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Matt rocks. His videos are a bit pricey but his take is that he's put in the time so he's entitled to make a few bucks. Better to arrange some time to go spend a few days at his Florida location. A week is even better. Be clear why you're going so you don't get sucked up into his insane conditioning regimen
I have an issue with some of his advertising - all this "Be miraculous and beat anyone in thre lessons" type rubbish. But I suppose he's just doing what he can to mae money.
Is he that fit? He doesn't look it, though he looks OK. Its hard to judge when you're not standing next to a guy, but he looks only a bit "chunkier" than a normal man.
He's fit, Thai. Along the lines of a well trained Pit Bull if you get my drift. You're looking at his waist line, right? He's got some stored fat in the obliques area but you got to understand that his whole body muscular endurance is out of this world. He can knock out Hindu Squats and Dive Bomber push-ups all day and his neck bridge drill is murder. His advertising scheme is over the top but look around at the market. If you don't promise some off the wall ain't never going to happen that way stuff your product doesn't sell. Plus, Matt's got a legitmate record and that's way above guys like Tony Blauer and the likes. Bad thing about Matt's videos is that he roughs things in and then puts the burden on you to iron out the kinks on the mat. For what he charges he should be stronger on the fine details end. Better to go train with his people even if he's not around. They have the right mats to keep your brains from getting rattled and your neck screwed up big time. Most of his techniques are combat street stuff so you get launched in a way that doesn't allow for decent break falls. Ouch!!!
Sounds interesting enough. He did a seminar over here in the UK a year or so back, maybe more. But his ads gave it the "You must not miss this miracle!!!!!" type bullshit, and it put me off. I was registered for his newsletter but, when he started sending me info on "mind control" I made my excuses and left!
Yeah, it all gets kind of freaky pretty quick I guess. I'm not interested in his philosophy of life or any of that other stuff. I just wanted to get exposure to some solid street use throws and at that stuff he's the King. No one can deny his record and the guy will get on the mat with you without being asked twice to prove his stuff works. He's got the goods and he's not at all afraid to put himself on the line to prove it. Most of the guys hocking their wares have all taken to hiding behind some bs that they are coaches and not fighters. Matt's real and with his in your face personality that's the only way he could be and survive. If he was a joke someone would have dusted him a long time ago as he can be a real a**hole in person with his chip on the shoulder come knock it off attitude. If you buy his combat throws videos you will definitely need to have heavy duty tumbling style mats on hand. The kind gymnastics vaulters use to land on dismounts work okay. The throws he teaches have you landing on your head, back of head, or one shoulder most of the time. Just regular mats didn't give me enough cushion and I got screwed up a few times before I wised up. Makes the footwork mushy like but saves the head, neck and shoulders from serious damage.
Gong Sau, from what you say, you think that this makes Matt Furey great as an instructor? What good is the training if you'll get hurt so easy?
Think man: Landing on your head isn't too bright now is it?
According to what you wrote the only GOOD instructor would be one that only taught stuff that caused no harm. I'm not going to argue with you. I don't want to land on my head but knowing how to put someone else in that position does interest me. No such thing as pain free training in combat martial arts. Do Tai Chi or Kong Jing if you don't want to pay the price.
Gong Sau,
You are going from one extreme to the other, but that's not the point.
When someone trains, he doesn't train in order to get injured (like perhaps break his neck as you have noted above). Someone trains hard, full contact, realistically with the proper equipment. If you feel that soft, cushioned mats protect your head and you feel that is benefitting your MA training then by all means keep on doin' what you're doing.
P.S. Yes, I have done some Tai Chi and find it beneficial. I also spar full contact in MMA, ThaiBoxing, KickBoxing, and Boxing.
Going hard in your training does not necessarilly exclude "soft" or internal styles.
I also medidate, and may I suggest that if you don't, give it a go.
Good luck in your training.
I must admit, I make it a rule NEVER to partake in anything that is very likely to cause long term, or very serious, harm to myself. What the point of learning to defend yourself against a street atacker if you kick the shit out of yourself?
Grappling? Full Contact Kickboxing etc? No problem. Getting flinged on my sizeable bonce? No way.
It's not trying to get injured. It goes with the turf. Doesn't take more than 1 serious brain injury from impact when boxing to cause lifelong problems. Doesn't take more than 1 well placed knee to tear up muscles that don't heal right. Doesn't take more than 1 heavy kick to the knee joint to ruin it. Want real skill then take real risks. No thanks on meditation I prefer beer.
Tumbling mats stacked on regular mats take the sting out of it Thai. Mouth guard [top & bottom] along with drug store neck brace or good headgear also helps. So does working through the techniques under controlled speed. More getting the feel for doing it right than all out slaughter. Not looking to get tossed on the brain bucket. Makes it real attractive to ending a fight if the situation happens. No mats just hard street. I like that