workout, dont take more than 70 g of protein at a time. It's a good site with lots of diets and exercises and stuff like that. For the first few days or so write down what you eat so you can get kinda used to how many calories are in each of the things you eat and such. You can find out in nutrition databases online.

          Work out 2-4 times a week, do cardio atleast 3 times a week, the best time to do cardio is in the morning before your first meal

          Do Proper warmups, stretching slight cardio and proper cooldowns, you can find more info on these on the site. Do low weight and high reps. For endurance, the ideal number of reps is 10-15. Do 3-4 sets.

          Hope it helps


          • #6
            Originally posted by Wilson
            Goal of diet is to lose body fat and build muscle. Increased endurance would be good too
            basically hashpuppet has the right idea,

            let me just add a couple things....

            its gonna be hard to gain muscle mass and loose weight at the same time. Usually your best bet is to bulk up and then cut. I believe your gains can be far more this way.

            and if you wanna build mass I would keep rep range from 4 to 8, intensity level should be high and use a wieght were after your last set if you did one more it would be to failure. failure is good for strength, but, for mass your workouts would have to be spaced apart further to allow a fuller recovery of your CNS and not lead to overtraining.

            Diet wise though I am currently bulking and I take in about 4000 calories a day, I workout DFHT wieght training 4 days a week and my gains are great without bodyfat ( I only eat 100 grams of carbs a day but 400 grams of protien and alot of fat)...


            • #7
              I am in high school so my diet has to be modified a bit.... but I wrestle and I am highly active so I might be able to help. This will work for younger athletes who need to lose fat/build muslce (works great for pulling weight in wrestling with a little foreplanning)....

              Usually I eat about as much as I can. but not quite that simple.

              First of all, I eat about every 2-3 hours. As soon as I wake up I eat cereal, first thing. If you're smart you would do calisthenics or running, but I am lazy in the morning.

              When you eat, cut out as much sugar as you can ( I eat the non-sugary cereal by the way).

              Protein bars are a staple of my diet, since I am on the go a bit and and need the extra protein. They are good in between meals. Slim-fasts are an ok option but they are high in sugar and lower in protein.

              At lunch I eat lots of carbohydrates and some fat since I work out a few hours after lunch. Power bars, peanut butter and crackers, granola bars, and such. I keep sugar low, because sugar makes me tired during class and I end up sleeping and I usually have no energy for practice.

              After practice, I go home and drink a protein shake. About an hour later, I eat dinner. For dinner I eat as much steak and potatoes or chicken and rice as I can. I mean until I am about to throw up. Then I wait and eat more. It usually takes me an hour and a half to eat dinner (I eat it little by little until I have eaten the whole thing, and I eat a ton because I have to make up for what I lose in practice).

              Then I either run at night about 3 1/2 miles or go to a martial arts class. Then I come home and drink some milk and eat a protein bar. Then I sleep.

              This makes me lose about 1-2 pounds a week, but eventually it will probably even out or you'll start gaining muscle weight.

              In wrestling practice we usually do a ton of running and we lift four times a week, so if your workload isn't as strenous, your dinner probably shouldn't be as big as mine, but I lose a good 4 pound in practice.... once the season starts and our practices are 3 hours I am probably going to lose about 8 pounds per practice. So it's essential I put it back on when I get home and give my body fuel to recharge with.

              And I drink water all the time.


              • #8
                Well from my experiences through weightlifting I'd say:
                Protein...Shakes and bars also red meats and chicken
                High Calories...To see good gains in muscle mass 6000 Calories is recomended but don't forget with that many calories to keep working out
                Creatine...Most people think it's bullshit but it works as long as you have a good product...GNC has the best
                B-Complex pills
                last thing is anabolics...thats totally up to you but it does work better than anything else...mixed with a protein diet it's even better...I do recommend that you take something legal and use an anti-estrogen to prevent Gynoclamasia

