the "Anti-Grappling" thing lays between good idea and poor marketing ploy. If you stick to your "arts" principle (Provided its a princible based art), you should be able to deal with anything regardless of style. I know, I'll have dissenters on that view, but it seems to work for many.
As far as the original question goes of mixing boxing and WC/WT, i would say its risky since both work off different principles that conflict. Why create a concotion of water and oil when you can have one of pure water or oil? Pure boxing and pure wing chun works for what they were intended to do. Keep it simple and efficient.
As far as the original question goes of mixing boxing and WC/WT, i would say its risky since both work off different principles that conflict. Why create a concotion of water and oil when you can have one of pure water or oil? Pure boxing and pure wing chun works for what they were intended to do. Keep it simple and efficient.