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Wing Chun Kung Fu

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  • Wing Chun Kung Fu

    For the past 3 months i have been looking for a art to study and recently decided upon Wing Chun Kung Fu for a few reasons. Yesterday I found a teacher who has classes about 40 mins away form me and through this week im going to be making my final decision in joining.

    One of the main reasons i joined this site was for ( what for the rhyme...) insite. so does anyone here have suggestions if this art is good... think of it as a wedding cerimonie.. when the priest say " any last words??" type fo thing.

    any info on if u study it or comments at all, please feel free


    love n'peace

  • #2
    Welcome into the family.

    Wing chun is a great art, you made the right choice... Wing Chun is one of the few martial arts I've seen arts that gives you reasonable self defense skills within one year if you train seriously....

    If I can give you some advice: look carefully in the way your instructor practices the first form, practice it diligently every day, it is the foundation of the system.

    All the best.


    • #3

      have you WCH tapes from Yip Pui or Terence Yip? I have many interresting tapes too. My e-mail is,,


      • #4
        every block is a strike keep thinking that

        wing chun is one limb block and strike at the same time leaving you the other three limbs to reak utter havoc


        • #5
          wing chun is one limb block and strike at the same time leaving you the other three limbs to reak utter havoc
          A little melodramatic, wouldn't you say?


          • #6
            For the most part, Wing Chun is a game of patta cake, devoid of any real power, and time is taken up practicing silly forms, as well as Chi Sao, which has little relevance to fighting. It is also limted as it has no ground work.

            There are some athletic individuals that make it work, but that is despite its limitiations.

            If you want to learn to fight, you are making the wrong choice.


            • #7

              Hi Krys,

              I was supposed to make a reply to your pm, this forum thing had something with a 60 second time out for replies. See you next time. Thanks

              Please respect the guy's decision to study wc. Everyone here has their own reasons for studying it. It maybe cheap for you, but to others is considered as a goldmine.

              There are even Taiwanese people that value Muay Thai, still other people stick to their native art.


              • #8
                Thai - there are only 3 forms in wingchun which directly relate to fighting and teach the use of pak sao, fuk sao, tan sao, etc. As many times as everyone has discussed not going to the ground you are criticizing a WC stylist for maintining thier base. and some styles of WC do actually incorporate ground fighting and chin na.

                Also, I think that the one 1 inch and 3 inch punch (fa ging) should demonstrate that there is power in wing chun. To answer your next question "but can it be used in a fight when the partner is not compliant". Can say that I have used it in combat per se no not 1 or 3 inches but a striaght punch from my fist will not make your chest and and organs feel to happy. But the purpose of the style is to generate power. That does not mean all practicioners undersatnd it, just like other styles. There is a reason that the style is easy to learn and hard to master. you can learn all the forms in a month or 2 but you won't understand the application. Sil Lim Tao was taught to students for over a year

                I agree that not every block is a strike but the concept is effecency simultaneous offense/defense.

                I defenately wouldn't agree that it is a bad choice but maybe we if we knew the sifu, Who is the instructor at the wing chun school, it may be a better way to judge


                • #9
                  thai have you trained in wing chun ? i dont think so based on that you consider it patacake lol
                  ive trained in a few different martial arts karate/tkd/judo/kickboxing/mauy thai and of course wc etc and nothing else is as purely destructive from the get go.... sure you can round kick a leg off or knee a head off but in wc you stomp the knee,block the punch with a throat strike and cave in the side of the rib cage with a palm strike all in the one move at the same time and it has hundreds of combinations of simultanious triple strikes..if you can think of some other style that can offer that id love to hear it... now i dont agree with violence but there is no denying its effectiveness

                  IPON tell me a block that you think isnt a strike... and ill tell you how it is


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Thai Bri
                    For the most part, Wing Chun is a game of patta cake, devoid of any real power, and time is taken up practicing silly forms, as well as Chi Sao, which has little relevance to fighting. It is also limted as it has no ground work.
                    There are some athletic individuals that make it work, but that is despite its limitiations.

                    If you want to learn to fight, you are making the wrong choice.
                    A surprisingly narrow minded exclamation from a supposedly mature policeman. ThaiBri you sound like one of those teenage 'only my styles are any good & yours is rubbish' type of posters.
                    Wing Chun is vastly different from all of the other styles of 'Kung Fu' in that it is NOT flowery at all and is a very direct linear method of 'Fighting' and there are many schools that do quite hard sparring, even in the UK (London comes to mind), in fact at a number of WC clubs you can almost certainly expect to come away from a session with a black eye & bloodied nose etc.

                    Siu Lim Tao, the very foundation of the system, why?, do you think just for the sake of 'looking flashy', no!, with WC the forms (only 3 main ones) consist of all the movements of the system PUT INTO a routine, why?, in order to "internalise" them, ie. to ingrain them into the subconscious so that they become reflexive and instinctive so that when the shyte hits the fan there is no hesitation.
                    Another very important (imo) aspect of WC is the relaxation it teaches/should teach, this gives a proficient practitioner an almost 'Zen' like state of mind when it comes right down to it, and yes i am talking reality here, i know of 1 doorman in Brixton-London whose only training is in WC and he handles himself very well indeed.
                    I also know and have trained with a number of Policemen in the Met who in addition to JJ have trained and used a couple of elements of WC in their jobs, so they have told me.

                    ChiSao or energy drills are not useless, but do, however require a degree of intelligence & sensitivity to understand. From your limited remarks above, i cannot be bothered arguing on this point, I guess you don't hear the thud of boxing gloves on skin so it may not appear to be powerful to some folks.

