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Help in choosing a wooden dummy

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  • Help in choosing a wooden dummy

    Hi everyone!
    I am new to wing chun. I need help in looking for a good wooden dummy.

    Has anyone tried the spinning wooden dummy made by Sifu Wing Lam? I find it interesting. Because it claims to be traditionally made buy with the free standing spinning feature to feel more life. Thanks for your help.

  • #2

    Nope, I wouldn't buy from him, He doesn't make that wooden dummy, its just shipped here from china, I bought one thats the same but cheaper in PA. It doesn't "spin" it just has give to it, It's not Realistic like they say, If your going to train I suggest you buy a traditional wooden dummy.

    Heres a good list for sites that aren't a rip.


    • #3
      Thanks appreciate your feedback.


      • #4
        Can someone explain to me what is the purpose of wooden dummies. I don't get it. My friend did WingChung (spelling...) and training with a wooden dummy is like a religion to him. I really don't see the point.


        • #5
          Its all about conditioning

          The purpose of using the dummy is for conditioning. You see if you work out on a bag or wavemaster thats great, but you only work on stamina, with using the dummy you get a better conditioned work out. The pupose of hiting the wood is for preparing your arms for real blocks.You should do it, Youlll have stronger arms in no time.
          As for the spelling, you may see it as Wing Tsun dummy or Wing Chun dummy. Same Thing.


          • #6
            the most common name is MOOK JONG. It helps teach the concept of spring energy and flow.


            • #7
              The purpose of using the dummy is for conditioning.
              Conditioning is just a byproduct of the use of the wooden dummy....... you can do this on sandbags or with other more exotic tools.....
              I wouldn't advise training with the dummy without proper instruction on your own, especially if you are a beginner.... there are risks of injury and you may take bad habits.

              Here are some of the purposes of the wooden dummy....
              1. It trains you when you don't have a live partner.
              2. It conditions you to correctly position your limbs for optimum defense and attack.
              3. It conditions your posture for optimum defense and attack.
              5. It trains you to defend against attacks.
              6. It trains you to neutralize an opponent.
              7. It trains you to counter an attack.
              8. It trains you to attack.
              9. It trains you to employ two limbs simultaneously.
              10. It trains you to employ three limbs simultaneously.
              11. It trains you to employ four limbs simultaneously.
              12. It trains your footwork.
              13. It trains you to shifts in the most positive manner.
              14. It trains you to kick
              15. It trains you to deal with unusual circumstances.
              16. It trains you to apply all techniques learned in the three forms.
              17. It trains you to apply techniques not available in the three forms.
              18. It conditions your balance.
              19. It trains you for speed.
              20. And for the hard-core trainee, it conditions your limbs.


              • #8

                Here are some of the purposes of the wooden dummy....

                Thats true, you got them down,
                I just didn't want to spell it all out. But the Dummy does have more uses then conditioning.
                True dat du dat du du dat dat dat!

