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kung fu animals

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  • kung fu animals

    I've been wandering for a while now what the style of kung fu im studying

    It is a southern kung fu called Tai T'sung.

  • #2
    I often "wander" where I am. I am at home.


    • #3
      What's the difference between kung-fu animals and regular animals? Are they more chewy??


      • #4
        Ordinary animals can defend themselves.


        • #5
          Re: kung fu animals

          Originally posted by johnnyada1
          I've been wandering for a while now what the style of kung fu im studying is. It is a southern kung fu called Tai T'sung.
          Good luck finding your answer. You're best off doing a google search because there are over 400 different styles of Kung Fu.

          Pretty much all Kung Fu styles will have animals too, so that doesn't limit the search at all.

          P.S. I've never heard of it....but that doesn't say much at all


          • #6
            Re: Re: kung fu animals

            Originally posted by choylifutrocks
            Good luck finding your answer. You're best off doing a google search because there are over 400 different styles of Kung Fu. I practice drunken cock style kung fu. Wanna practice sticky hands??

            Pretty much all Kung Fu styles will have animals too. I got animals too! I ride in a truck full of cheeckens to work evera day. Boy do I stink!! Did I tell you that ah sell propane and propane ack-sessories??


            • #7
              Re: Re: Re: kung fu animals

              Originally posted by Tom Yum

              Do you wanna practice sticky fingers and drunken cock style kung fu?
              I'll practice sticky fingers on your sister and drunken cock style kung fu on your mom I'll leave you the goat and your dad.


              • #8
                Hey??!! You asked first....and got rejected...bwahahaha!


                • #9
                  Could it be the TaiTsu style?
                  It is an internal style, once met a chinese woman from hong kong who knew it... she said it is one of the styles Tai Chi comes from....


                  • #10
                    The only thing that I could find out for you is that it means, "Shadow Long Fist". Apparently it was practiced in the a Shaolin Temple and is associated with an Emperor of China putting down a rebellion. Ask your instuctor about the history and any animal forms. Some Kung Fu systems do not use animal forms and even sneer at animal "mimikry", which is an unfair criticism.

                    I personally enjoy animal forms. They have a lot to teach me about martial arts and solving problems in a non-martial arts context. I'm all for a "nuke em first and negotiate later" approach if that is what the situation calls for. This is very much of a tiger approach. Some situations might require the cunning and quickness of the leopard, the deception of the dragon, or the less than lethal approach of the crane.

                    This goes beyond what you asked, so learn how to "kick ass" in your chosen style, but also learn how to use the attributes of the animals and apply them to other life situations.


                    • #11

                      I have a shame on these boys using dirty words. compared to Chinese forums, You "dirty words" men are called" under-qualified" and will be kicked out.
                      Let us discuss Martial Arts in a pleasing and comfortable atmosphere.Thanks a lot.


                      • #12
                        Re: shame

                        Originally posted by shadowofsky
                        I have a shame on these boys using dirty words. compared to Chinese forums, You "dirty words" men are called" under-qualified" and will be kicked out.
                        Let us discuss Martial Arts in a pleasing and comfortable atmosphere.Thanks a lot.
                        Sorry, you're right. We should not be using such language. However, the liberal side of me says "to each his own". Plus, we're American's. Bad words and violence are OK, just no nudity LOL. I really do not mean to offend you, but I'm gonna have to burst your bubble. Unfortunately, you'll see that kind of stuff a lot around here.


                        • #13
                          Re: kung fu animals

                          Originally posted by johnnyada1
                          I've been wandering for a while now what the style of kung fu im studying

                          It is a southern kung fu called Tai T'sung.
                          Maybe you should just ask your Sifu for the history of the style, that would be the best source. If they don't know.......leave and find another kwoon.


                          • #14
                            Re: shame

                            Originally posted by shadowofsky
                            I have a shame on these boys using dirty words. compared to Chinese forums, You "dirty words" men are called" under-qualified" and will be kicked out.
                            Let us discuss Martial Arts in a pleasing and comfortable atmosphere.Thanks a lot.
                            well, i learned how to speak mandarine while wathcing kung-fu theatre so here goes:

                            daoqian gei women, wo tong yi lao pengyou, tantan wushu he sanshou ying gai peiyang qinqie de forum. xie xie.

                            jia you shadowofsky


                            • #15
                              Allow me to translate. Ahem.

                              "Shagging women is like tongueing a penguin. A lot of splashing but somehow it never really flies. But it is kinky. Now f uck off Shadowsky."

                              Am I right?