                    Lastly and not least, the short ROM (range of motion) punches in WC are not to be underestimated because the power comes up from the hips all the way through the shoulders and could IF executed properly, equal any other type of punch in the world, and yes that means MT, BJJ et al.............


                    • #11
                      Re: Wing Chun Kung Fu

                      Originally posted by begins
                      For the past 3 months i have been looking for a art to study and recently decided upon Wing Chun Kung Fu for a few reasons. Yesterday I found a teacher who has classes about 40 mins away form me and through this week im going to be making my final decision in joining.

                      One of the main reasons i joined this site was for ( what for the rhyme...) insite. so does anyone here have suggestions if this art is good... think of it as a wedding cerimonie.. when the priest say " any last words??" type fo thing.

                      any info on if u study it or comments at all, please feel free


                      love n'peace
                      This guy is asking for comments, so don't complain when he gets them. Yes, I have studied Wing Chun. I spent a year on it, and came to the conclusion that it was NOT worth the effort. Sometimes (often) martial artists take their brains out when considering the effectiveness of their arts. Sometimes they reckon that the longer it takes to become a good fighter in an art, the better the art is. Well, it isn't. The shorter time = the better art.

                      3 forms. And what a load of nonsense. Just because the three forms contains the syllabus, that doesn't mean that standing knock-kneed, jabbing at thin air, helps you fight better. It doesn't, and is a waste of valuable training time.

                      It makes me laugh when numerous arts now claim to have "groundwork" in their syllabus. They didn't before the Gracies kicked everyones butt, and now they're just trying to cash in. Pathetic. "Maintaining their base"? Whats that supposed to mean? You maintain your base when a BJJ guy takes you to the floor. Easier said than done.

                      "sure you can round kick a leg off or knee a head off but in wc you stomp the knee,block the punch with a throat strike and cave in the side of the rib cage with a palm strike all in the one move at the same time and it has hundreds of combinations of simultanious triple strikes..if you can think of some other style that can offer that id love to hear it..."

                      I'd love to see any style that can do this. Wing Chum certainly does NOT. People say that WC is "structurally fast", meaning that the economical motion in the style makes for fast movement. And I agree, it is. But, by the same token, it is structurally weak.

                      Every block is a strike? So Bon Sau is gonna hurt is it? Methinks you don't even understand your own art. One of the good things about WC is the ability to deflect energy, not meet it head on. That is supposedly how a smaller person can overcome a bigger one.

                      1 and 3 inch punch? Bullshit. They are pushes. Always have been, even when the Great One pushed some guy over a chair all those years ago. Ever seen one used in an NHB fight? No. And whys that? Is it because they take too long to master? Is it because those philistine NHB types are not capable of understanding such a move? Or is it because they are less than useless in a real go.

                      Wing Chun has all kinds of theories about how great it is. But it never seems to come up with anything in practice, beyond unverified yarns about street fights in Hong Kong.



                      • #12
                        oh be quiet thai bri french fry


                        • #13
                          san shou kou toh.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by HuSanYan

                            A surprisingly narrow minded exclamation from a supposedly mature policeman. ThaiBri you sound like one of those teenage 'only my styles are any good & yours is rubbish' type of posters.
                            Wing Chun is vastly different from all of the other styles of 'Kung Fu' in that it is NOT flowery at all and is a very direct linear method of 'Fighting' and there are many schools that do quite hard sparring, even in the UK (London comes to mind), in fact at a number of WC clubs you can almost certainly expect to come away from a session with a black eye & bloodied nose etc.

                            Siu Lim Tao, the very foundation of the system, why?, do you think just for the sake of 'looking flashy', no!, with WC the forms (only 3 main ones) consist of all the movements of the system PUT INTO a routine, why?, in order to "internalise" them, ie. to ingrain them into the subconscious so that they become reflexive and instinctive so that when the shyte hits the fan there is no hesitation.
                            Another very important (imo) aspect of WC is the relaxation it teaches/should teach, this gives a proficient practitioner an almost 'Zen' like state of mind when it comes right down to it, and yes i am talking reality here, i know of 1 doorman in Brixton-London whose only training is in WC and he handles himself very well indeed.
                            I also know and have trained with a number of Policemen in the Met who in addition to JJ have trained and used a couple of elements of WC in their jobs, so they have told me.

                            ChiSao or energy drills are not useless, but do, however require a degree of intelligence & sensitivity to understand. From your limited remarks above, i cannot be bothered arguing on this point, I guess you don't hear the thud of boxing gloves on skin so it may not appear to be powerful to some folks.

                            Lastly and not least, the short ROM (range of motion) punches in WC are not to be underestimated because the power comes up from the hips all the way through the shoulders and could IF executed properly, equal any other type of punch in the world, and yes that means MT, BJJ et al.............
                            I am fascinated with WC. I think its an underrated style, because it doesn't require gloves and doesn't take place in a ring.

                            How long have you studied WC?


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Tom Yum

                              I am fascinated with WC. I think its an underrated style, because it doesn't require gloves and doesn't take place in a ring.

                              How long have you studied WC?
                              TomYum, r u kidding here (r u still in troll mode?) , you think its underrated due to 'no gloves' & 'not in the ring'???,
                              strange reasons and i think you are kidding around but as you ask, i did WC for a little over 6 years, also went on to the 6 and a half pole & the swords, I went to Foshan (quite a long time ago) for a short while.

                              I don't practice anywhere near enough these days though, despite really enjoying it and I genuinely think highly of this style.

                              when folks say they did it for a year or a few months and then go on about it, well, what to say?, clearly it takes several years to really internalise any system properly.

                              Finally whilst on the subject of wc, there are some health benefits that I can't fully explain, I am sure it is to do with the specific type of movements, especially regular and intense practice of Siu Lim Tao

