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Traditional MAist destroys assailants

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  • Traditional MAist destroys assailants

    Martial arts expert kills two raiders

    Philip Willan in Rome
    Monday October 13, 2003
    The Guardian

    A Chinese martial arts expert was in custody yesterday after turning the tables on four burglars armed with knives, killing two of them and seriously wounding a third.

    The 28-year-old man, known as "the doctor" for his practice of acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine, managed to seize one of the two knives carried by his assailants and saw off the entire group with the ferocity of his reaction.

    Magistrates in the central Italian town of Empoli are now seeking to establish whether his self-defence constituted an excessive use of force.

    The butchery, worthy of a Quentin Tarantino film, began shortly before midnight on Friday when the four men knocked at the apartment of a Chinese hairdresser in the centre of Empoli.

    The hairdresser, her assistant and "the doctor", who operated from the same premises, were reportedly overpowered and tied up before the group, all thought to be in their 20s and 30s, ransacked the apartment.

    Disappointed by their meagre booty, the attackers allegedly threatened to rape the two women unless they told them where the rest of their money was hidden.

    At this point the doctor managed to free himself, seize a knife from one of the aggressors and deliver a series of lethal stab wounds.

    Investigators found the body of one man, who had been stabbed in the heart, sprawled on the staircase and another man bleeding to death in the street from a wound to his leg. A third man is recovering in hospital from a punctured lung.

    The doctor was found crouching in the entrance to the building with cuts to his shoulder, face and hands.

    Investigators are trying to determine whether he inflicted the injuries while defending himself inside the apartment, or hunted down the burglars after they had fled.

  • #2
    dosnt say how he got untied though...

    i guessed they where getting to serious and he had to take matters into his hands


    • #3
      Chinese arts are efficient

      I guess this would be enough evidence to support the claim that there are very capable chinese self defense systems. Great post man, I hope you post more that are equally as interesting.


      • #4
        One problem though....

        can you post the complete URL, it was somehow trunkated and I can't visit the link.



        • #5
          Found it...thanks

          I found it, is the URL if any are interested.

          A Chinese martial arts expert was in custody yesterday after turning the tables on four burglars armed with knives, killing two of them and seriously wounding a third.

          I purposely didn't have it auto-parsed in case the parsing was what did the trunkation to the URL in the first place....I"m sure you are all efficient enough on a comp. to know, but just in case....

          copy and paste the url into you address bar of the browser and hit enter.


          • #6
            he complied until they threatened the women with physical harm and then he cut em up ... pat him on the back, and start taking lessons.


            • #7
              haha agreed! Pat him on the back


              • #8
                I applaud him on the current information. But I wouldn't necessarily interpret it as "TMA showing what it can do". He showed courage, and he had a knife. That is a lethal combination, regardless of TMA practice.


                • #9
                  That is bad ass. I wouldn't doubt it if his martial arts helped him, since the average person doesn't have a clue what to do when faced against a knife, let alone several knives.


                  • #10
                    Right, but Bri has got to dismiss anything TMA related as being a fluke or attribute it to something else. Based on this information, if they charge the guy with anything, it's absolutely ridiculous.


                    • #11
                      purely down to his skill and the TMA's being so good, especially flowery forms


                      • #12
                        To be honest I stick with what I said, but don't necessarily think that all TMAs are bad.

                        Like I have said before, there are people in the TMA world who train in "fingers in the eyes chops to the throat knee in the nuts kicks to the knees" type movements. It is the diluted, sport ridden, Kata dancing crap that I dismiss.


                        • #13
                          thai have you actualy trained in wing chun thats pretty much all it is though you just poke with different hand and physical positions yet you bagged wc... one experiance does not wisdom make...
                          cant catergorize all wc in the same light different classes do teach different applications


                          • #14
                            What are you on about now gippy?

                            You are so defensive about Wing Chun. A sure sign of insecurity.


                            • #15
                              lol and what does your quickness to bag it say bri....?

                              no i just think you are missing something thats there in wc once again i dont think its the ultimate and i dont train in it anymore but it has some brutal moves you would probably like

                              if we where closer i would show you (in a non violent exchange of ides manner) you can really have fun with people using wc its a very quick straight forward efficent style good and practical (excusing the utter lack of ground fighting)

