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poll: heavybag training everyday?

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  • #16
    I am new to the sport of boxing and was wondering if anyone could tell me how much I should use each bag and the optimum number of days to train per week.

    thanx for your time


    • #17
      The heavy bag is invaluable. Can't say enough about it.


      • #18
        Heavy Bag training and Hand Pain

        Here is an interesting article about this topic.


        • #19
          Thanx speed bag i found that article most interesting and will definetly train harder after reading it.


          • #20
            old school v.s. modern heavy bags

            why did for the most part old time boxers use use old school bag gloves instead of fight/sparing gloves on the heavy bag, because the old school bags were made of canvas and I submit they had a softer fill which was easier on the hands so they didn't need thickly padded modern bag gloves.
            Today people wear 12oz bag gloves and wraps and still experience hand/elbow/joint problems, I submit that it's because of the unyeilding nature of many of todays heavy bags.So maybe a water or water/foam/gel bag would work better or just get an old scholl bag 'but the bag doesn't retain it's shape as well as cthe new ones due" yea, true but they are better for your joints,remember that the first bags were probaly canvas laundry or grain type bags, in fact I read a boxing boox in from the 1800's that didn't say anything about the heavy bag just stuff about the value of hitting the double end bag which the author called the ball, he was a champion bareknuclke boxer.Yes you can hit the bag 5 days a week but vary the amount of time you spend hitting the bag,.e. less rounds but more intense, then it's on to other types of bags speed double end, mitt work and hopefully sparring I think you should hit as many types of bags you can afford to buy, every day, do it like a circut.


            • #21
              why did for the most part old time boxers use use old school bag gloves instead of fight/sparing gloves on the heavy bag, because the old school bags were made of canvas and I submit they had a softer fill which was easier on the hands so they didn't need thickly padded modern bag gloves.
              Today people wear 12oz bag gloves and wraps and still experience hand/elbow/joint problems,
              I dont know about most people, but I dont wear 12oz gloves to hit the bag. Usually bare-knuckled. If I'm going for a while I'll throw on some speedbad gloves. I have a canvas bag, and I'll tell you that it is not soft, it is not forgiving. I have to hit it with a teeball bat just to get the lumps out. These lumps are as hard as cement. In my opinion I would say that if anything, people today wear gloves to hit a bag just to get used to striking with large gloves on. Also, I hit my bags everyday at least once and have no joint, hand, or elbow problems from doing so. If you throw your punches properly your not going to hurt yourself. I see a lot of people not used to punching start on a bag and after about 10 hits they are so weak that their wrist gives out, or they start throwing sloppy punches. Bad form will hurt you. If you hit the bags properly the shock will be dissipated throughout your entire body and you shouldn't have any problems at all. Build up your endurance. Dont do more than you can. Take it easy and you wont get hurt.


              • #22
                well if it ain't broke then don't fix it

                your canvas bag sounds cool but htere are soft filled ones on the market nad their hard as cament ones out their too, at a fmr kb gy I use to hit and kick(ouch sometimes) a 150 pouns canvas bag that looked like it was there for 20 years, that bag was the second hardest bag I ever hit, the hardest was a century classic canvas bag tht I wrecked so i emptied the contents out and tried to put them back in better but it was runined so I filled the entire bag up with gravel it was so heavy it took 2 people to lift it and barely moved when sidekicked full power, it alowed by to develop a front leg side kick that was so powerful that I ko'ed a guy with it through his chest protector in a full contact tkd match. But the bag didn't last long


                • #23
                  16oz gloves...

                  in my gym and at home i train on the heavy bag with 16oz gloves. I dont think its for protection but to strengthen up your sholders and arms. I train and spar and do everything with 16oz gloves, but i fight with 10oz, when i put those gloves on my hands feel like there lightening and i can punch for long periods of time getting large combnations quickly. Though toughing of the knuckles is good and i often do knuckle pushups or hand grips to strengthen hand.


                  • #24
                    I think full force is enough once a week. But two or three other times, you can do light force. Of coarse if you have mitts and other stuff than you can spend time on that. Keeping in mind that most people don't have luxury of a parthner or trainer, or expensive equipment, the light and heavy days on the bag are the main options.

